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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I landed a round station at Duna along with an attempt to land two rovers (I called them rumblers). They are an attempt to be a bit heavier than the one I sent to Mun as I had the devil of a time keeping that one under control.

Didn't matter. Of the two, one landed too hard and the other broke all four wheels on touchdown. I sent a kerbal over from the nearby base to fix the wheels and drive it back. It still bumped around like it was made of foam blocks. I'll have to try something else.

No pictures today. It is the same as the round base I sent to Mun which is pictured earlier. So just imagine a few more lights and a red ground. It was a pain keeping it under control. Note to self for the future, the chutes are worthless. They rip the spikes apart. Instead, add a second round of landing jets and 1200 d/v was required for landing mostly safely. It skidded around a bit on landing. Didn't land on the flat part I had aimed for, instead I hit a slope just south of the place I wanted. Good enough, however, so its parked. I sent out a kerbal to fix the landing struts that slid across the duna surface on landing.

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Finally landed on the VAB roof with my VTOL fighter. I even did it accidentally: I was trying to land on a building in the R&D center and overreacted with the throttle, which sent me going forward and up. I cut my throttle right when I was over the VAB and found myself on the helipad.

Edited by mythbusters844
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I started my science career over since I added some new mods. Wouldn't seem right adding Final Frontier and not starting over. Also added Extraplanetary Launchpads, KAS, ScanSat, Karbonite, Fine Print, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Precise Node, and KerPaint.

Umm, did the initial launches. Circled Kerbin, the Mun, then later Minmus and came back with a successful splash down and gathering of science for all three. Then started playing with SCANsat ... have no idea what I'm looking at (guess it's off to read the directions :D). Downside is the scanning is LO res, upside is I gave it way to much delta v and can still get to the Mun and Minmus for scans.


That was with my rocket that reminds me of a retro 1950's era sci-fi piece.


Tomorrow I'll probably go for landing on the Mun then Minmus .... hmm, may try to do it in one flight, just never occurred to me to try before.

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I finally started my plan to mine Minmus for Kethane (for a leaving-the-Kerbin-system refueling station in orbit). So far so good. I was going to use Imgur for this but it won't let me sign in for some stupid reason.

Launching the SCANSat / Kethane probe (cheaply)


In orbit of Minmus with plenty of fuel in the probe itself


Launching the orbital station (well, most of it)


Launching my "Kethane Drilling Truck"


Sweet, sweet Kethane.


Now I just need to send a tanker/lander to bring the stuff up to the station, and attach a converter. Hopefully I get this all figured out because I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing. I've mined Kethane before, just never actually done anything with it.

Edit: I decided to refine the Kethane on the ground and bring it up as its final product. Well I dropped my rolling refinery about 1.5km away and without any Kerbals or probes (after jettisoning the descent engines) so I had to go get it. I linked them together with a pipe and made a convoy!


Edited by Duke23
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Connected 2 more modules (big modules) on my Experimental Pol Station (which for testing sits at ~30'000'000 from Kerban). 3 done, 6 to go. I'm really learning a lot from making my 1st station... Including how to dock properly. Parallel docking was the biggest challenge yet. But damn is the experience satisfying !

Also, I am having problems with the huge solar panels from the Kosmos pack when used on my ion ship (Balka solar wings). When I return to Kerban after the missions, the panels blow up every... single... time. Might have to look their stats up to see if there is anything to fix (F3 didn't reveal any failures of any kind). Very odd.

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Last shots of my fuel depot / Kethane rigs for the night... This isn't really efficient but I'm kind of proud of it. First time I've actually "used" Kethane, other than just messing around for a minute or two. I think tomorrow I'll add a solar array to the ground setup, I can't run everything at once as it sits. Also I shattered one of the panels on the converter rig about 5 minutes after I parked it, because I decided to cut it a little close while jetpacking over with a ground pylon. Sigh...



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I've been testing out a few new mods,both for potential LP value & own enjoyment, one of them is the station science and they asked me to capture an asteroid more or less,something I had never succeeded in.

So this time instead of trying to meet up when it was going through Kerbin's SOI i send out a catcher to meet up in interplanetary space before it met up with Kerbin.

And success only downside,the catcher craft is almost as big as the asteroid (B-type),didn't expect it to be that small.

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Today I've updated my mods and what is even more important - got my favorite KSPI back! And tried to launch a new spacecraft in my Sciece Sandbox save. Got 1 FPC (frame per century). But... But the spacecraft was small, 25 parts or something like that! The hell...


Oh. Okay.

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The Falloron 7,as show on Tanuki viewer submit stream (14/09/2014)


I made this craft to achieve my fastest plane speed,it can also liftoff from KSC head east & do a complete loop around the equator in about 45 minutes.


It's fastest speed was around 2243m/s but that was just to attempt best speed.

I've been using it for all the in flight tests as the bay allows for a great place to hide components,needs parachutes to land after tests though.

It's successor the Mk 8 was a complete failure (speed wise) and will not be selected to continue the line


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Lots of stuff, sending an life support package to my Duna colony.

The probe was a thigh fit in the cargo bay so I had to use time warp until it separated from the plane.


Picked up an kerbal in orbit on the way down.

Forgetting that mechjeb landing autopilot is unable to do final decent on Pol,


No problem but its pretty hairy then it does the roll. More of an issue is that mechjeb also reported attitude wrong and it was imposible to see the shadow from the lander because of the low angle of sun and all the rocks. No landing light, have to install them then the mothership comes.

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  BDelacroix said:
Inspired by Capi3101's station segments, I built, tested, launched and deployed this thing to Mun. The first time I did an extrakerbin base that I liked and wasn't just a fancy hermit cave for a poor single kerbal. This one holds many more. I stuffed everyone I had hired into it. I landed it a bit of a ways from my first Mun base which has a poor fella in it. It (the old base) had no power generators and so ran out of electricity. I had intended to ship up base parts in segments but never got a reliable system together. This ring thing, however, has it all already. It may need a few more lights, it gets dark at night. I'll have to come up with a name of it. Maybe Elpis.

This was mounted onto a booster, launched and landed with a single unit. Several stages, but the point is, no assembly required outside of the assembly building. I had a bit more fuel in the final stages than I needed, too. Unfortunately that means I wasted quite a bit, but I didn't want to revert and fiddle with the gas.

I have an atmo version, too. I may try to send one to Duna.


That's a pretty nice looking base you've got there. I can't take credit for the design of Space Station Mere, though; that has to go to Tex_NL. And speaking of which, I spent my weekend finishing the base part of the station - it now has the full compliment of eight modules, giving it a crew compliment of up to eighteen Kerbals (there's currently sixteen there; I left room for visiting crews), two lab modules and the equivalent of two orange tanks worth of fuel sitting in orbit of Mun. I still haven't decoupled the transfer stage that brought the hub module to the Mun; I'm thinking once its job of supposting the grinding of the Mun biomes is complete it might make the hop out to Minmus for the same purpose. Gets done there and I might sent it back to Kerbin...

I am having problems with the locks, though (the non-spoke bits that are supposed to fit between the modules). Getting them into position has proven difficult; I don't know what I'm doing wrong but NavyFish's Docking Alignment Indicator does NOT like the craft I'm using to put them in place, the one I did get in place came un-done when I reloaded the station back up (though it still says it's docked - despite there being a visible gap) and my second lock won't dock on one side. I suspect I'm having some alignment issues with the ports and may toss the station's persistence code to the community to verify.

The ships putting the locks in place look......bad. Very bad. How bad? Take a Rockomax Adapter, put a Rockomax Adapter 2 on the bottom of it, stick a TR-18A on that, then a small probe core, then a Z-100 battery, then a small RCS tank, then an FL-T400, then an X200-8 and end it with a Poodle. Then take a look at what you've created and hang your head in shame.

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In the last days I have been messing with an apollo-style munar program. The various incidents quickly led the engineers at KSC to believe that the Mun must indeed be cursed:

  • The early tests never reached orbit because of violent aerodynamic stresses (FAR)
  • The first prototype was found to have a manufacturing error that made it unable to ignite the TMI stage (bug in KW)
  • Finally, all the problems are resolved: Bill, Bob, and Jeb are the first 3 kerbals to reach a stable orbit around the Mun. Mission Control elects Bill and Jeb to pilot the LEM. The two bravely descend to the surface on a 2-staged lander. However, the fuel consumption seems anomalous: something is not right with the descent stage (*). The lander lands hard, destroying the descent stage; Jeb tries to escape using the ascent stage, but the crash is too violent: Jeb is unable to control the attitude in time, and the lander crashes, killing them both. Bill and Jeb become the first two casualties of the space program. Bob is ordered to return at the KSC: he will never fly again.

The months passes and a new design is approved and tested. After 2 unsuccessful mission that highligted construction problems in the new launch stage, a new mission is launched, with the objective to reach the final resting site of the two astronauts. Tomner and Shelbald successfully land at the site, after some piloting difficulties to correct the LZ.

But at this point, the engineers at KSC make a shocking discovery: too much fuel has been used to pick the landing site, and now the lander is unable to dock with the command module!

The situation is bleak: it will take 21 days to recondition the launchpad (KCT), and the crew only has water for 8 days. The command module has plenty of fuel, but is unable to land to pick them up. With a rescue mission out of the question, the only chance of survival is some serious piloting.

Shelbald takes off from the surface of the Mun, trying to meet with the CM in orbit. The fuel runs out before they can circularize, but it's enough: the closest encounter is 3 km... at 10 km from the surface. Now the two can only hope that the CM pilot will pull off a miracle.

In the CM, Kiruki leaps into action: he first matches the velocity with the lander, and then sprints towards it at an unsafe speed of 200 m/s. There is no time for safety, at 4 minutes from the crash. He reaches the LEM and kills the relative velocity: when the CM stops, the two ships are separated by less than 20m... a close call that could have resulted in a crash.

With no time to lose, Tomner exits the LEM and flies to the CM, to relative safety. Shelbald is up next: in the few seconds it took Tomner to transfer, the two ships have already drifted away by more than 100m. He reaches the CM, and the crew is finally safe: the CM circularizes, and easily performs the return burn.

They return home safely, greeted like heroes. Meanwhile, the whole engineering department is fired and publicly whipped.

* When I was building the LEM, KER died and stopped working. I ran the math myself... and apparently, I screwed up big time.

Edited by Ippo
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Today was finally the day! The probe launch to Dres was a success (finally!), and it is now en route to that sphere.

Although I have the opportunity, I won't use all the transfer windows in a single year. Let the game pass more naturally and realistic; one planet at a time, through several months/years.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/drYNc/embed"></iframe>


iframes don't work anymore? That's sad.




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It's been a long day today, the KRSS - Explorer I landed on Laythe, Vall, Tylo and Bop and I don't have time today to land on Pol but will do it tomorrow.

I don't want to put all of my screenshots because there is just too much so here is what I did today summed up.







Pol will be my next destination and then I will see which one of Duna or Eeloo has the closest departure time from Jool. I really hope Duna is first.

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