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19 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

@Redhaze, are the overlapping large/medium docking ports both functional like that? 

They are. It requires the cheat menu. (overlapping parts) You place them with the medium port first, the other way round seems to be impossible to place. Both ports are useable, though selecting the smaller one to undock isn't always easy. It also seems to be totally bugfree, though i have not tried to dock two of those together.

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YDlPK1J.pngThe Wide Angle Camera snaps a shot of almost the entire Kerbol system(thanks to Distant Object Enhancement). From right to left: Duna, Eve, Kerbin, Moho, Dres, Tylo, Laythe(it's right behind Jool but I think it counts), Jool, Bop, Eeloo, Vall.



Periapsis at 1,600km, velocity 30km/s. playing with 64K.

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1 hour ago, Redhaze said:

*thrashes around on the bridge like an epileptic*

I'm just sad it's the refit connie. :|

There are tens of TOS connies in KSP. This is the first refit. The TOS connie is okay. The refit has been my favourite starship design for over 25 years.

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Return from a long journey and it looks like home:



Emergency landing on the sea with 100m/s is possible if you don't need your engines any longer:



And photorealistic grass looks nice but not very good from far away (texture is from texturelib):





Edited by Tom Mason
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