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[1.12.X] ShineFix [WIP]


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License: Non-Commercial Open Data License (NCODL)

Game Version: 1.12.5

The original Deferred+Harmony+Shabby pack opens up the mistakes of the devs regarding the shininess/gloss/material set up. 

There are literally no unified models in the game, each one has its own errors.

This mod fixes that errors to make your experience better. 




1. Specular and shininess fixes in the original KSP mu models (stock and expansion packs). 

2. Four different flag shaders -> one unified flag shader. Now the flags are the same. 

3. Slightly changed the alpha channel for the textures, as few as possible, to keep the stock vibes. 


Affected: cabins, electricity, science, misc, utility. 






Known issues

If something is wrong please let me know, just started making this mod. 

Manual installation
Get the latest .zip from releases. Unzip it, paste 000_ShineFix folder in your game's GameData folder.







Behold, the ultimate shininess guide for your mod: 

For specular-based materials: 

  1. Specular color is ALWAYS #e7e7e7
  2. Shininess is ALWAYS 0.593
  3. Everything else is made via gloss alpha channel 

For shininess-based materials: 

  1. Specular color is ALWAYS #e7e7e7
  2. Everything else is made via shininess channel 
Shininess settings
Material Alpha value (0-255) Shininess value (0-1)
Wood, sand, and fabric 000 - 040 0.000 - 0.157
Matte metal and stone 041 - 107 0.158 - 0.420
Scratched/painted metal 108 - 143 0.421 - 0.560
Plastic 144 - 175 0.561 - 0.686
Metal and varnished wood 176 - 192 0.687 - 0.753
Foil and chrome 193 - 200 0.754 - 0.784
Polished metal 201 - 219 0.785 - 0.859
Glass 220 - 241 0.860 - 0.945
Mirror glass 242 - 255 0.946 - 1.000


Edited by rockmeowstar
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On 9/18/2024 at 12:39 PM, Gargamel said:

@rockmeowstar, please include a proper license.   State which license  in the OP of the thread, on the download site, and include a full copy of the license in the downloadable file.    Thank you.  


The license is added from release v0.2.4 and further. 

Edited by rockmeowstar
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Now all the configs are fixed.

Added docking port reflections in the game. Actually, it wasn't expected to have a reflection there but I did it because of consistency in all in-game crew windows of that size. 
Fixed the problems and typos. Now the stock shine is completely normal. 



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On 11/8/2024 at 10:52 AM, MusicByVano said:

Looks great, is there any way to increase shininess for kerbal golden visor?

Thank you!

There is a way. Could you please show me the exact part you are speaking about? 

Edited by rockmeowstar
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10 hours ago, RobotRobert03 said:

Just wanted to let you know they Textures Unlimited and Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot don't work with your mod (think they define their own alphas). But Great Mod over all just some future tweaks down the line :)

Thanks for letting me know! Will investigate it asap

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2 hours ago, dandoesstuff said:

Restock doesn't work properly on the models that have the fix installed unfortunately

I know about this problem, now I am working on it. No Restock compatibility yet. But there's one good thing, I plan to improve this mod in the nearest future. 

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20 hours ago, RobotRobert03 said:

Just wanted to let you know they Textures Unlimited and Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot don't work with your mod (think they define their own alphas). But Great Mod over all just some future tweaks down the line :)

Yeah I absolutely love this mod's concept but between my use of Restock/modded parts and TURD's increasing compatibility I have no way to use it right now due to conflicts.

@rockmeowstar it may be good to take a look at the Textures Unlimited Config Archive when considering what to expand on beyond stock. Take Restock, for example. My understanding is that if you were to apply Shine fix to Restock then it would apply to the main mod but not work for those who would use the TU configs from Restock Recoloured. It would essentially split the user-base for this mod. However, if you apply the fixes to modded parts with their TU configs in mind then you could provide access to both those want to use the stock textures and recolored textures too.

Disclaimer: I have not had a chance to look at this mod in detail and my be missing some code that addresses this issue. But based on what I have seen in this thread I think there is going to be an unintended fork in users that may be able to be avoided before/if you expand to modded parts. Regardless though, amazing work. The inconsistency with these parts drives me mad so I'm so glad someone is taking matters into their own hands!


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