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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Moved my Kerbin space station into a higher 100km orbit- just over 70km was annoying when it came to planning a rendezvous. I used two SSTO aircraft as tractors to make the move. Was imagining Miles O'Kerman grumbling to himself during the operation that "this isn't a starship", before figuring out a way to do it anyway ;)

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@Regolith: That's awesome! Did that thing stay remotely stable during the drive? Best looking unicycle I've seen in a while. :P

Remarkably it still had plenty of electricity, so the SAS was still functional and it was very stable. It was also somewhat lucky that my rescue craft was slightly downhill from the crash site, so it was able to roll downhill. :D

Edited by Sidereus
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I got this beauty to and back from Dres. Collect some nice science.

Not pictured: The moment where I docked back unto the Communication Module (CM). The lander did a 170 degree-ish around the docking point, clipping it almost totally into the CM.

I had to recover the science off the crew can back in LKO and scrap the whole CM and Lander Module. I've since then updated to the latest of Ven's stock part revamp (it says it has fixed some issues with the docking port Sr., which I assume is related)


This puppy, with the communication and the lander module has a whopping 15k (ish) d/v (0.4 ish TWR too)

I got a new communication module and another lander module up to it and everything went back to low Minmus orbit where it awaits LH2 refueling.

EDIT: Thinking about it, it's the actual first time I've ever been to Dres...

Edited by Axelord FTW
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I am modifying a craft from 0.20 to cancel out 5/6ths of its weight (you guessed it, that one really old LLRV), only to realize that the jet is throttleable and so it'll be throttled with the other engines. Making the jet into a... JessRB?

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After completing visiting all biomes on Mun (Except one, which I can finish off with my v5 lander, or maybe my rover? Don't know yet.), I brought my Mun station back to Kerbin and deorbited it. The mobile lab & cupola assembly made a nice soft landing via chutes and unlocked landing legs, although it did tip over at the end... but nothing broke. All 3 crew survived the 41+ year mission. Talk about a 'life of service'! What's the life-span of Kerbalites anyway???

Next, just to give the guys a break, I'll rotate out my Kerbal station crew. They've been up in orbit 41+ years as well.

I can't help but wonder if future versions of KSP with female crew along with male crew, in a mixed long-term mission, will reproduce - given the provision of additional crew expansion storage. lol Something for the devs to mull over.

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Sent a mission to the Mun to get a load of science I had missed before. There is a lander that goes up and down to the surface and a station that stays in orbit around the Mun with a big fuel tank for refueling and a science lab for cleaning experiments. There is no return capability; I sent a crew vessel to bring them back once I thought they had earned it.

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This can't be good.

How can you even make use of the Oberth effect properly unless you are willing to make a thousand burns?

You need to start using Near Future stuff, if only for the ion engines. It's painful to look at. There's a difference between being patient and having a thing for auto-flagellation. Tell me your aren't running some custom version of Texture Replacer where the spacesuits are all made of black leather, chains and studs.

P.S. If you do, can I have it?

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This can't be good.

How can you even make use of the Oberth effect properly unless you are willing to make a thousand burns?

You need to start using Near Future stuff, if only for the ion engines. It's painful to look at. There's a difference between being patient and having a thing for auto-flagellation. Tell me your aren't running some custom version of Texture Replacer where the spacesuits are all made of black leather, chains and studs.

P.S. If you do, can I have it?

I don't care who you are that's some funny €£¥#!! right there.

ETA: read the original post, this dude's right. I think cantab's been to see that movie everyone's talking about one too many times.

Edited by CatastrophicFailure
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