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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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On 5/9/2021 at 9:06 AM, ColdJ said:
6 hours ago, ColdJ said:

Very interesting designs. You mentioned that this was 'while you were waiting', so that may be the entire explanation :D, but I do wonder: why so much wing?


Prompted in part by this question, I wondered... and ended up extending one of my older cargo designs into a full CRG-100 + ramp, mostly just to test how lean I could make it and still retain good performance.


Testing with 51t of cargo.


Cruising mach 4.1 @ 18.7km.


With 20t cargo (more typical for rover/base modules), cruise altitude is 20.8km.


Full album: https://imgur.com/a/GoKNZ7r

Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/Transport-4b

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59 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

Very interesting designs. You mentioned that this was 'while you were waiting', so that may be the entire explanation :D, but I do wonder: why so much wing?

Well first I have always liked flying wings. Second, I was watching the last big budget Godzilla movie the other day and I got inspired by the great big flying wing that they were running around in. Problem with that is their one could park at least 3 Ospreys in the rear hangar of the plane. If I build that big I will need to create a custom spawn point out in the grass flats in order to have room to take off. Also when done right you can glide a very long way in a flying wing. :D

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3 hours ago, ColdJ said:

Damn it, now I thinking about ways to build a flying wing big enough to park an Osprey inside of!

Try the Hanger Extender mod if you are able to. Not sure if it works with updated ksp however.


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3 minutes ago, Dientus said:

Try the Hanger Extender mod if you are able to. Not sure if it works with updated ksp however.



I have the FSHangerExtender mod on my heavily modded install and I also have Hangar(s) which gives you cargo bay parts, where the craft get unloaded from memory when the doors are shut. It has a pretty huge hangar that might work. Only problem is I couldn't put it on KerbalX as I try to only use stock parts so that other people have no problem with them. :sob:

Thank you for the suggestion though I may make a mod 1 just for the fun of it. :)


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5 hours ago, Kerminator K-100 said:

It took me like 5 minutes to get registered when I posted a mod, maybe you need to resubmit?

I have tried, but it says that my name and email are already in the system. I don't want to have to put a different one. I have asked for help through all contact methods now I think so I am just having to be patient.

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There I was, trying to clip Mk1 LF fuselages into a Mk3 LF fuselage and using Mk3-2.5m/3.75m adapters, when the solution was right in front of me the whole time- just use a second set of Mk3 fuselages, rotated 90 degrees to create a seamless (if incredibly glitchy looking) 3.75m cylinder with double the fuel capacity and a much lower part count than before; this is particularly important because I’m designing the propulsion system for a Grand Tour ship and I’ll need all the fuel I can get, even if that means a TWR of 0.15 fully loaded.

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Got a small station into orbit - the MOL (Manned Orbiting Lab - loosely based on the real plans).  In my setup, the station launches on its own, then a crew goes up in the next launch (the MTV - MOL Transfer Vehicle).  Once an engineer & scientist are loaded on the MOL, the pilot undocks & heads for home in the MTV, leaving the other two on the station.  Once it is time to leave, they can land in the Mk2 pod attached to the station

The MOL is my largest launch in this save:



The MTV goes up next:


It reaches LKO with around 600 m/s dV remaining, giving it plenty to rendezvous & dock with the MOL.



The MOL has a clamp-o-tron jr in the nose or the radial airlock can be used for docking


For normal ops, the passenger cabin is jettisoned along with the orbital stage for reentry.  On launch, there is an additional decoupler tied to the abort system that decouples the passenger cabin with the Mk 1 pod.  I haven't actually tested it to see if the parachute is strong enough for both.  But hey, that's why we give kerbals parachutes, right? 


I ran out of time to recover my intrepid Mun explorers, but I did grab a nice shot of them coming home:



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To infinity and beyond! - First probe in orbit.
The space race is about compromises.. Werner wanted a nicely designed rocket while Jeb wanted to use some surplus sounding rockets because he had some lying around, and because "MOAR BOOSTERS!"


Up, Up, and away!

It was a race against time as the little probe's battery drained to zero but Orbit was established!


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I recovered my Mun crew today, and put up a proper set of relays to replace the poorly spaced Pioneer relays at around 500km.  The ECN-1M (Equatorial Communications Network - 1 Million meters) was placed via a single launch, placing 3 equally spaced 12G relays in (you guessed it) a 1000 km orbit and finally (I hope) solving my LKO communications problems.

Last view of the GPV's engine before the explosions started.  One of my favorite parts about JNSQ is that reentry is actually dangerous now.  I also ended up editing the reaction wheels to be a little more powerful - even with the nose RCS, I couldn't quite keep directly retrograde during reentry.   Previously, I had its RW's turned down to just 0.5, but I bumped them up to 1.0 now.


But the brave Mun explorers made it through & splashed down safely in the Western Sea


ECN-1M carrier boosting its Ap to 1000km


Relay deployed in orbit


Once the 3 new relays were in place, it was time to say goodbye to the trusty Pioneer relays that had been (usually) providing LKO communications links till now


Next was the second Mun lander sent on its way to await Val & Bob


Finally, with 2.5m engines researched, it was time to test larger launchers.  Still using the tried and true Mk2 pod, Jeb & Kelrik launched atop the new 2.5m Girroc launch vehicle towards a Minmus orbit.  The Girroc doesn't really provide any extra dV to the Mk 2 GPV, but it places it in orbit with just the core rocket rather than needing the complex triple-core 1.875m Dawngrazer



Looking back toward Kerbin after course correction en route to Minmus.  I toyed with using the FASA RL-10 engine on this one, but it feels cheaty with its ridiculously high Isp (it needs to be edited to use hydrolox instead of LFO if I want to be less cheaty).  The "production" version goes back to the Restock+ Schnauzer engine



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While attempting to get a working Waverider set up for the Hypersonic challenge I created a Semi Trailer heavy cargo plane that detatches to leave the trailer behind. Once tried with a Clydesdale payload I have had to add verniers on the mk2 to mk3 adapter and wings to stop the weight shift pointing my nose at the sky.




@swjr-swis@Caerfinon You guys might like this.

Edited by ColdJ
Added verniers
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I designed a large lander with OPT and Restock+ for use in a Galaxies Unbound cinematic. For ease of EVA when landed it includes a clipped Mk1 cabin in the bottom center (the tank there does not hold fuel).




I also designed an SUV for that cinematic. The SUV holds 4, with and without helmets. I-beams, tanks and body panels are tweakscaled but the probe core, wheels, solar panels and batteries in particular are not scaled. It includes 2x Twitch engines for sporting but its aerodynamics cap the top speed to about 42m/s. Only stock parts, Restocked.



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Didn't get too much done today - second Mun crew launched (using the new Girroc Launcher) and I placed a new 400G relay in polar orbit to replace the much weaker Pioneer-based relay. 

Val & Bob heading for orbit


and on their way to Mun


New polar relay coasting to Ap of its parking orbit


After entering a 175km orbit, a short time later the transfer stage pushed the Ap over the south pole out to 25000km before staging away



Once the new relay was established in orbit and all systems checked good, it was time to deorbit the last Pioneer-based relay around Kerbin.  



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Pole to Pole - Launch satellite in polar orbit

Another small probe using the Stayputnik Mk2 rocket successfully hurled into a stable polar orbit. We are as surprised as anyone.  


Staypuknik III on station monitoring for the seasonal travels of Santa Kerman...




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Maybe another in my series of Break-Apart airplanes?

HFRicaZ.png   7dmAU6L.png   zj9Af40.png   [click + arrows]

M0bieHT.png   fFCRZFu.png   1chSuIm.png

I decided I needed a Nissen Hut for accommodating off-duty Kerbals at .e.g Baikerbanur, Dessert Strip and the Island Airport.

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I accidentally deleted all my programs on my TI-84 a while ago. Most of them were for calculating stuff in KSP. I've rewritten them all and then some. Now I don't even need the wiki to get all the info I need on the planets like their semi-major axis and mean anomaly. I'm a self-sufficient Kerbal player now! :D

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