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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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After lots of "simulated" flights (ie saves and reverts both in sandbox and career games), I finally few my first "Live" kOS mission.

Bob went up early soviet style, fully computer controlled with him as a passenger.  2 days later, after 3 successful EVAs to collect science and reset the instruments high above Kerbin, high above the Mun, and on a 20km Mun flyby, he was supposed to hit his only control button of the entire mission and deploy the parachutes. 

However there was a slight glitch and the retrograde burn to bring the Pe in to atmosphere (only a small burn he did a retrograde flyby to bring him back towards Kerbin) didn't fire, so Bob had to cancel the programme, programme the computer to turn retrograde and unlock the throttle (ok, he typed in 2 short lines of code), and then manually control the throttle to get an appropriate Pe.

A successful first mission for the new flight computer and Bob landed safely with over 400 science!

I foresee a lot of future work for Bob and Bill while Jeb and Val just hang around the KSC sulking.


As I'm using USI Kolonisation and life support I'm going to spending a lot of time setting up a base on either the Min or Minmus, so I think for the first time in at least half a dozen careers I'm actually going to use Science Labs this game to get as far up the tech tree as I can before heading to Duna.  The plan is that kOS will do the donkey work of repeated flights to gather science, and automated ships will do resupply runs for the bases and transfer resources between different bases.

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An update on my earlier post on page 1655. 

Steam has successfully fixed KSP so now Im playing the  "Download missing and updated mods and craft files from chrome without windows defender noticing because apparently it cant be told to ignore chromedownloads"


Wish me luck

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Juggled the camera between four vessels today, during the late Gilly bombardment. I mean, why wait for a second launch window when you can just launch all the vessels on the first one?

Here number 1 arriving in a terribly slow 13km orbit:


Closely (not at all) followed by the space station arriving in a 21.5km orbit. Why? Time warp!


And here's a satellite.


I did the usual shtick when getting a "dock two vessels" contract: Get one tourist contract to the same destination and killing those two birds.


Now, remember how I said that I wanted to let the stage that got my station into orbit burn up in Eve's atmosphere? Well, that didn't quite work out as intended.




The service bay, along with a battery, the probe core and two broken antennas, surprisingly survived the atmospheric entry. On Eve!

And it's very slow and a long way down as well. Just look at this!


By the way: Nice colors, I like this... red?


But the remains didn't just survive an atmospheric entry, no no. They made it to the ground as well, at ~25m/s INTACT.


Quick! Change the name of the vessel to something more appropriate for this situation!





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Two weeks ago I got Kerbal Operating System. I really shouldn't have. I haven't touched my career game since i got KOS. Jeez, this mod is cool. Over the past couple of weeks, I've been going through a testing program, slowly evolving towards a self-landing orbital-class booster. It's hard. Finally, I have had success! After much reloading of quick saves (and infinite fuel) and slight code editing, I nailed it! I flew a little plane out to the Island Airfield and set its coordinates to be the target. 


I'm going to rest on my laurels for a while and wait before trying that without infinite fuel, although I feel like it might make it from the launchpad, to suborbit, and land with the fuel it has. MIGHT.

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1 hour ago, Delay said:

But the remains didn't just survive an atmospheric entry, no no. They made it to the ground as well, at ~25m/s INTACT.

Just had something similar happen a few days ago - except the rover landed in the sea & is stuck floating there and the debris from the transfer vehicle landed intact on land 2-3 km away.

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Flying the new buggy is a pain, we have came to the conclusion that we are over-enginering.

We upgraded Val's (rip) old buggy and let Jeb flew it to Gralas' Incline (mount Doom).


Perfect landing and separation :cool:


We will leave Jeb here for now, tomorrow a commission of shareholders will decide if Jeb's going to be this missions driver.

Edited by Triop
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1 hour ago, Johnster_Space_Program said:

Is this a glitch you found?

Hoh yeah! I was experimenting with a turboprop design when this happened, the glitch only occurs when the prop reaches max speed, so it can be turned on and off simply by throttling the engines, I believe this glitch is because of scatterer, although I've never experienced anything like this before. The glitch is shockingly consistent, even after reloading the game.

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So I decided to joke around and went on orbit of kerbin, got an eeloo encounter. Landed on it, set a flag, took a good old surface sample and did an EVA Report.

Im currently stuck in a fly-by of kerbin with a escape shuttle pushing it into orbit with a kerbal.


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2 hours ago, Kronus_Aerospace said:

I'm serious, this effect only happens when this craft is turned on... I think I've accidentally made my first glitch machine


It's the Worlds first Kerbal Space Flux Capacitor!

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