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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Was left befuddled by one of the UKS parts that doesn't want to do anything.


I added an engineer (as seen), plenty of machinery, dropped the abdundance requirements, and still the sifter makes nothing.

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2 hours ago, Mjarf said:

I built this for Mun and Minmus exploration, used th gravity hack to test it on Kerbin first. "If it looks stupid but works, then it isn't stupid." I guess this isn't stupid because it works like a charm, but it looks pretty goofy. 

Not stupid at all.  A flying "monoprop sled" is a great way to get around the Munar landscape.  Easier than a rover, at any rate.  

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I resurrected an old probe design from KSP 0.19:


It was barely controllable back then, and took me 6 tries to get it to orbit. Now, no problem at all.  RemoteTech enabled on this save, not a problem since I have large antennas and already put up some relay satellites.

Immediately before that, there was this:


Had a bear of a time just trying to get a stock Aeris spaceplane off the ground - either I'd lose the center engine due to runway strike on the takeoff rotate maneuver, or 1-3 of my landing gear.  Finally modified it a bit by lengthening it, replaced the tail and canards with better substitutes, new/rotated intakes and beefed up the landing gear.  Now it works awesome, but can't quite make orbit.  Using this on the main save game, which has Scatterer, Kopernicus, Outer Planets, Other Worlds, E.V.E., Kerbal Konstructs, Kerbinside, and about 40 other mods.  (yay 64-bit!)

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Jeb performed magic!

After landing a massive lab/ISRU base on ike, the crew discovered that the drills made the base bounce all over the place. The theory is that the drills are mounted too low, so they need to be raised. But nobody packed any tools! Jeb rooted around in the cupola and finally, thank Kod (who had edited the savefile), found a power screwdriver! Tomorrow Geofnand will venture out to see if he can make the drills behave better.

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Bit under the weather lately, so I've been mucking about in my don't-really-care 1.1.2 save instead of anything "serious." :rolleyes:

Made this in a new career without much to work with:


Then I added MOAR BOOSTERS to get it above 20km. Surprisingly, it survived. Darnit...

Then it was time for a bit of Synchronized Re-Entry.


I thought it was pretty good but the Russian judge only gave it a 5. :mad:

Played around with the Rescue Contracts pack and made a sea plane...


No, that is absolutely NOT Lt. Dan's head getting accidentally drifted over. Stop looking so amused, Val...

Is that an island in the fog... or K2...?


Turns out getting something up there to rescue a couple of Kerbals with early game tech is pretty hard. Or maybe it was the fact that someone replaced my landing struts with pogo sticks. Either way, got on the ground...


..and this guy decided he was gonna continually slide into the wing and try and push the plane off the edge. Must be the altitude...


Yes we're falling with too little thrust to maintain altitude with this much weight. Perfectly normal, everything under control here... Hey! Look at that tree! LOOK AT IT! That is one tenacious tree! Keep looking!



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Lost Valentina today at the end of a mission where she flew around Kerbin in a light jet collecting data.  A thrust reverser on the left engine failed to deploy after touchdown resulting in copious amounts of fireworks.

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Built a rocket launched plane for crew transfers, not because it's easy, but because it looks cool to fly a plane back to KSP!



The Booster's pretty cheep, it's all solid boosters!


Orbital module gives it about 1200m/s though some is needed to get into orbit






Then tested an Eve ascent vehicle, the test is Orbit, return, orbit again.


Wasn't big enough so...


First orbit...






Back to orbit a stage spare, all seems to be good. Pulling off of KSC with Eve levels of thrust are a bit shocking on the G-meter!!


Got the thing into space empty so gonna need to refuel it there... off to Eve now!! Named the KSS Purple dragon 2 (this willonly be the second Eve ascent vehicle I've ever built!)


Minig gear (Kethane) lifting off, did test it at, but didn't photo, you'll see it at eve!



2 small scanner probes are in the middle


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Things still to do, The engineer's rover, with lots of life support (he's gotta fill the whole thing up) with some things for him to build whilst down there. A cryo centre for the surface, in case everything goes birds up, that way I can freeze them and build a new ascender! (They all have parachutes as standard!) to go with the cryo centre a base will be built with a lab! A plane so that I can see a bit more of Eve whilst down! A space station so I can see the moons, A gilly Miner, a lot of surface experiments kits! Lots of satellites! Eve is going to be done once and done well! 


The last time I went to Eve I wason the ground for about 10 minutes causeAll of my planning had been about getting back off the damn thing! This time going to actually do stuff!!

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19 hours ago, Fearless Son said:

Not stupid at all.  A flying "monoprop sled" is a great way to get around the Munar landscape.  Easier than a rover, at any rate.  

Yes, it's definitely useful, but it looks pretty goofy, looks like KSC is being invaded by the tiniest monoprop fleet in history. ^_^

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Second landing on Duna for crew qualifications.
As usual the crew planting ceremony was chaos, hopefully it get better with practice.

One bonus with the oversized lander (it was the Duna transfer stage for the Ike station with one drop tank) is that it can be expanded, here with an hitchhiker module letting me transport 6 kerbals at once.

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Science game v1.1.2, only 80% of tier 4 stuff unlocked, and some of tier 5. Put this station up. Part count (as seen here) is 945, and it's tolerably slow... won't take much more though. I was expecting better speed with this Unity 5 thingie. At this point, a ship coming in to this station, at the 2km mark, it takes almost 20 seconds to load, which is scary if you're coming in on the fast side lol.


We are generating science however, and that's always a plus.

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9 hours ago, LordFerret said:

Science game v1.1.2, only 80% of tier 4 stuff unlocked, and some of tier 5. Put this station up. Part count (as seen here) is 945, and it's tolerably slow... won't take much more though. I was expecting better speed with this Unity 5 thingie. At this point, a ship coming in to this station, at the 2km mark, it takes almost 20 seconds to load, which is scary if you're coming in on the fast side lol.

Nice... What framerate do you actually get?  945 parts is quite a lot, even for the latest version.  On top of this, there are some aspects of the design that are known to significantly stress the game.  You have an awful lot of solar panels, each of which has to calculate their angle to the sun and whether they are in shadow, and any that are producing EC have to add it to the EC storage which currently scans the entire vessel.  You also appear to have quite a few (20+?) lights which also have to scan the entire vessel to get their EC and also contribute extra to the rendering load.  You will almost certainly get a measurable increase in framerate when on the dark side of Kerbin and if you turn the lights off it will be better still...

Hopefully, Squad's plans to rework the resource system should improve those aspects.  If you really want to see slow, then turn on your RCS, give the station a little 3-axis spin and then turn on SAS.  When I do this with one of my smaller stations (only 308 parts) the framerate drops from 60 to <20 and I get a GC stutter every 3 seconds rather than them being nearly a minute apart.

I also suspect (though I haven't yet confirmed it) that the labs might be using a significant amount of CPU.  Does it improve if you shut them down (maybe by taking the crew out)?

As for it being scary when approaching this sort of thing, yes, I agree.  When I was building the station in my avatar which consists of 42 vessels launched on 6 separate rockets (5 "edges" and 2 "vertices" each), I was running on a potato of a laptop and I missed my "braking" burn a couple of times because the game froze for over a minute when coming into physics range.  Luckily I missed the station though, on one approach, I did have to burn off-retrograde to make sure...

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1 hour ago, Padishar said:

Nice... What framerate do you actually get?  ...

Last night I brought a Mun lander (and its transport) back and docked them with the station, which now brings the part count up to 1049. Even with all the lights on (which looks very cool when you're coming up to it to dock while on the nightside) I'm getting a solid 25fps. I can even EVA a Kerbal about without much problem. As for all the small parts, I'm stuck working with what's available until I unlock more of the Tech tree - a thing I'm not very aggressively pursuing because of crashes and waiting for Squad to put out another update, that and this is the 3rd or 4th time I've started a Science game from the git-go, so yea.



One thing though, if you look at the altitude in that image, it's fallen below the 300km orbit I'd put it in - again. :huh::mad: This is some funky game physics going on, and of course, needs to be looked into / fixed. Just another of the reasons I'm not pursuing stuff.

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Yesterday, I was really bad at quitting the game. Just 10 days ago I decided that since I haven't been playing for a month, I should take a little break from KSP. But that reminded me of a few old projects of mine, and soon I found myself designing and testing a new SSTO shuttle. It can deliver some cargo to orbit, although sadly it uses a Mk2 cargo bay. Now I'm giving it mining equipment and extra fuel (to replace the cargo bay) so it can reach Minmus and hopefully be able to get to other places from there.

Oops, I guess that doesn't qualify as quitting. Sometimes I'm bad at sticking to things.

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Launched a prototype submarine, the UKRN Kusteau Kerman. She began sea trials yesterday and I already have a couple of small problems that will need to be fixed before releasing the next ship. She can hold up to a crew of 15.  She dives and surfaces a little slow and has a tendency to drift to a "down bubble" of about 15 degrees. This makes it very hard to maintain a constant depth.

Not perfect, but if you all have suggestions for tanks that could be used to control buoyancy, I'd like to hear them. I'm also looking for a science lab that is Mk 3. The only alternative I can think of would be to place a smaller one inside a Mk 3 cargo bay or nestle it on the bottom of the craft.

Right now I am using Ballistanks available through Spacedock, but really do not like the way they perform. They are slow to take on water, even slower to clear the tanks. For ballast, which nearly all the weight of the ballast is at the aft end, I am using ore tanks. The 15 degree down bubble issue is because I have the dive tanks too far forward of the CoM, so when I "drydock" for refit, I will be moving the tanks further back.

(Sorry about the double images. It is not showing up that way in Imgur...:huh:)

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