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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Some time ago, I made a "Saturn C8 recreation, for a direct approach for a Mun landing...

... as many could know about it, BDB is developing a new version of the Saturn V, so I took broadly the same ideas, ported with the new parts already developed.

This time, is the moment for Valentina, and an all female crew, to ride "The Beast", version 2:


Aside the little problem of the 8x F-1 engines destroying the launchbase at engine start, before I could releas the holds (with the whole service tower collapsing), a launch test gave me the possibility, probably, of get some of the best involuntary, screenshots that I ever took:




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7 hours ago, Araym said:


My first reaction was:
OH MY GOD THAT'S FAKE! It looks so realistic!


Anyway, the C-1.7 was tested. Cargo deployment is highly successful, and not just on water, anywhere!(https://youtu.be/Jl5pUs9uuto)

Military paratrooper deployment has negative results in 
-Frame rate -Controllability -Cargo Survivability -General Effectiveness
But positive results in  spaghetti production rates.


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3 hours ago, Wizard Kerbal said:

My first reaction was:
OH MY GOD THAT'S FAKE! It looks so realistic!

Thanks for the recognition :happy:

:blush2:After a long time not playing KSP, now with a decent PC under me, I'm trying to "upgrade" the game not only with all the part mods that I always liked to have, but also with all the visual mods that I never dreamed of:
aside "EVE", "Scatterer", updated visuals (basically "Astronomer Visual Pack", with some slight changes and personalizations) I started to play around "TUFX", for post processing.
After downloading some presets, to study what I could like, I started to blend them in my own ones. It's surelly worth the effort.

Aside that, when I try to make some pictures, I always look to some real life references, to try to imitate them: even in the past, when I just had a potato-pc (... example here: a 2015 screenshot, taken from an horrible 2008 celeron laptop, compared to the original that ispired it, took from one of the links in my signature that I keep just for sake of nostalgy):

Now, for sure, I can have "better results"... :grin:
(And not only in visuals: the above old screenshot was taken playin in "still images x minutes"... now I can run all the above fancy set up, and still have a framerate misurable in decent "frames x seconds" even with such big monstrosities of rockets)

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A science module was delivered to the Minmus Skylab along with a few Kerbals. 






Only three Kerbals fit in the return pod, so Jeb had everyone draw straws. While they were distracted, he took the return pod for himself and set a course for Kerbin. 


Science isn't going to research itself, he thought as he cruised away, zeroing out the volume on his radio. 

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Uhhh Houston... we have bubble gum for docking ports...




They're 5 m docking ports from SpaceY tweakscaled up to 7.5 m.  I'm trying a 10 m SpaceY fairing now.


The fairing helped get it to 70 km... but then I deployed it and everything exploded.  So I tried it on the launch pad. This led to my very first KSP video! It's ridiculous. 

Fairing test goes worse than possible


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5 hours ago, KrakenRider43 said:

I don’t know how to post images but the picture is on my profile picture 

Open the web page where the picture is, right click and select "Copy Image Address". Then paste the generated URL on a post, and Forum will do the rest.

Now, if the problem is how to upload your images to a web page, I suggest learning about Imgur. Once you create an account here, all you need to do is to create a post, click on the button "Add Image" and then drag and drop the image from the Windows Explorer/Finder/Nautilus/whatever into the Pop Up that appears saying "Drop your image here". I like to keep my posts "hidden" on Imgur, so people needs to have a link to them to access them. Helps to keep trolls at large. ;)

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It was time to test a 2 gen rover


And send a probe to Eve to conduct some biome scans before sending the Rover mentioned above.



Launched straight into an ejection to Eve.


And arrival at Eve


On station. Not perfect but I'll get about 70% of the surface by the time the next launch window opens.


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I sent a rover to Duna.


Entry at Duna.


Heat shield separation and sky-crane start up. (I forgot to use a drogue chute and instead put a useless regular chute on. It deploys 50 meters from the ground)


But no worries. Everything checks out and we will go on a road trip to the Sky-Crane derbies some 4.5 km away.



The first thing to do is to check out the heat shield wreckage near by


And scan a sand dune on the way to the sky-crane crash site.


And we will charge up here at the crash site and see what else there is to see.


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Today I planned to do a few routine missions down to the surface of Minmus, but today, I discovered something...


I was scouting out locations for a landing site for a new unmanned ground station, as a part of Project LONG, (Long-term Observation for New Gravimetric anomalies), the ground station is being sent along with a satellite and another ground station. I selected two possible sites and used the Service lander to bring some experiments to the surface from Service Station 1. The first site was the bleak plateau of Site E, near the Lesser flats.


Moving on, after going back to Service Station 1 to refuel, Al and the Service lander set out again.


Next up was Site F, set in a small flat in the southern hemisphere. Quickly I took a liking to the place, but I noticed something.


In the upper center, above the lander in the shot is texture glitc that I've seen occasionally on Minmus. I call them, "rifts." They are a window into the interior of Minmus, which as most KSP players know is absolutely empty. I've seen one up close once before, with the Advanced Mobile Surveyor (AMS), but it was tiny:



Not a particularly overwhelming one, but I'm sure a momentous discovery for all of kerbalkind.



The worst terrain glitch I've ever seen most momentous discovery known to kerbalkind. I didn't stick around long enough to see if it persisted between loading, but it most likely does not. This is in the southern hemisphere, and not particularly near the poles so it's unlikely to be permanent. But still, it was cool to see.


EDIT: Turns out the rift is persistent. Coordinates if anyone wants to check it out:

34° 46' 14" S
44° 59'42" E

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Aside some "poster images" (as shown a couple of post prior) of some quality, the development of my Saturn C-8 version 2, nicknamed "Nova" (kitbashed mostly using the in-development new Saturn/Apollo parts from BDB) had various hic-ups, mostly related to being "overengineered" for the very survival of some of the parts involved.
After a series of dress rehersal, simulations and whatever was deemed necessary (a.k.a. "hit that revert button again!!") finally the design was deemed sound enough to be launched.
These are the first batch of images of "Apollo IV":
after being left on Kerbin, by Jeb, Bill and Bob that took a trip to The Mun with the previous iteration of the same design (go past some pages to see it, developed with the old parts from BDB), landing at Armstrong Base with the Apollo II mission,  Valentina has decided to run an "all female crew" for this flight, with her as "Commander Pilot", Linlas Kerman as "Technical Engineer" and Virfel Kerman as "Scientist Specialist".

These are the images released to the public, that show the major interesting moments from launch to Trans Munar Injection...



















Val, Lin and Vir are now quietly resting, enjoying the quiet trip on the transfer orbit.
More news, probably, later, about the rest of their mission...

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20 hours ago, Hotel26 said:

12 hours without a post...?  :)  "My turn!"


Project Bologna (zona non fumatori)

Interesting naming (... immediately noticed, from a very "italian" perspective).
... è un sigarone bello grosso, per essere abbinato ad una "zona non fumatori" :P

Very curious about the content of that very big fairing, now.

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13 hours ago, N_Danger said:

we will go on a road trip to the Sky-Crane derbies some 4.5 km away.

Nice little rover. Some day I will make it to Duna. I don't know how I noticed this but you have 2x Communotron 16-S antennae and those specific ones are not combinable. It's odd but Wiki explains. 

I finally got my asteroid pushing ship to orbit. The booster is 731 t in orbit with < 1% fuel left to deorbit. I doubt there are enough parachutes on it though... I'll find out the hard way. The ship is 700 t with 8.8 km/s with a 7.5m klaw.



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1 hour ago, Araym said:

Interesting naming (... immediately noticed, from a very "italian" perspective).

Bologna was a "working title", probably originating because my VAB team are perennially taking snack breaks...  I hadn't come up with a more "official" sounding name by publication time, so....

If you want to take a look at what is inside, here's the link: Bologna.  Heck, fly it to space!

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Not exactly something I did in KSP, but I've a quick question:

Is there a simpler, perhaps less ugly solution for resource transfer between vessels without docking than KAS? Can you even use the stock fuel pipes for this with EVA assembly, like struts?

Thanks in advance!

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22 minutes ago, Neebel said:

Not exactly something I did in KSP, but I've a quick question:

Is there a simpler, perhaps less ugly solution for resource transfer between vessels without docking than KAS? Can you even use the stock fuel pipes for this with EVA assembly, like struts?

Thanks in advance!

Well first, This should be in the thread "How to annoy a fanbase with a single sentence" or at least the help threads.

Using some form of docking or the not at all ugly and very useful KAS are the best ways. Remember you can always have a Jr docking port at the end of a hinge and piston system to reach out and attach like a fuel arm (if you have Breaking Ground) The reattaching a fuel line in EVA is messy and if there is any difference in velocity or spin,lateral movement, between the 2 craft, then you are likey to snap and destroy the fuel line. You are technically turning the 2 craft into one and putting all the stress through that 1 connection.

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2 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

Well first, This should be in the thread "How to annoy a fanbase with a single sentence" or at least the help threads.

Using some form of docking or the not at all ugly and very useful KAS are the best ways. Remember you can always have a Jr docking port at the end of a hinge and piston system to reach out and attach like a fuel arm (if you have Breaking Ground) The reattaching a fuel line in EVA is messy and if there is any difference in velocity or spin,lateral movement, between the 2 craft, then you are likey to snap and destroy the fuel line. You are technically turning the 2 craft into one and putting all the stress through that 1 connection.


Well, I agree KAS is very useful, but I just honestly have to say these fuel pipe attachments don't look very good.
So, I mostly meant transferring resources between landed vessels; while in orbit, docking is the most realistic anyway. But yeah KAS is probably still the best solution, though I might just try out stock fuel lines as well.

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I sent a rover to Eve for the science. 550 science more for a bigger antenna.


I didn't burn up. I started with 8,000 m/s coming in.


And after charging up at dawn we head on a road trip.



After grabbing science in the Midlands biome, Time to head out to the lowlands to the north.


We scan a volcanic rock on the way.


And finally after almost a 20 km drive we arrive  at the low lands. 



I also did a flyby of Gilly


10 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

Nice little rover. Some day I will make it to Duna. I don't know how I noticed this but you have 2x Communotron 16-S antennae and those specific ones are not combinable. It's odd but Wiki explains. 

Yeah I didn't notice that at the time I built it. :/

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Valentina has been refining the process at Serious Business for building and launching unnecessarily large and complicated things. Unnecessary redundancy, Val proclaims in one of her impromptu speeches around the space center, becomes necessary when failure at every stage in the process is one of the key signs that things are going according to plan. 

Step 1: Test rover, make sure you know how to change a tire


Step 2: Launch slowly


Step 3: In fact, do everything slowly


Step 4: Bring her down somewhere flat to refuel


Step 5: Zero in on the destination: New Kerbin


Step 5: Have Jeb show off the new toys:

3x Repair drones for the engineers


Multiple docking ports on the patio for existing vehicles:


3x Science/ reconnaissance rovers:


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Tested out my Ike Miner and the ISRU on the colony ship:



RCS went crazy trying to stabilize the ship after docking:


We didn't actually need the liquid fuel, but this serves as a proof of concept, and the extra oxidizer will allow for 1-2 more trips to the surface of Duna.

Making the escape burn under nuclear power:


And capturing into a 10 degree orbit at Duna:



Deploying the two relay sats to support the landings:




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Guest The Doodling Astronaut

A year ago today: 


What else am I doing atm. Well I have started GPP back up again and will now continue my quest to make a video at least of every body in the game





Can't share more of these two bodies until the video is out :P :D 

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Someone once scoffed at my equipping an improved version of Zephyr with wings.


I thought, "yeah, you know, those wings only weigh 1t all-up."  That's one less ton of payload possible.  So what?  I have a range of boosters; just pick the next biggest size!


Better to have reliable full recovery, isn't it?!  This flight landed with 1,500 kals LF/OX still in the tanks.



"Why be normal?"


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