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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Last night I successfully quickloaded my contracts back into existence in 1.0.2 from where my 3-year old had borked them on Tuesday. Jeb and his tourist group aboard Free Bird 7 were returning from Mun heading into dock at the New Horizons space station over Kerbin. I'd thought he was further along in the process - it turned out the last time I'd quicksaved, though, it was after his third and final aerobraking pass so I plenty of time to set up a rendezvous and docking.

After checking tourist contracts once Free Bird successfully docked, I decided I needed to send some folks out to Minmus - I wanted to move Bob out to the new MPL at Minmusport, I had two tourists whose itineraries took them out there and I had a rescue contract over Minmus, so Jeb loaded up Bob, two tourists and Diissa the Engineer into Free Bird for the flight. New Horizons didn't have enough fuel available to refuel Free Bird, so I reluctantly sent up another fuel can (still haven't worked out the Mother Goose 7 - the fuel delivery plane I was working on when my 3-year old borked the game). Successfully docked and refueled, and now Free Bird is headed to Minmus. It'll arrive in two weeks, eleven days after the current flotilla of Minmus-bound ships arrives.

At this point I've got a lot of cash riding on fulfilling Minmus-related contracts. Only √400k or thereabouts in my coffers at the moment; I need to start picking up the cash flow a bit. I also need to figure out how to get the 191 data out of the MPL at New Horizons...I've got a few nodes I want to unlock. Like bigger spaceplane parts...

Still waiting on confirmation that the majority of my mods are working before I begin the switchover to 1.0.4; that usually takes a week or two to happen. I'm looking awfully hard at those radiator parts in the meantime.

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I started building station in Mun's orbit for which I have a contract. Since it has to be able to hold 11 Kerbals I decided to build it out of multiple modules and to later use it as place where scientists would be able to research data from Mun's surface and bring more science home. Pics are below:

1. Station core with no Kerbals onboard yet

2. Crew module with docking node added to the station. On its bottom is tug that will be used to complete the station.

3. 2 power and cooling trusses on their way to the Mun. They will be docked on the node, both under larger dishes




After both trusses are in place I will launch Science module which will be docked on the port under one of the Communotron 16 antennas. It will bring up the capacity of the station to 11 to complete the contract. Then I will launch a crew of 3 that will bring with them structural part that will be docked on the other remaining port and which will put some clearance between station and docking craft so that later I am able to have space planes docked if I ever create successful one.

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Landed Jeb on the Mun, it was the first Mun landing in my new game. The lander tipped over on touchdown, but I managed to right it by fiddling around abit.

To get that image to work, you want to put "http://i.imgur.com/aHapKV9.png" between the tags, rather than "http://imgur.com/gallery/aHapKV9", as the first is the URL of the image, rather than its gallery page.



I launched several things on top of the Kickback boosters, with fin stabilisation. This is a nice, cheap way to get a small payload up to suborbital so it can circularise. The above ship was intended to dock at Stopover to refuel after circularisation, then travel to MunRod and dock there so that Natatrice could crew MunRod and plant flags for contracts with MunRod's lander. But, fuel was looking good: I didn't need to dock at Stopover, there was plenty to get orbit at Mun...



... but not to dock with MunRod. I managed to get a 0km intercept that was reasonably slow, then ran out of fuel and monopropellant. By 0km, I mean impacting at over 10m/s. Fortunately MunRod was undamaged, and Natatrice could EVA from the wreckage of her transfer ship over to MunRod. She descended, planted a flag, picked it back up, got back in, and docked back at MunRod.



I put a little rescue mission in a fairing atop a fin-stabilised Kickback, too. Until I get spaceplanes working, this is my current cheapest way to get Kerbals to/from orbit.



Managed to come back pretty close to the KSC, too. Not sure the radiators were needed, but they were there to balance the solar panels.



Speaking of spaceplanes, I sent this thing up to grab some science that I missed, by stacking it atop a fin-stablised Kickback. Two of the readings were from Space High, so the first time, I put my apoapse to 400km. This caused everything to explode on reentry, so I reverted, looked up the border of Space High over Kerbin (250km), and had a lower apoapse the second time. Ran out of fuel trying to lift the periapse out of the ground, but managed to land without losing any parts. Combined with a science rover picking up readings from some of the KSC buildings, I have now purchased Turboramjets. And now, the tie to spaceplanes is clear: they're my next project. Haven't built or flown one since 0.90, so this'll be fun.

Edited by Concentric
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I started work on the fuselage for a TU-95 I'm making:


The control surfaces and the wings are all temporary--I plan to replace them with B9 Pwings in the future. I just put them on to test how the engines would sound (they're from this pack, but their sounds are custom-made and the textures too if a simple tweak to make them gray counts :P) but it SOMEHOW started flying, even with FAR. I didn't get to land it though as the runway's collision mesh disappeared for some reason, and I just sank into the ground.

If you're curious, the fuselage is from Procedural Parts and the cockpit is the one from KAX, and they both have a custom grey texture. The engines are from the pack I mentioned above but with a gray texture (notice a pattern?) and custom sounds. The engine's running sounds are from

and this FlightGear mod (I also got the starter sounds from it). Since these two sources probably disallow any re-use of their content, I'll probably never release them. Edited by mythbusters844
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That looks like something you'd find in a Stewart Crowly book. As in terran trade authority handbook.

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3 lucky Kerbals are on the cusp of something ALL of Kerbkind can be proud of:

It started this way:


If you look carefully I'm also bringing along 2 Microprobes, near the top of the craft. 5 years later, 3 Kerbals are about to make history by landing on Tekto (Outer Planets Mod) It's too far away for a proper base, obviously (as Eeloo is a moon of Sarnus in OPM):


and I already used T I to scout out landing sites. I initially landed on the side of a steep hill, but a few small hops to get to a flat plain I eyed:


Next is the much anticipated landing. :)

Edit: Landed 9.8KM off of the mark but THEY'RE DOWWWWWN!!!

Edited by Draconiator
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Today I built a glorious spaceship. It truly was the pinnacle of Kerbal Engineering. Then the Kraken ate it. Having bugs invalidate hours and hours of work time and time again is really starting to get old...

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Managed to land this whale at KSC. 10% payload fraction...put 13 tons into 100km stable orbit with 500m/s of Dv left. Finally made an SSTO that is more useful than just crew transfers...

Edited by netbumbler
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Let me see:

Completed a satellite contract in Minmus with an ion probe and sent it to aerobreak at Kerbin to - possibly - recover

Sent a two ship mission to Eeloo: a main ship with lander and mineral surveyor and a second tanker just in case I end up with little fuel while over there

Finished circularizing a tanker/rover in Minmus orbit, I still need to land it by my mining rig

Finished circularizing a space station in Minmus orbit. No contract for a space station there, but there is a pod I need to recover in orbit (got a second one with a new contract while over there) and I have a base contract at Minmus as well. So I'll recover those two pods and lost kerbonauts from the other space agency (whichever that phantom agency is) and split the station. The cargo part goes back to Kerbin to recover while the lander touches down at Minmus and then goes to take a good look beyond Kerbin's SOI for experience

Managed to RV with an E class asteroid... and realized I completely forgot to add rcs thrusters to the asteroid catcher. I'll use hyperedit to put a clone (with the rcs thrusters) in that orbit and recover the one without thrusters. I think I'll tag along the asteroid as it exits Kerbin's SOI and see about matching planes and preparing an aerocapture while in solar orbit.

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I finally updated to 1.0.4 Once I finished oohing and ahhing over the the new pretty turbojets and tested a few planes and parachutes then I went about seeing which of my mods work and which don't... So far i trimmed my mod list by 2 mods which I barely used anyway and the rest seem to work fine so I am good to go.

Started a new career, did my first little hop flight (flea booster with only 15-20 fuel) and then tried for orbit... I managed to get into space on my second flight but came just a hair short on orbit.

A few more unlocks later and I found I had 3 contracts to rescue Kerbals from orbit, not having a 3 man pod, or even 2 man pod unlocked yet I tested a rebuilt version of a recovery vessel that I had designed in 1.0.2 Nice to see it still works...


Little hard to keep it pointed where I want to go in atmo though... but that was true in 1.0.2 as well.

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A few more unlocks later and I found I had 3 contracts to rescue Kerbals from orbit, not having a 3 man pod, or even 2 man pod unlocked yet I tested a rebuilt version of a recovery vessel that I had designed in 1.0.2 Nice to see it still works...


I prefer the "Beads" setup: stacked vertically, every other pod upside down, with radial parachutes. Keep two bottoms towards the outside because if you can't reenter sideways (very good braking) and it turns you one end forward, the steep slopes act as a nose cone, the flat end will still brake the setup to reasonable speed.

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I prefer the "Beads" setup: stacked vertically, every other pod upside down, with radial parachutes. Keep two bottoms towards the outside because if you can't reenter sideways (very good braking) and it turns you one end forward, the steep slopes act as a nose cone, the flat end will still brake the setup to reasonable speed.

I used to use that, or at least a similar setup. It was easier to launch, had the added benefit of me knowing which pods were full (orientation gets wonky with mine) but I still didn't like it. Not a huge fan of this one either but it does the job.

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Well, it is not what i did. But rather what i am going to do over this weekend i hope ;) I am about to launch a mission to Duna, where i plan on landing on Ike and Duna with crew, also a rover on Duna.

I might want to add i plan with TAC Life Support and MKS.

So my new ship contains a space station to generate food and stuff for my crew, a lander, a rover, two surveying satellites, a return craft and interplanetery engines.

So hopefully it will not blow up and kill my 8 kerbals ;)

As to what i have been doing over the week and last weekend, was to land a small unmanned rover on Eve, and drive it to the sea. A very long drive, i gave up after around 30 km (There are still 50 km to clossed sea).

I found, while trying to land, a small design flaw. When i dropped my heat shield the rover tended to turn upside down and then i could flip it back. And if i landed with the heat shield, the rover couldn't get off. So after around 40 landing attempts, i successed in dropping the heat shield, then det parachutes around 5 meters up and landing on the wheels with out the rover getting damaged.

So all in all a succesfull first mission to Eve and my first attempt to got to another planet in KSP.

Now wish me luck for my Duna mission :D

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I built a more reasonnable version of my moho space station. Docked a few ships to it and sent it to Dres.



And landed my lander probe on Duna, Ike and Dres. Only Eeloo and the joolian system left.


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The Cygnaran Space Administration spent the day ticking off a bunch of minor contracts in order to put a little more cash in the bank and science in the R&D lab. A couple of Kerbin-centric tourist jaunts, a LKO rescue mission, some launchpad tests of parts, all mundane stuff (although I was pleased with the LKO rescue because it was the first time I had rendezvoused with a stranded kerbal without accidentally ramming their capsule when trying to close in on them). Built a primitive jet-engine-powered science cart in order to putter around KSC and collect enough research to unlock Field Science, then used those parts to build a Science Kart II as a rover (instead of a jet-powered tricycle) and grab more KSC data to unlock multi-kerbal command pods. Command Modules was the last tech I wanted before turning back to the Mun, so that is on the docket for this evening.

The plan: Send Bob up alone in a two-person command module, rendezvous with and rescue a kerbal stranded in Munar orbit, land that sucker on the Mun, come home, stay intact. This will be my first time since 0.22 landing a multi-kerbal craft on the Mun, so hopefully I don't ball it all up.

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Power trusses arrived today at my Mun station. And oh boy were those hard to get in place. I didn't expect it to be that hard to balance what is practically a long stick on just a docking port. Never the less I managed it and now I only have to bring up science lab to complete what contract wanted me to build. Then I will launch a crewed mission with docking adapter and station will become operational. Note that solar arrays and radiators will be deployed once crew is onboard.



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Last night I fiddled around with a new spaceplane design - the Vulture 7 - designed to deliver eight tonnes of fuel at a time to the New Horizons space station (eight tonnes being about 25% of the station's current rocket fuel capacity, about the best I can do at the moment without Mk3 parts). Nice little cranked arrow gull wing and canard design. I say nice...I didn't realize until after the flight that I had a fuel line borked, which certainly explained why the plane developed this vicious roll about 5 kilometers up. Corrected it by settling TAC Fuel Balancer to balance all tanks and the flight continued. Got a good reminder of the fact that Aerospikes don't gimbal - which is why I don't use them all that often, though their relatively high Isp helped me keep the delivery fuel mass down. Launch was a success. Docking was a success. De-orbit.....failed miserably. Plane flipped out of control at about 35,000 and it didn't take long for FAR to cause a complete structural failure. So that flight cost me √60k. Only √60k, but then again I'm not exactly flush with cash at the moment either.

Got to looking at the plane afterward and it looks like the center of pressure is below the dry center of mass; I'll try raising the wing to compensate and see if I can maintain control next time. I'm convinced the design is relatively good. Not convinced I can land it safely just yet owing to a heavily loaded wing, but...

Meantime, the Straight Flush is eleven hours from Minmus, with Minmusport scheduled to arrive a day behind it and Bill's repair flight a couple of hours behind it. And then Jeb's headed that way in Free Bird 7; he won't get there for another twelve days though. Got a lot of cash riding on those four missions...

Also figured out how the 1.0.2 MPLs worked; I'm now trying to figure out how to get all that data out of the New Horizon's lab. Doesn't help that I only have two scientists in my employ at the moment.

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made it to Mun and Minmus on a tourism contract while also completing an orbit of Mun contract, upon getting group back to Kerbin I screwed up my orbit and didn't realize it until to late, when I was 100,xxx+m about and quicksaved instead of screenshoted and wasn't watching speed and thanks to the new update couldn't get into atmosphere without chutes being destroyed and killing entire crew...


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