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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Hmm... I made the T-200 (Literally the T-100 with 2 Junos on the side) and it's slower than the T-100 which was a propeller.......... and it's got a total thrust of around 40 while the max thrust of the T-100 was like 20....... More thrust=Less Power..... Maybe it's the added drag?


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35 minutes ago, DarkOwl57 said:

I prepared for World War K, and starting off, we had Val co-pilot Lieutenant Bryson "Buck" Kerman on a training flight in the T-100. Here's the album.

Cool, I have one to:


Lovely little plane.

Today I build a bridge, something I always wanted to do.



Boats can even go under it.


Done with KerbalKonstructs mod in 1.3.

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1 minute ago, Triop said:

Cool, I have one to:


Lovely little plane.

Ah...... About that..... I may have taken your plane for inspiration. And by inspiration, I mean reverse-engineering the thing and making it my own. My version of the T-100 (Without the extra lights and stuff) was 20 parts..

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On 2017-5-7 at 9:55 PM, astroheiko said:

The lander has successfully launched from Minona and returned to orbit. 122 records were collected and a rendezvous with the mothership is imminent.



Before the lander can dock, I must attach the adapter piece for the Rover, which remained on Minona, to the claw.



Then I grab the Narrow-Band scanner with the claw and maneuver the claw towards Cargo Bay.



First, I dock the Narrow-band Scanner to the former docking port of the rover.



Then I can bring the claw back to their place.



Now I dock the lander to the lower end of the mothership, since we have to refuel once again..



Normally, I would use the additional tank and commute between mothership and Minona until the mothership is
full. Since the gravity is so low, the whole mothership can land.



Done. Now it is time to refuel.



And noe let us go back to the orbit.




Here you can see how the mother ship and the lander fit together. I can use all engines without the lander in the way.



I am planning the maneuver to return to Gael, 3662 m/s dV should cost it and 8553 m/s dV I have available. 602 records I bring home, in 17 years.




Where Did you get the skybox?

Any, I was I'll, so I didn't play KSP today. I watched Apollo 13 and the new Star Trek films.

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I built a base on the Lesser Flats of Minmus.  I named it Earl Scruggs.  The kerbals there, for reasons unknown, called themselves the Foggy Bottom Boys, declared independence from Kerbal and made the Beverly Hillbillies Theme their national anthem.

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Mars beckons, my bulldozer finally calls.








Landing hard but safe. 16km walk to the correct site.











Gathering together debris











Satan...qWY6fma.pngOh nooooooooo. I "bear" the mark of the beast!


Edited by Bornholio
Lucifer made me do it.
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Part 4 of the training is complete. The T-500 did perfectly, showing immense speed and control. The Colonel's going to let the recruits test out their skills with VTOL's tomorrow, and then weapons systems the next day. After that the schedule's up in the air.


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3 hours ago, DarkOwl57 said:






Nope, no cheats, my first and still only space unicycle.

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*******Kerbal Space Agency Press Office*******

Year:    1

Day: 178

Time: 3 hours 13 minutes


Press Statement:  It is with much sadness and regret the Kerbal Space Agencey has to announce the death of Flight Commander Jebediah Kerman, together with Berbe Kerman, a tourist who had charted an orbital flight of the planet, in an accident while returning to Kerbin

These are the first fatalities the KSA has had to endure, and we are all shocked by this horrific event.

More details to follow.






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KSC Munar Corps: First Large-Scale Drilling Station on the Mun

So this is more of a "What did you do in KSP [over the past 4 days]?

After extensive engineering and design trials, exhaustive testing of all systems, and three aborted launch attempts, the Kerbal Space Command (KSC) Munar Corps is pleased to announce it has successfully landed its first Drilling Station (MCDS) designated "Alpha 75" on the Mun.

See more of the mission at my Imgur album: KSC Munar Corps Alpha 75


This is no ordinary drilling truck, mind you. Oh no. The Munar Corps doesn't do "small".


Overall, the vehicle weighs in at 146,000Kg and features 373 components. While it features eight (8) of the XL3 rover wheels, when drilling is underway there are heavy-duty landing legs underneath which provide stability and raise the Drilling Station up off its wheels.

With over 36,000 ore capacity and eight (8) large-scale drill heads, this behemoth uses quite a bit of power. It sports ten (10) large-format nuclear RTGs plus a core 3.75m nuclear reactor. With all electronics, equipment, and reactor running, the thermal cooling systems are capable of handling over 4600Kw of heat transfer.

It has a maximum capacity of ten (10) kerbals but the primary crew consists of five (5) drilling engineers, a geological scientist, and a pilot. The design features a multi-level gangway/platform system with ladders to allow the crew easy access to surface and the command/habitat modules (on top). 

It also includes a forward landing pad for up to three (3) monopropellant-driven survey & exploration drones (not pictured) with 5,000 units of MP on board the rig to recharge them.


Difficult Launch, Nearly Impossible Landing... And Some Space Junk

All together, this launch vehicle sported 940K Liquid Fuel and 1.4M Oxidizer in very large (5m & 10m sized) fuel tanks using a modified-"asparagus" booster design. The CoM distribution was neither optimal nor aerodynamic, but the Engineers decided "Forget aerodynamics. We want raw power." Given the weight, it boasted an impressive 1.95 TWR for the first stages of the rocket.



Looking home to Kerbin while preparing to land on the surface. As you'd expect, this was where the real difficulty came in. With no RCS thrusters (silly Engineers) and only two (2) large reaction wheels on the vehicle itself, not to mention the sheer tonnage of the superstructure & vehicle, it took almost a full minute to turn prograde-to-retrograde.



And then... it was darkness. Literally, once Kerbin fell below the horizon, it was landing completely on instruments (THANK YOU all-mighty Terrain Altitude readout in MechJeb).



After successfully landing (and we won't talk about the four attempts to keep this from flipping/spinning/rolling/drooping) on the Mun, the superstructure blasts away using heavy solid rockets and the landing engines.


...and might have had a bit too much deltaV... it quickly exited the Mun's SOI and now careens around Kerbin in a distant, highly skewed elliptical orbit.



The Future: KSC Munar Corps On The Move!

Next steps are to land more infrastructure on the Mun, including an Ore Processing and Fuel Refinery Plant where the MCDS class drilling stations will dock to deposit their cargo. Then more habitation modules and (eventually) several permanent outposts along key ore deposits.

We'll keep you posted!

Edited by scottadges
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Mun Satellite Mission

I launched a 3-staged rocket planned to go to the Mun with an onboard payload, a satellite called SC-MunSat. The first stage engine is mainsail LE, second one 'skipper LFE' and the third one also skipper. Little did I know I got too excited, and decided not to test the third stage. 

 I took too many screenshots, 20-30 of them, so I have to make this short.

Liftoff with a TWR of 1.48 .


It went well until I realised how long it is to make an orbit. So I waited.



"Finally, it made an orbit! Now, I just have to add a manoeuvre to encounter with Mun."


"Done! Now I have to prepare for the burn."

Okay, I have to admit that I was pretty excited to get to the moon. The image below is the manoeuvre burn. 


"Great, now I will encounter with Mun!"

Yes, again, I was excited. Especially when it's my first time going somewhere. Then something happened.

I got no probe control.


So, yup, I got no probe control due to my lack of knowledge. Since I can't turn to retrograde and burn, I was going on a collision course straight to the Mun.

Just a fact, the ship was going 600 meters per second in the image below.



KVxrpQY.pngBoom! The craft crashed into the surface of Mun.

Remember, plan something before you do any mission especially manned ones.

Luckily in this mission, no Kerbals are injured. 

Edited by KerbalNetwork
for some reason
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Been working on long range helicopter designs to use in the KSP weekly challenge, as my regular helis only have a range of perhaps around 450km at most, much short of the something like 1900km required to get to the opposite side of Kerbin.


First design was something I have currently named the "E-19 Longbow." The idea is that for liftoff, it has the rotor lift it, while a forward facing jet on the port side provides antitorque. Then, once a decent amount of altitude has been gained, the turboshaft motor is shutdown and a forward facing jet on the starboard side is powered up, resulting in forward thrust without torque. Then I switch to the rotor and toggle deflection on the rotor blades, giving symmetrical lift distribution over the rotor, so I can fly the thing like a plane. Currently I'm having control problems before a during the transition, so if I use this I'll need to work on that.


Also trying a version of my E-24 with some wings added at about 5 degrees angle of attack. The lift provided allows rotor power to be reduced to about 30%, greatly reducing fuel consumption, however at the cost of some airspeed due to their drag. Trying to find a good balance. Will need a fair amount of extra fuel to make it to the other side of the planet tho. Might make a version with actual Mk3 cargo bays for lower drag.

Anyways, that's all I've got for today. Gonna be working the rest of the day. :P

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I've gotten back into KSP after quite a long time without having time to play. Since 1.3 is now out, the first thing I did was check out some new mods. I played around with Tantares and Contares for a while, and then settled with a different set of mods.

Most of what I've done since coming back has just been designing and testing launch vehicles. The designs were pretty strongly influenced by the Soyuz rockets.


Thunderbolt 1. It only has a 500kg payload capacity and isn't overly efficient (because the interstage increases drag a lot), but it looks pretty good.



Thunderbolt 3. This one is far more Soyuz-like, and consists of three stages. It has about 4 tonnes worth of payload capacity, but the low-power second stage means it's better suited to lifting smaller payloads beyond LKO.



Coronet 1 spacecraft launching on a modified Thunderbolt 3. The third stage of the Thunderbolt 3 rocket has been replaced by the propulsion module of the Coronet 1, which is based on a similar design.



A nice Korolev Cross separation. Unfortunately, MechJeb's autopilot doesn't recognize the Soyuz-style tanks as a separate stage for some reason, so the separation has to be done manually.



Second stage in action. Fairly basic, but effective.


Coronet 1 spacecraft in orbit. The part behind the Mk1 command pod is an airlock from Planetary Base Systems, which I used to fit an extra kerbal in the spacecraft (and conveniently it works with Connected Living Space). The spacecraft is fully functional and is capable of docking, but it has to run on battery power so it can't stay in orbit for too long. Future iterations will include an orbital module and solar panels, as well as more fuel.

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So I was going to work on the F-34A, B, and C, but KSP decided the apocalypse should occur! The screen went dark, the main menu had a bunch of yellow rectangle thingys, and the lights at the SPH were off...

Also, on the F-34 program, it's basically an F-35 mix thing. A is CTOL, B is VTOL, and C is unarmed for training purposes.

EDIT: I think I got Krakenized.

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I asked on the forums why my satellite is not controllable on the previous launch, they said I had no electricity left, and had to just let my panels open, followed that and, had my first successful satellite orbiting the Mun!

After a third attempt, I finally got the hang of it, and it went well! Even though it was a ton of manoeuvre I had to do, it still had remaining fuel left.

Screenshots, again, why not :wink:.

TWR 1.40


One of the 'many' manoeuvres  :maneuver: 


On moon encounter.


Finally, the deployment of the SAT



A tip: never give up trying.

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Part 5 of the pilot training. Today, Col. Valentina Kerman is training 2nd Lt. Danny Kerman on proper VTOL mechanics in the F-34D, which has no weapons (For training). Enjoy! (Also, I may KerbalX all of the training planes; I'll have to think about it....)


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