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Is KAX an aircraft based mod or something?

Since I came here i've been seeing and reading about a lot of what looks to be very well made mods. I'm going to try a few over Christmas.

I could find a few i've seen named, like mechjeb, but to make it easier, does anyone know of a list of the more popular mods with descriptions and links to d/l sources?

Edited by ghpstage
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Kerbal Aircraft Expansioneers. Quite a focussed and stock-alike mod, in contrast to the big parts packs like Firespitter and B9. As MalfunctionMike showed, it includes a radial electric prop. Low thrust, unlike the Firespitter ones that are almost as powerful as their internal combustion counterparts.

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Is KAX an aircraft based mod or something?

Since I came here i've been seeing and reading about a lot of what looks to be very well made mods. I'm going to try a few over Christmas.

I could find a few i've seen named, like mechjeb, but to make it easier, does anyone know of a list of the more popular mods with descriptions and links to d/l sources?

Just as Cantab said it gives you a Radial Propeller Engine, an electrical Prop, a Landing Gear and so on.

I installed it just for the E-Prop but it was well worth it :)


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I started working on some color-coded fuel tank art assets, that are drop-in replacements for the stock tank appearances (via ModuleManager).

Thread here:

I wonder if it is possible to lighten the black on the small FL-T100 Fuel Tank, or maybe make them more grey looking? I never liked the look of the stock ones, these look much better though with the red-ish tips.

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I think I finally got a good comes network up around kerbin. Allowed me to fly a satellite out to Minmus so I think i am getting the hang of it.

Also took my orange suiters to Minmus and harvested 900 science! Without cheating on fuel! Very happy about that. All orange suiters are now level 2 as well.

For tomorrow, the Minmus base!

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I was a little tight on funds, so Mün-goer 1 tried to get too much done and didn't have enough dv for a landing and return. Rather than strand Jeb on the Mün, I turned it into a flyby which still recovered a lot of science and funds.

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Mün-goer 2 successfully completed my first flyover of a target zone, but I burnt too much fuel manoeuvring to try and line up the target EVA zones with the flyover. I was foiled by the Mün's rotation. A first landing will need to be left to Mün-goer 3 I think.

I think before Mün-goer 3 I'll expand my satellite network so I can hit all four EVA sites in one go by transmitting back.

I also think Mün-goer 3 will be my first test run of Tac Life Support, which sounds like it's on the verge of .90 release.

Edited by RCgothic
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Today I created a Mün uplink with two Sats in kerbin orbit targeting the Mün which itself had two Sats targetting Kerbin. Unfortunately turns out it only has a 90% up-time because 2x z-200s wasn't enough battery power by half for the umbral passages.

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