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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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The last few days have been interesting for my 4x scale playthrough. Imgur appears to be more broken than usual right now so I can't upload many screenshots, but here are a couple of things I've been doing:

Not the only one, is behaving for the last couple of hours, touchwood.

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(1.1.3) Had a four-day weekend on account of an ersatz Icemageddon in my part of the world (hit northwest of where I live - caught the edge of it down here but they still unnecessarily called work early and cancelled schools in the area). With the ferry ship Strange Cargo on the way from Mün with pretty much the entire KSC engineering corps aboard (sans Bill and Edner Kerman) on Friday, the Old Bessie 7 lander assigned to the Minmusport space station had gone down to the Deepwater Horizon refinery to pick up more fuel. Landing and refueling ops were successful and the lander made its way back to Minmusport, with Deepwater Horizon recharging its fuel stores after the lander's safe return to the station. After the Bleepity-Bleep 7g probe was put into its final position around Minmus for contract, Strange Cargo arrived at Minmus and successfully docked at Minmusport (finally correcting reverted shenanigans that happened on Thursday). Shortly thereafter, the ferry ship Next Objective arrived at Kerbin with a batch of tourists, returning KSC staff and two Minmus refugees. A powered aerobraking maneuver was affected successfully and the craft returned to the Kerbinport space station shortly thereafter. Juluna and Milfred Kerman, scientists assigned to the Munport space station, transmitted a batch of science that allowed me to unlock KAS Electromagnets, leaving Ion Propulsion as the only remaining node left to be unlocked on my tech tree. The four engineers aboard Strange Cargo then made their way down to the surface of Minmus to plant flags. Jeb, capsule commander of Strange Cargo, also went down to plant a flag after their successful return to the station, though checking his logbook afterwards it seems he had already done that (so sending him down was a waste of time). With the crew safely back at Minmusport and loaded back aboard Strange Cargo, the ferry was refueled, departed from the station and burned for home. The final thing that occurred on Friday was the arrival of a Bill Clinton 7b probe on a mission to retrieve Lemsy's Hulk from orbit, commencing orbital maneuvers before the close of business on that day.

Saturday's activities were relatively light. Tourists Theoski, Dodun, Franbella and Megayne Kerman all departed from Kerbinport aboard a waiting Block II Auk II passenger spaceplane and made their way back to the surface, landing successfully at KSC 27. Their safe arrival cleared two tourist contracts; I picked up a contract for orbital Kerbin science and a contract to deliver 2050 units of ore from Minmus to Kerbin's orbit, a contract at which I fully intended to cheat...

On Sunday I decided to send up a replacement for the Auk II to Kerbinport, and doing some math (which turned out to be rather erroneous), I sent Tourist Lugan Kerman to Kerbinport aboard an Auk VII heavy passenger liner. The plane made it to orbit and successfully docked at the space station, but after rearranging folks I realized that when the time came to return to them to the surface I wouldn't have enough warm bodies to fill all the seats, and an Auk II would've done the job just fine. Bad planning there, I guess. With five tourists at Kerbinport bound for Minmus, Next Objective was refueled and dispatched with Jenwin at the helm - his log showed that he had yet to plant a flag on the surface of the minty moon. This makes Jenwin the craft's second acting capsule commander; Genezer Kerman, the first acting capsule commander, is aboard Kerbinport and is slated to return to KSC at this point.

Yesterday I loaded a group of KSC staff - including Next Objective's true capsule commander Buremy Kerman as well as refugees Danuna and Lemsy Kerman - aboard the only ferry craft remaining at Kerbinport, Laggin' Dragon (which is scheduled to head for Duna). Laggin' Dragon departed Kerbinport with Val at the helm and burned for Mün; plans were made to ensure the craft would be able to be refueled as soon as possible since the Duna window is now just fourteen days away. With the Duna window approaching, I realized the time had come to start making launches for Duna-bound craft, so I affected four such launches: a Piper Alpha 7a refinery craft dubbed Scan Queen, the Ikeport 7 space station, a Hellhound 7 rover dubbed Malaise, and the Bleepity-Bleep 7h probe; the last of which was delivered by an Auk IV spaceplane, which was de-orbited and landed successfully. I also wanted to knock out the Minmus to Kerbin ore contract, so I decided to launch the necessary ore load to LKO aboard an Auk VI spaceplane. Problem there was that the Auk VI was designed to retrieve ore from LKO, not deliver it. Took two tries for the plane to reach orbit and even then it's questionable whether or not it will have sufficient delta-V to de-orbit. Next, I undocked the Old Bessie 7 lander from Minmusport once again (since there was a ship en route to Minmus) as well as the ore delivery lander Lewis and Clark, intending to send both down to Deepwater Horizon. Old Bessie landed successfully, but Lewis and Clark tipped on landing and I could not get it upright again; I went ahead and hooked both ships up to the refinery, loaded fuel aboard Old Bessie and then used L&C's ore tank to help satisfy the requirements of the ore contract. I'll be sending the Old Bessie back up to Minmusport at the next opportunity. I'll probably also send the ore lander Nostromo to dock with the Auk VI, offload some of the plane's ore and impart a little bit of fuel so that it can make its way back down to KSC. Still hoping to make a profit on this contract if I can...

Of the seventeen craft scheduled to head to Duna in two-weeks time, seven have been launched. I still need to launch another rover, two Nostromo 7a craft, two Fireball 7a science landers, two more probes, an outpost and two Spamcan 7b landers. Still plenty of time to get all that done but I imagine LKO is going to be a tad crowded once everything's said and done...

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Planning my next trip to Duna, I wanted to get rid of these primitive rockets in order to ascent and descent and use a space plane instead. 'The Martian' might be a great film, but in the end every sane person would use a plane to land on a planet.

Since there already is a working design for Kerbin, it should not require many changes to use that one on Duna. Landing on Duna should be a piece of cake, since well, that design landed on Kerbin as well. Lower atmospheric pressure gives less resistance on ascent, combined with 1/3 gravity, that should work out pretty well... Alt+F12 - Set Orbit - Turns out a planet which basically is nothing but a giant speed bump and a stall speed of 200-300m/s are just as save as storing Lithium in air.

So, let's make the space plane VTOL (thanks to low gravity, it needed no more than 16 twitch engines). Landing would then simply be done by deploying the air breaks and hovering above the ground until the speed got down to sane levels. Allright, this is the final iteration anyways, so save that plane and think of a cool name. As all of these space plane derivatives feature Norse deities, this one has to feature one as well. Big problem* as Heimdal, Freya, Mjölnir and Thor are already in use and you can't name a space plane for a god of the underworld. Just doesn't work. Nobody will give you a grant for that. 'You called the space plane Pluto? Is that an abbreviation?...Ah the, you know, it isn't even a planet? We'll get in touch with you, thank you' Came up with Eir. Great. Save the plane and test it again. Turns out, air breaks don't work particularly fast in almost no air. No problem. I already mounted 16 Twitch engines without measurable performance issues, so let's make that 20....

In a third iteration, four additional twitch engines were mounted in order to be used as "breaks". Works, but the space plane tends to fly a bit unstable when firing at full throttle. Doesn't matter. Plane actually landed in one piece this time, and made it back to orbit with the aid of RCS thrusters. That's bad. Should have some fuel to spare when reaching orbit...

Realizing that, I finally traded the liquid fuel tanks for rocket fuel**, added a few chutes and tried again. Worked, got into orbit with 200m/s to spare but chutes tend to flip your space plane when not mounted directly above the CoM...

Well, then move the chutes....should fly now. Well you know, what could possibly go wrong by moving chutes? Nothing. Obviously. Yeah. So, take a screenshot and publish it.



*Yeah, naming in sience and astronomy is kind of a thing. You need to market your ideas and a name which everybody will remember is just a part of this. Ever wondered why satellites and rovers were called "Viking", "Gallileo", "Curiosity" and "LISA" and why particle detectors are called "Atlas"? It's all about marketing and transmitting a subtle message.

**Yep, I carried 1600 units of liquid fuel around which were basically useless thanks to the engines being twitch and Rapiers only....

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I kept on experimenting the XC-73A, with more fuel now.


Like any flying brick she needs a lot of runway to accelerate to her rotating speed.



But then, once the 500 m/s barrier broke she becames much more reactive and resilient. The angled outer engines really help even when still in the athmosphere.




Ap placed at 100 km again. 450 m/s needed this time.




Mmmh... Kerbin I love your sight.



Already time to go home after less than an orbit.



Pallas behavior during re-entry was annoying. Even with all the propellant transfered to the back tanks the craft keep on lowering its nose. Problem is that her drag coefficient is absolutely low! Whitout inputs to keep a sufficient surface to air brake the batteries inside the rear Mk2 section tend to explose.




Another huge overshot. Hopefully enough fuel, the good gliding performance and the R.A.P.I.E.R. help to reach the island without any stress.



Gear down and locked.




Runway overshot! But no go-around, a braking chute is here for the occasion... well, I hoped so at this time.






The Mk16 parachute was not really the one I wanted. The Mk2-R would have been the perfect one... but it and the small nose cone to cover the back fuel tank would have mean 100 kg more. Still something on such a craft.

There is still a lot of work to make on before making it a reliable machine.

Edited by XB-70A
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I built a car armored vehicle that could be parachute-dropped from the Stearwing A300 and modified the Stearwing for parachutists, but then I somehow corrupted the save and the craft file.     Luckily I had a backed up craft file, so I still have the craft.

The worst part of all is that I kept hitting F12 to take screenshots instead of F1, which screenshots were bound to, so the only pictures I have of it are potato-quality that I sent to a friend through social media.    Unfortunately, that means that all the screenshots in action of it were never actually taken.GeHb3I1.jpgalcsvTU.jpg


Edited by TheSpaceManiac
I had a backed up craft file, took some quick screenshots.
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Riding along in my automobile ... With no particular place to go ...

There is just some much to do in KSP that it is overwhelming at times, between space stations and Mun bases, and mining .. that I sort of forgot way it was that I loved my old Delta Glider in Orbiter. I sort of miss the carefree days when I could just tool around the solar system without worrying about fuel and what not. Looking for that really weird orbit around a Javoian moon, or the gravitational assist around Venus that would take you to Saturn. So I decided to cheat - and turned on infinite fuel and propellant. I built my "Mini-Cooper" to tour the Kerbal system and go on a road trip. You can't get much simpler. Four parts, an Mk1 Inline Cockpit, Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank and a LV-T45 "Swivel." I added a nose cone, because for some reason I felt I really needed to start from Kerbin, and I need it to get into obit - plus it looks more like a really spacecraft.

The problem solving potential is not that trivial. How do you do i direct launch from a Minmus orbit to Duna? Then what is next? Do you go for Eeloo, or back toward Kerbal and Moho? Anyway, I just thought it would be fun to tour the Kerabl system in an open cockpit. It gives me the feeling that I really AM flying a spacecraft orbiting Mun... 



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I tried out a these two "corvettes" that I built. For whatever reason 1.2 has been acting weird and the saves keep disappearing (the file is there, but I can't play it, and I can make new ones but they disappear if I restart the game), so I went back to 1.1.3. 


The ships open fire!


The "attacker" corvette takes some damage to the superstructure.WuIPQoh.pngOne of the ships switches to its secondary batteries (they shoot quicker but they do less damage).GlZqd2p.png

One ammunition box takes a hit and explodes, which causes one of the ships to sink, but by destroying the ballast tanks I was able to refloat the ship.GbuwKqf.pngEventually the ship (the defender) takes another serious hit and sinks (though it manages to stay afloat thanks to the thrust of the engine.Dyt1Mbd.pngW0uBJ0J.pngWhile the attacker managed to survive the battle mostly unscathed, it took a heavy hit from the sinking wreck of the defender, resulting in serious damage.C5jycpK.pngAnalysis: The corvettes work rather well, but the ships swing wildly when turning and lose a lot of speed. Their secondaries are of questionable value though. The main flaw has to be the fact that the aft floating is mainly due to the ammunition boxes, and since they explode quite easily, the ships need to be less dependent on it.

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Hey Kerbites.

Today I finalized my entry for the "Doing it Gemini Style - An Alternate History Mun Mission" Challenge.

The rockets and the rendezvous where OK but the lander was great to design and a joy to fly.
Nasa Version:
Image result for gemini lander
My version:





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I finished placing the props for DSEV's new Clydesdale:





And Finished the modeling and texturing for the new holo-screen prop:


Just like the pong screens, you'll be able to click the holoscreen prop to change the image it displays. Unlike the pong screens, you'll be able to change the opacity on the screen to get it out of the way if desired.

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As of late I've been trying to design lightweight cargo SSTOs for my Serran base.

Unfortunately the phrases "lightweight" and "90 tons of fuel" are a bit contradictory.

But I did make a neat little crew transport!


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6 hours ago, Triop said:

Simple and elegant, +5

Ouh thanks, really nice to read :)

Strangely soon after the post I made a small single engine aircraft called Vector to reach the island and be back cheaply. I was so annoyed by this nth landing out of the KSC that I decided for the first time in two years of playing to plant a flag on the island airfield. Any night landing will be easier now that I can find the island immediately, even when in the clouds.


Sergei and Valentina were restricted of the daily nap selectioned for this glory mission.




That's how I like to make a rotation.




With just a single Panther turbofan the Vector proves to be a bit underpowered. But economic at least.




About three minutes later we were on the doomed place to accomplish this important duty to the rest of the whole space program and in the name of all these missed approach and re-entries.



Valentina is running to the target.



(Drums are rolling)



After just a minute to enjoy the sight, it already was the time to go back to the Center. No way to miss out the afternoon snack.




Throttle full forward and Kerbal's traditional roll during the climb.



Marking the success by waking up the resting comrads with a low-pass.




The Vector proved to be underpowered but forgiving during this first flight. With its 74 minutes of flight I will probably use it again to realize my first exploration of Kerbin's desert and others biomes not too far.

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