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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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39 minutes ago, JorgeCS said:

I think you need to create a png of 256x160 pixels, give it a name, put it in the (your KSP folder)\Gamedata\Squad\Flags folder.... but I never did that before, it's just a guess :huh:

That's basically all it needs. Best to create your own folder with a Flags subdfolder (like [KSP Folder]\Gamedata\PersonalStuff\Flags) though, and beware it's 256x160 not 160x256 :)

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Just now, Okhin said:

That's basically all it needs. Best to create your own folder with a Flags subdfolder (like [KSP Folder]\Gamedata\PersonalStuff\Flags) though, and beware it's 256x160 not 160x256 :)

it works


But mods need to be installed with folders or zip?

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2 minutes ago, Okhin said:

They need to be unzipped folders in GameData.

You can use CKAN to manage your mods, keep them updated and unzip them for you if you want to avoid the sometime tedious tasks of manual installs and updates.



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Generated stickers for the NASA worm font.


I used this font for the stickers, and this bash thing for generating all them :

for LETTER in {A..Z};
    do convert canvas:none \
    -size 256x160 \
    -font ~/Documents/nasalization/nasalization\ rg.ttf \
    -pointsize 140 \
    -fill red1 \
    -gravity Center \
    -draw "text 0,0 '$LETTER'" \

convert is part of the imagemagick suite. Which do magick. With images.

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I took a group of five tourists to the Mun as part of a contract. I landed two of them to the surface and returned them to the station. Pretty routine by now. The others only paid for an orbit. I'll send them back to Kerbin tomorrow on the Mun Bus.


Over at Minimus, things are beginning to get going. First, I landed a rover on the surface to complete a contract to scan an Olivine formation. I was going to detach the skycrane after landing, but I realized I could keep it attached and drive around with just the two rear wheels. I was able to cruise around at 12 m/s and the skycrane actually made for a decent roll cage.



After the scan was complete, I put the vehicle on it's rear to recharge the batteries so I would have enough juice to transmit the data home.



Over on the other side of Minimus, I landed a kerbed mission. I had a dedicated lander, but I realized contract also wanted me to return a vehicle from the surface. Since the lander had no parachutes I decided to just land the whole crew shuttle instead. I had to disable the gimbal on the Poodle because it kept leaping off the ground otherwise. After leveling up some of the crew in the nearby science lab the ship headed back up and prepared to return to Kerbin.


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1 hour ago, Grogs said:

Over at Minimus, things are beginning to get going. First, I landed a rover on the surface to complete a contract to scan an Olivine formation. I was going to detach the skycrane after landing, but I realized I could keep it attached and drive around with just the two rear wheels. I was able to cruise around at 12 m/s and the skycrane actually made for a decent roll cage.


That's pretty funny!

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A productive morning for me.  I discovered the cause of Insufficient power -- shutting down, occurring during physics easing, followed by that long pause that means the Kraken is calculating the exact trajectories of flying parts and the precise size of the fireballs in the imminent explosion, which occurs when switching to or ending warp on a massive super-refinery.

I had the drills placed too low such that they were acting as stilts, holding the vehicle off the surface.  KSP thought it was "in flight", causing problems with physics easing and also sometimes preventing warp while refining.

I'm so relieved not to have to scrap this craft, Atlas.



Preparing to land on the velvety, lunar quilt: what a beautiful sight...



Maiden flight of my new Firefly passenger shuttle.  It'll be servicing LKO <--> geosynchronous orbit, but it ought also to be able to go to the Mun.

D2TiH1n.png   pMoeodK.png



Edited by Hotel26
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More science snagging ensued today, with a trip for Jeb to the Mun's surface.



That does not look good.


Flag raised and science grabbed, it was time to wake up that lazy, sleeping on the job spacecraft.


Ah... the wonders of an overpowered SAS unit.


Kersploosh!... and all in, a couple hundred science points to add to the kitty.


Edited by purpleivan
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I tested out a new design for a crew-launch vehicle to get lots of kerbals up to orbit and back. I don't have the tech level to build a proper space plane SSTO, but I took advantage of the Mk3 passenger module to give a total of 19 seats. The upper tank is empty to keep the COM low for re-entry.



Here's the orbital shuttle docked at Kerbin Station. The ship to the left is the Mun Bus bringing a load of kerbonauts and tourists back from the Mun. The design is getting long in the tooth and I'll probably retire it soon and replace it with something more up to date.



Bringing the orbital shuttle back to the KSP. With the shape and fuel at the bottom, it holds rock steady on re-entry. I don't think I can land it reliably on land so I have to bring it in to overshoot and then fire the engines to get it close to the coast. It's also a little too aerodynamic and without the airbrakes it would smash into the ocean before chutes deployed.



Coming in safely just a few km offshore from KSC.



Over at Minimus, the fuel tanker arrived. Jeb flew the lander up and then left on one of the Mun Buses seen earlier. When the next group comes they can use it for further exploration of the surface.



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4 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

Nice work! I knew you could get serious speed by exploiting the steering of those giant wheels but I didn't know that you could actually break the sound barrier using them :D

Thanks! The problem is not power (which is obtained by inverting the steering on one side) but drag. the big rover wheels are really draggy so that's why i put them in cargo bays so that they produce no drag of their own. also i don't think that there is a limit to the theoretical max speed in a zero drag enviroment so it might just be possible to push them much much further.

Edited by Flying dutchman
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