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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I did an idiot. After my first successful Mun landing in 0.22, I came home with pockets laden with science, only to jettison 70% of said science on re-entry. My heart sank as I watched the 2 goo modules and the Science Jr. disappear in to the ocean.

I know that feeling :D I just did exactly the same :D

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I have FINALLY managed to land my 30 ton rover-base on the Mun, with just 5% of fuel left. Took me over two weeks to design a working lifter (at 1111 tons starting mass it's my personal record), lander system that wouldn't A) topple the lifter, B) spin during transition, C) topple during landing. Now all I have to do is design another lander that'd carry 9 crew to the Mun.


Yeah, I know I could have loaded them into the Hitchhikers and fly them all inside... But that'd be too unrealistic, even for KSP. :P Also, taking into account I've sent 4 such rovers so far and that's my only success... I wouldn't survive the sight of so many MIA Kerbonauts.

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I know that feeling :D I just did exactly the same :D

It didn't occur to me whatsoever that putting the decoupler just underneath the command pod would make any difference. Only when I staged did I see the extent of my failure..

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Had this fun landing yestarday. As you can see in the pic. No SAS enabled and the Aerospikes are keeping it up right:


Had one Kerbal death with the new carreer mode. Lorie Kermin tested out a new rocket.


Now only if decuplers where available with a new start. Should have just set it on the pad. Collected some data and never bother to launch it.

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I did an idiot. After my first successful Mun landing in 0.22, I came home with pockets laden with science, only to jettison 70% of said science on re-entry. My heart sank as I watched the 2 goo modules and the Science Jr. disappear in to the ocean.

Wait, what? Jettison science? Oh...

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I checked to see if the new SAS in version 0.22 responds to the rover steering control keys as heading-changing input now.... it does!

I also checked to see if having the rover keys remapped to i,k,j,l would then cause a problem when using RCS in flight (i.e., would pressing j or l to translate using RCS also unlock your SAS heading because those happen to also be the rover steering keys)... there is no problem! When the ship is not on the ground, the rover steering keys are ignored as heading-change-input.

Kudos to C7.

Edited by Brotoro
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Designed and flew simple rockets in 0.22

Little Kerbal Two carries a balanced pair of Goo and returns it to Kerbal





The clustered booster design blew up from overheating



Little Kerbal Six easily made orbit but is tricky to keep on course during the orbital turn. Also, center tank burns slower then the outer clusters.



Little Kerbal Five, the max size limit on the engines, should be capable of a Mun encounter.


Until I can unlock radical couplers and braces, the size is getting limited.

If Goo doesn't need to be returned. I will eliminate the thrus and fasten the pair on the side of the last stage.

Edited by SRV Ron
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I sent Bob on a near suicide mission with a half full rocket out of a Kerbin orbit (FOR SCIENCE)

He managed to get back into orbit around Kerbin before running out of fuel.

Tomorrow I'll set up a rescue rendezvous thanks to the parts I got from his experiments.

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After a rather long hiatus, I downloaded and installed the 0.22 update, started a career, and enjoyed my first two missions to unlock the beginning of the tech tree. I'm very pleased with how career is being implemented in KSP, so I don't mind the slow progress of development to a "full" game--this is almost like you're part of the development and seeing the game grow, and comparing the newer versions and how they've evolved through the months/years. Really great.

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Started a career mode save, playing with some self-imposed limits (basically: very limited quicksaving, no reverts post launch, nothing absurd to get science faster) and I'm really liking it... :) It's easy enough I feel like I'm advancing without trying to just spreadsheet my way to science. My Sunetos missions (I-V, all manned) were ultimately successful in a Mun flyby (there was one really spectacular moment when Bob tried to do an EVA while his rocket was burning for orbit at 70km, but with some kind of insane luck he fell into the ocean and survived... I'm not really sure how. But, tragedy averted! :) ) , so then I proceeded with the Selene Missions (I-III so far, unmanned probes) which were much less successful. The first made it to the Mun but ran out of battery on the return trip and therefore crashed into the ocean, nothing recoverable. The second had a staging malfunction and never made it out of the atmosphere, did get a fair amount of science though anyways. The third did fine until it tried to land upon the Mun, at which point i realized it was hopelessly unbalanced and it crashed into the surface. KSC engineers are desperately hoping Selene IV is more successful, or else budget cuts seem likely...

Pictures of the ill-fated Selene I from K-TV:



Illustrative model of Selene I on the surface of the Mun:


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I did 2 launches in career 0.22.

My first launch was sub orbital, added parachutes so that was good...was about 300m off the ground with my chutes out and my engine on very low, decided to cut my throttle and hit (I think) Z...which killed my chutes...

Jeb was never seen again :(

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Made my first plane in career mode. Avro Arrow 1


Lots of science!


First stop a desert area. Safe landing!


Than on take off a small bump was the end of it all only 300m from his last flag plant :(


R.I.P Jeb you died for SCIENCE!

Edited by soloz
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I learned that with career mode, having Deadly Re-entry and F.A.R both installed make for a difficult startup. You can reach 80km, but getting down in one piece is implausible.

You also don't get science if your vessel is destroyed, even if you submitted data. :(

Luckily I still have 10 kerbals left to kill before I need to hire more.

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Today I did exactly the same thing that most of the rest of the KSP community is doing: Upgraded to 0.22 and started playing around with the campaign options. Managed to unlock a few parts from Tier 3 (assuming you count the starting parts as "Tier 0"), but now I think I'm starting to spin my wheels a little...

Ah well, nothing a little break can't cure.

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You also don't get science if your vessel is destroyed, even if you submitted data. :(

Did you reverse the flight or return to the space center?

Is data sent back via antennas only awarded when the craft is recovered??

Would be a bug.


ground >airboune > land (water, launchpad, KSC, mountain, grassland, desert, icecap south)


mun flyby

minmus flyby

next stop is Mun landing and minmus landing

You missed out on the highlands!

And I seem to have missed the grasslands. :P

But yes, after some atmospheric and suborbital flights, I managed to get something stock into orbit - Lords of Kerbol, no calculators, no FAR, only a handful of parts!

Made EVAs above water, shore, mountains, desert, highlands and rather low in atmosphere during reentry

Managed to get ground samples in most areas too, including launch pad and grass next to it. (Is the ominous green substance Kerbal blood??? Oo )

Sent crewreports from ground and several stages of orbital flight.

Observed the goo on ground, at shore, in water, in high atmosphere, in vacuum, on ice.

Send a probe to the north pole - to learn that the probe body is more an auto-pilot than a probe, as it cannot report on anything.

Flew a Kerbal to the south pole and planted the first flag in the new save!

Used the material container thingy in a few locations - was crushed under the one man capsule when landing at 7-8m/s on the south pole ... - but did not want to waste chunks of data by sending them via radio to KSC (40% ... :P is there a way to store the reports of goo and materials to use them again or is it only usable once or rather until you send the data?)

Edited by KerbMav
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Did you reverse the flight or return to the space center?

Is data sent back via antennas only awarded when the craft is recovered??

Would be a bug.

I went back to space center and didn't get any of the science I collected for orbiting, eva'ing, etc etc then transmitting it before attempting a 2200m/s re-entry with Re-entry heat and F.A.R. Everything exploded about 2 min after submitting the [3] data's successfully. Went back to the Space Center to try again with some next tier stuff I should have earned from all the science, to find I still only had 18 science like I did before launch.

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