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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Today I finished the last leg of an epic test flight that has lasted from Kerbin to Tylo.  Completed the Bop to Tylo run with 400 m/s to spare in an awesome prototype SSTT built by @Rune!  It only took over a dozen landing attempts to pull it off.. Tylo is a tough nut to crack, a tough bone to chew, and basically a huge pain to land on!  Thanks to Rune for the guidance and help plotting efficient nodes!


Edited by PointySideUp
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Building two planes:

CF-105 "Arrow". It's getting there. Still tweaking and perfecting.

And a CF-103 "Prototype". This plane IRL was a go-between between a straight winged CF-100 and the CF-105, but was scrapped because it didn't meet the needs of the RCAF at the time.


I figured the nice AVRO logo was appropriate. :)

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Today? Well, the day is still young, for me at least.
Yesterday I did some more work on the Scorpius-Solaris 02 craft, adding cameras, launch towers, umbilicals, and some other stuff. Oh, and I rotated the entire thing 90 degrees, so our ascent computer would work.

Later today I plan to continue tests on the spacecraft, install kOS on my RSS/RO game to run the launch sequence (all credit there goes to @EladDv), and write up a post-liftoff to orbital insertion timeline.

Shameless plug- the Real Space Program is running a manned orbital mission on Saturday, March 26. Liftoff is at 17:00 UTC, but if you want to watch you should show up at about 16:30 to get the best seats (and see the pre-launch sequence!).

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54 minutes ago, Elowiny said:


What mods do you use to get these beautiful planets?


That is EVE: Environmental Visual Enhancements. You can also add Planet Shine for some nicer ambient light handling.

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2 hours ago, Elowiny said:


What mods do you use to get these beautiful planets?


Scatterer - replaces atmospheres,
Environmental Visual Enhancement - clouds,
Planet Shine - makes vacuum ambient blackness deeper,
Distant Object Enhancement - dims stars near bright planets.

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Spent most of my time in the VAB and SPH, designing a planetary reconnaissance probe and its launch vehicle in one (that should be able to get me into orbit of everything except Eeloo and Moho, and those I can fly by) and a sharp-looking medium-duty rover (the trick there was finding enough surface area for enough solar panels to power the wheels, but it was do-able).

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Here's a space plane I knocked together recently when I was bored:


Looks like a Wyvern I think. That should be a good name for it.


Turbo-ramjets in self-contained pods are jettisoned after flameout. The rest of the vehicle is recoverable. Payload testing will be done sometime, I'll probably add a crew cabin for tourists to ride orbital flights.

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13 hours ago, Butterbar said:

The United Provincial Space Vehicle  Columbia enters into orbit around Duna, completing the goal set by the President of "Kerbals to Duna by 1987".  After performing experiments and releasing probes for a week, the crew will perform a flyby of Eve before returning to Kerbin as heroes, while the Columbia will remain in orbit for refueling and restocking before making it's second mission to Moho Dres.  The Columbia, a refitted Syracuse-class ion ferry, holds a crew of three and proved herself in a shakedown cruise to Minmus.  Her class of ion ferries are the main lifeline between Kerbin and the colonies on her moons, with passenger (UPSV Syracuse, UPSV Dawn), exploration (UPSV Columbia, UPSV Kenorland), and freighter (UPSV Horizon) variants operating in the Kerbin system on a regular basis.  


Gorgeous. What are the burn times like on that puppy?

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I tried making the Little Prince's asteroid with Kopernicus, but a 1.75 meter asteroid with Kerbin gravity was a bit too much for KSP, especially when the terrain map turned it into a malformed hedgehog.

Then I played with rotating reference frames when I made a Kerbin-size planet with a 4 minute rotational period. The equator was moving at just under escape velocity, and the intrepid Kerbonaut who "volunteered" was sucked towards the equator and flung into space.

Kopernicus: great for making big (or small!) rocks in space that do weird things.

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After 500+ hours of KSP and lots of trial and error, I finally managed to build a space shuttle that not only goes to space, but is actually glides well and doesn't try to fly backwards like my planes usually do.

I launched it many times using the simulator and it worked perfectly! When I did my first real launch, the external tank didn't separate correctly and got stuck to the orbiter, my guess because it was attached to a cargo bay. I tried to go to space center and switch back to the ship to see if the tank would then detach. Well, technically it worked, it blew the whole thing to smithereens and now, instead of one big problem, I have 84 small problems :P

Time for a rescue mission.








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I had some freetime to spare recently so i played a little with RSS.


Pretty much everything is from fasa ro (1970s tech XD)

I've been lucky enough to get it at the right inclination so i landed at valles marineris 


Also i spotted phobos from there :D


Too bad the ascent module isn't powerful enough (damn you delta v map). Well, that means it will temporarily become a permanent mars colony till i'll have the time for a rescue mission.

As an extra, this is what i did yesterday instead


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First time to Jool system, sent a probe and got a bunch of data from High/Low orbits of Jool + Tylo + Vall + Laythe. I had a really nice intercept that caught two of the moons with one ~2m/s burn, and caught the third while dropping Pe for low Jool orbit.


Beautiful system!

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