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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Rosetta-Philae. Nuff said. Although I fat-fingered the time warp buttons just before rendezvous and had to make an embarrassing U-turn and get back to the comet 3 days after the first rendezvous because I sped up instead of slowing down. :blush:


Also discovered a curious bug after bunging a comet into Kerbin's atmosphere (because why wouldn't you find a half-megaton lump of ice and rock and think "You know what? This would be so much better if it was ON KERBIN!") where after the comet broke apart during re-entry, the tails were following the probe and were also moving as the probe rotated.

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10 minutes ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Rosetta-Philae. Nuff said. Although I fat-fingered the time warp buttons just before rendezvous and had to make an embarrassing U-turn and get back to the comet 3 days after the first rendezvous because I sped up instead of slowing down. :blush:


Also discovered a curious bug after bunging a comet into Kerbin's atmosphere (because why wouldn't you find a half-megaton lump of ice and rock and think "You know what? This would be so much better if it was ON KERBIN!") where after the comet broke apart during re-entry, the tails were following the probe and were also moving as the probe rotated.

So you broke the game already? :confused: that's no fun for the rest of us! :D 

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Time for the first mission to Eve in this play through. Since it was built before 1.10 dropped no new stuff used.



Evening launch to position myself for the Eve injection burn.




And on our way to Eve.



Good haul on the science and I have enough D/V for Gilly after the contract.


And 1.10 didn't break any of my mods!:)



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7 hours ago, JorgeCS said:

I just tested that 1.10 with ModuleManager 4.1.3 and the latests versions of Scatterer, EVE and AVP works... but I see that @panarchist has already done that :D 

Scatterer is having some weird issues on my computer - the colors are... off. I ended up removing it and now AVP looks "normal" again. I also tried SVE, and that looks pretty good under 1.10 without Scatterer. I have 20 or so mods installed at the moment, though, so I don't know yet why things aren't looking right.

I've also noticed several bugs that I need to try to reproduce - one of them is an inability to track another ship or create a maneuver node. Hopefully no one else is having that issue. That's a topic for another thread, however.

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I landed a remote rover on Laythe for the first time in this career and my Eve crew made it back to Kerbin orbit and are waiting on a recovery vessel

LLRR (Laythe Large Remove Rover) chutes deploying and jettisoning the heatshield


Within a short drive of not one but two geisers:


Shortly before landing,  I lost comm's and had to wait a few hours to open my main antenna and start exploring



Eve crew adjusting inclination:


So after the fact, I realized the "return to Kerbin from flyby of Gilly" requires a landing on Kerbin so I had to build a recovery craft that (with the engineer on the Eve vessel) use KAS to cut the crew segment off the ship, add parachutes & a heat shield then reenter while the rest of the ship gets sent off to crash into Mun - don't want to dump a NERV into the oceans of Kerbin, much better to pollute the Mun

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Made a comet base:


Comets are huge, the base is only barely visible in a shot of the entire comet:


Also noticed an interesting thing with comets and vessels attached to them: They don't seem to have a load range of 2.3km, instead a much larger range, in order to prevent pop-in given their massive size.

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I am certain many of you have seen that Beginning on June 29th, I attempted a rather bold project, to fly to the Mun, using IVA, and no time warp. Along with me I brought several pieces of equipment to perform an orbital EVA, to assemble a simple satellite in orbit of Mun, and construct a small rover on the surface. While the assembly systems ultimately failed, due to one of the many aspects of spaceflight, the overall goals of the mission where successful. A safe landing was performed at 8:00 pm central standard time, on June 29th, and at 11:00 am central standard time on June 30th, the capsule safely landed on Kerbin by parachute. A formal report is being prepared and what footage from the stream that I remembered to record will be compiled together with recreation footage in order to produce a short video summary of the flight. 

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Most of my KSP time today was spent on my Moho mission, but also since 1.10 is out I installed it and did the obvious: play with the new magnetometer and flag decals and then catch a comet. Well... "catch" is an imprecise term to use here, since Comet Henler-Adgas 1 (It's so cute how they get the randomly generated names of their Kerbal discoverers!) weighs 246570 tons! So I guess more precisely I made contact with it. It looks more like a landing honestly, but since unless I missed something they still don't have detectable gravity, it arguably doesn't technically count as such. And just for kicks, I did it 100% LEGIT, i.e. no Alt+F12 cheats. I just constructed a fat ion probe with 22000 m/s of delta-V, used one of the new SRBs (just cuz) to put it in space, and drove it all the way to the comet. Even though I launched well before its periapsis and got pretty close to it whilst near the sun, due to its prodigious orbital velocity I didn't quite reach it until it was past Jool's orbit and I had expended most of my fuel. Plus, due to its aforementioned bulk, the meter literally said I had 0 m/s left once connected (i.e. I had less than half a meter per second, probably much less), so I guess I'm not bringing it anywhere, but hey, I did a comet landing successfully on the first try! Anyway here's the picture:

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1 hour ago, eee said:

please tell us

Number 1: craft with the sentinel telescope crash the game when you change soi's (found this the hard way when trying to find a comet.)

Number 2: closing the game with the quit game button in the menus causes your pc to freak out. You can get around this by closing it with task manager.

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Today, I decided to revisit a test I made on KSP 1.9. Yeah, the hydrofoil ship that took off into the skies.  :P 



If you followed my previous attempt on 1.9.1, you already know I was pretty disappointed by the results at that time. But KSP 1.10 fixed a lot of things, and the performance improvements are yet greater, so (of course) it worths a new shot.



So I launched the very same vessels from my last attempt (download links on the last slide), cheated by way into the water and hit the thrusters.

One thing that I noticed is that the message Physics easing in progress just didn't disappeared, as it does when I place the vessel on the ground. It's a glitch to be aware of, as the next slide will demonstrate.



And yessss, the thingy took off. :D Note the lack of drag, by the way.

Oukey, I thought, back to 1.7.3 so... But then I reconsidered due that Physics easing message. This stunt is not there just because, right? And if the glitch was not in the physics engine as I thought, but on the Easing itself?

(I just reviewed my last attempt on 1.9.1 just to be sure, and there's no Physics easing message there - but the behaviour are curiously similar!)

So I installed Vessel Mover and gave it a try.



Vessel Mover is an old friend. Nothing to add about.



Yeah. Famous last words. :D

The Place Vessel's Place Vessel didn't worked as intended on this vessel, when the vessel touched the water the rear hydrofoils were ripped off and throw into orbit, as it appears...

Of course, dropping the vessel didn't did better. :)



But I found a solution - pretty obvious, to tell the true.

Use the Fine option from Vessel Mover (hit TAB) and place it carefully on the water yourself!

And then hit Drop Vessel (the Place Vessel explodes the rear hydrofoils the same).




I have successfully moved the vessel into water without triggering the Physics Easing bug neither exploding her! :D

Vessel Mover needs to be updated, as it appears. I just remembered this happened too on KSP 1.9 (and probably happens too on KSP 1.8).

But a working around exists, so this is not a show stopper. Let's proceed!



AND YESS, BABY!! We are surfing the Kerbin Seas at >65 M/sec! :) 

Things had changed, but now they changed into something compatible to the behaviour on KSP 1.7.3. The speed is slightly lower, and it's slightly harder to correctly make the vessel to "take off" without loosing balance and diving the nose on the water, turning over.

Do you now what? I like more this way - the whole point of doing this stunts is by the challenge of doing and using them. Wee need"accidents" on the game to keep it challenging, otherwise it would be just another casual game to be played while waiting kids and wife to get ready for dinner.

I'll redo all my previous testings on KSP 1.8 and 1.9 (including the ones I published here) to see what I get, but I think that at least some of my KSP 1.7.3 gaming can now migrate to get better graphics and, above all, way better performance!

I'm happy with this successful test session. Really happy. Things look promising. :) 

The vessels are still the very same, you can download them from the last slide of my last attempt.

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Done a lot of things, will detail later. Right now, I'm struggling with a contract which requires 2000 LF in a space station in orbit of Mun, while my most powerful engine is the Reliant (I have the Terrier too, but it sucks at atmo). And I have only 1.25m tanks. Even if I do it in 4 trip, it's still 3 of the biggest tank I have to haul into LKO, then Mun, without getting a single drop of fuel from them. Moar boosters does not seems to really helps me here... Why a Mun base would require THAT much fuel anyway ? (everything else is already in Mun orbit, I just need this monstruous amount of fuel)(damn, I miss the 2.5m engines)

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So, besides putting some sat around and val rescuing stranded kerbal in orbit, I've started going to Mun.


First one to go there is Jeb, Val lost the toss a coin challenge, so she'll sit that one out. In the end, she'll be happy about it, but she do not know that yet.


Everything went smoothly. Jeb's happy, and happiness make him float apparently. Some science experiment were made, some mun stone were extracted and then Jeb lookes at the dv-meter in the cockpit and notice that there was only not enough to reach orbit left in the tank.

After a call to KSC, it appears the engineer forgot that you actually need to get back from Mun after landing, and that 5400 dV is enough toget there, but certainly not enough to get back from there. So a rescue mission is in progress, with a Larger version of the rocket (there's plenty of TWR available, more tanks can be added).

So, while Jeb is waiting for a rescue party, playing cards with the onboard computer, mission control decided that it would be nice to have a space station around mun, with enough fuel to refill a craft. Enough fuel being 2000 units of LF. Which is way too much according to engineering, who are now complaining at the science department because they need better engines and more efficient fuel. Science listened to the complaint and said that Jeb is sitting on a little bit short of 200 Science bucks, which would be more than enough to get better engines. And RCS, even if no-one except val complained about that. So a loud crowd of engineer, pilots and scientists are now heading toward mission control to ask for this rescue mission. Jeb is quite but that's because he's trying to train the on-board computer to play poker.


Anyway, work on the space station started. A Munar Kore Module was sent in LKO, and soon after the Munar Habitation Module, towed by a lander piloted by Val did rendezvous in LKO. At this distance, Val - for the MHM - and the on board computer - for the MKM - limited the terrier engine to 10% of its output, to act as a precision engine and slowly move toward each other, while maintaining alignment.


Exchanging data back and forth, the one kerban two ship finally find themselves aligned, and slowly moved toward each other, hopping the magnets in the docking port would be powerful enough.


And contact. And both module are almost aligned. The fuel tank on the MKM is full which, after Val would undock with her craft, will provide enough dV to reach Mun orbit. Val had something to do on Kerbin, so she could not really stayed on board and she left and landed safely (crashed herself into the mountain near the KSC, but a quick load fixed it).


And now, there's an elevator between Mun and Kerbin. That or perspective. Anyway, I've got room for four kerbal (the needed fifth one will be added by docking a spaceship for docking maneuver practice around the Mun), power, solar panel, antennas. I'm just short of 2000 LF. Mission control agreed to pause the project for now and get the science buck back to Kerbin. And Jeb too.

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Little Lander Round 3 is now online and I have submitted this 


I also finished the patch for round 3


If you want to participate here is the link 


22 hours ago, coyotesfrontier said:

Made a comet base:


Comets are huge, the base is only barely visible in a shot of the entire comet:


Also noticed an interesting thing with comets and vessels attached to them: They don't seem to have a load range of 2.3km, instead a much larger range, in order to prevent pop-in given their massive size.

Awesome. Yeah it got me too!

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