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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Hot on the success of my earlier Ghost 2 spaceplane, I decided to start the Goblin Program, targeting the same ultimate goal but with a vertical rocket approach. The first ship made a successful test flight.


I'll keep working on both and really don't know which will triumph. The spaceplane's strength is its cross-range capability for precision landing, but the weakness is build time. The rockets are much quicker to design but precision landing them is an issue.

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I dug up my old "Solar Cruiser" A 3 Ion drive science automated ship to do a Jool-5 of High/low flybys of all the moons + Jool itself.

Why ? Oh I wanted to get the blueprints out and see what I would do to it comes version 1.1, actually this ship was made in 0.23.5 and slightly retouched in 0.24.2 and sat there since.

So I have a lot of modernization to apply to it and I feel it will be much much smaller, and manned by a Scientist... Much like modern cars kinda suck compared to say, a Chevrolet Belair '59, but performs much better.

So here are 2 shots of this grand old lady in orbit of Kerbin :



Edited by Francois424
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Did not do anything in KSP, but did something for KSP today. Made a patch that I might use with a new savegame when 1.1 hits.


Of course it needs some rescaling to use it in-game later!

I wish you could do that. I wish you could put a crest that's separate from you flag on the Kerbal, or even spaceship. So for example you could have a flag on your Kerbal / Ship that has a transparent background, but when you plant a flag, it has a background. That's how I would use it. :)

Besides for that, what I did is in Mareer Code I came back from the Mun! But I somehow managed to find my self in the Badlands, which from what I recall is a very small biome. :o


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Well, I figured this docking yesterday must have been very easy, since I made it. And it was kinda slow and uncomfortable, so I decided we didn't have to do that again. Instead I fantasized about the new Magma superlifter I was going to design and construct.

...However, ever since he was dropped deep into a gravity well by Jool, Bob has shown an increasing initiative and need for control. So before Mission Control arrived at the base in the morning, Bob had already dispatched two Lensman_F for a new docking exercise (The 'F'-version has increased monopropellant capacity and now also seats 8). Here's Cerly and Eilla in the first, launched before sunrise but here - at 10km - illuminated by the rising sun.


It was followed by Tandan and Sigrid in another Lensman_F at dawn. Note the shadow on the VAB.


There was nothing else to do but a few "Ah, ahum..." and keep face. (Sometimes I get the feeling Bob has lifted the file on Mission Control and discovered the diagnoses of NRI and NIE mental disorders <Never Reads Instructions, & Nevermind, It's Easy>)

Anyway, Another day, another docking. And this time I did understand how I did it. And almost no monopropellant consumption at all. I then transferred (thanks nohelmet) Cerly and Eilla to the other vessel, so the four of them could celebrate.


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Started playing again after a few months. (sorry, was busy driving to Mongolia and back)

... and it showed. I forgot parachutes or docking ports on my Minmus return mission, so I had to send a klaw with parachutes to the return ship. And it only went downhill from there. I misjudged my Duna return mission so I stranded Jeb and some other kerbals in orbit of Duna.

I sent a satellite and a base along with Bill and Bob to Eve orbit, but I forgot heatshields on both of them. Since they were both relying on aerobraking they didn't have enough fuel to circularize without it so I could either watch them burn or fling themselves into solar orbit.

I've pretty much given up on that career save now, so I started a new one which is going much better.

Just flung this towards Duna:


It should fulfill 2 satellite, 2 base (Duna and Ike), 2 explore and 2 flyby contracts at once. Made the crew capsules into detachable fuel pods/rovers because it wasn't complicated enough already.

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I performed a return trip to Eve today. Well... it actually took me a week to engineer, launch, fuel, land, refuel and return the craft... but hey.. I completed the mission today... :D The goal was to get a dirt sample from Eve's surface.

Here are some pictures if anybody's interested. You can find the full mission report here.

Here, Bob just landed on Eve and took a dirt sample.


I send a miner-refiner rover to refuel the lifter


Fuel? Check!

Dirt sample? Check!

We're done... let's head back home!


Edited by xendelaar
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It started with a simple contract: get a satellite in a munar orbit.

Then came the idea: "hey let's do some delta-V budgetting and do both this mission and a lander at once".

Thus I started finding the delta-V required to get most efficient in an orbit:


spent ~8 hours optimizing a path profile. Trying to optimize considering you can either do a manouvre at the most efficient location: or you can do compound delta-v changes which are also more efficient (but then at worse positions). Working on a python script to do this right now.

Maybe I take saving ~100 m/s dV too far? I still have to design the rocket & satellite!

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Meant to get better photos of this lander stage, but im tired and ksp keeps crashing


The main engine and all the spiders are on the "brakes" action group, on opposite toggles, so when i 'm about 100m off the surface, i hit the brakes, and flip 90 degrees and let the 1.1 TWR spiders to glide me down to a healthy, stable landing.

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Now me wonders how to get this thing to orbit...

Add boosters! A few rocket stacks around, add bigger tailfins for aerodynamic stability, don't pitch too fast and don't forget the struts. If done properly, this should bring you to the point where you can circularize on nukes.

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