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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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1 minute ago, adsii1970 said:

Are you saying there could be more Dalek-bound Kerbal brains...? :D This could be fun!

No.... lmao.... someone else entirely.... 

And to keep this on-topic, I mostly checked out and played around with @Angel-125's newest mod parts today. Loving the spiral staircase!!!  :wink:


3 minutes ago, Triop said:

Everybody should watch this, ravishingly beautiful...


That is really pretty!!!

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Today i didn't do very much, after all i may have the scientific capability to make a craft that can go interplanetary but my skill only allows me to go as far as minimus. I went to the mun and came back leaving behind a mining rover (which of course i forgot to put a probe core into.)

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Designed a crew shuttle called Knight and took it for a test run. Found I had hardly any screenshots when I went to upload them. This keeps happening :( I'm starting to wonder if my keyboard's F1 key isn't broken.

Still, here she is in orbit.



Re-entry was hopeless, it just flew backwards. I need to work on the aerodynamics.

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3 minutes ago, DerekL1963 said:

Thanks!  I really need to get back to that and my planned 'round-the-world flight...  But I got distracted by other stuff.

I love your story, read it multiple times, I love the 10 $ bet bits, makes it feel human ( or Kerbal in this case).

Thank you.


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From latest to first (maybe)

-Sent Science from around Minmus... again.

-Retrieved a spare floating Relay Dish using a claw and a docking bay (a first for me), using a wobbly Spaceplane/Shuttle Tank combo (The Spaceplane works fine, and flies/lands well, but the symmetry for the booster array needs tweaking)

-Repositioned a probe around Minmus by reversing the orbit and angling it.

-Did one half of a Tourist contract, didn't do the other (... yet). Also, retrieved yet another Kebral in low orbit.

-Got a total of 1,500 Science from 2 Mobile Labs on Minmus and a Sat Lab polar orbiting Kerbin.

-Wondering why I keep putting off doing Mun studies and landings, why I haven't returned two Kerbonauts from Minmus (one low orbit, one crash site) back to Kerbin, and wondering why I've put off making an outpost on Duna (Also SOMEHOW got funds for making my first outpost on Kerbin)... also getting bored due to those indecisions (and I do like this game, still).

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1 hour ago, cantab said:

.... This keeps happening :( I'm starting to wonder if my keyboard's F1 key isn't broken....



You know sometime we aren't (I say we but I know it applies to me anyway) as smart (Read competent) as we think we are.


I have been known to hit the buttons around the one I was aiming for and then blame my machine.

F1, F2 Esc, 1 or 2 they are all interchangeable :wink:.



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Lots of ships finally reaching their destinations lately. My Ike station, containing the first Kerbals ever to leave Kerbin's SOI (and who thought that they would be the first Kerbals to travel to another planet, but my Gilly mission managed to beat them to that accomplishment) just arrived.


It rendezvoused in Ike orbit with the unmanned equipment ship that had already arrived and proceeded to unpack it.


They still can't do much just yet since their fuel supplies are running low, but my mining base should be arriving in about ten days which should give them all the fuel they need.

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This is the second attempt (mostly successful) at launching my trio of relay satellites around GaelICpS4xu.png

My first attempt proved what happens when your satellites clip together inside the payload fairing (An incredible amount of parts get blown everywhere the moment they are decoupled haha.

I was pretty happy that I managed to get them into a decent orbit eventually... until I realized my antennas were nowhere near powerful enough to be used as relays....:mad: 

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Doing my first Duna/Ike mission in my current career. Small lander (for Ike), an orbiter module and a pack of relays (2 x RA-100 for polar relays and 3 x RA-2 for low equatorial Duna orbit). The "classic" team is on this one: Jeb, Bill and Bob. Here are some screenies:






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(1.1.3) Yesterday after taking the time to recharge the fuel stores of the Deepwater Horizon refinery on Minmus, I decided it was finally time to launch engineer Phovie Kerman on her scheduled repair mission to the orbiting Bullet Bill 7 ion probe:

Phovie jetpacking towards the Spamcan 7 lander, passing the crane rover Lunkhead just after local kerbolset.

She had a wait of about an hour and a half before her position on Minmus came into a close enough alignment with the probe to launch. In the meantime, the Old Bessie 7 fuel lander, which had landed for a fueling run at Deepwater Horizon during the previous session, was returned successfully to the Minmusport space station - the station's fuel stores are definitely sufficient to support future excursions for the foreseeable future. 

The Spamcan 7 lander's launch window came up next and launched with Phovie aboard into a 10k polar orbit around Minmus. She made a 30 m/s burn after achieving orbit to bring the craft up to an interest point in three orbits. While I was waiting for that time to pass, KAC sounded the next Mission Control alarm for a new contract, which turned out to be for a group of two Minmus bound tourists. Went ahead and accepted the contract before going back to the Spamcan. Phovie successfully rendezvoused with the probe:

Phovie on EVA between Bullet Bill 7 (left) and the Spamcan 7 lander (right)

The mission to fit a new antenna on the probe was a success. Phovie returned to the Spamcan and reduced her orbit back to 10 kilometers, at which point her concern became returning to Deepwater Horizon. She had about 800 m/s of delta-V remaining, which turned out to be plenty to attempt to perform a direct plane change for landing. She safely returned to the refinery with about 400 m/s of delta-V to spare, coming down so close to the refinery that I had to roll the craft so their respective solar panels wouldn't collide with one another:

Spamcan 7 returning to the Deepwater Horizon refinery site, with Lunkhead (left), Deepwater Horizon (center) and the Jiffy Lube 7 parts supply craft (right) visible.

The Spamcan was refueled, Phovie re-boarded the refinery and the waiting scientists Danwig and Isavie Kerman were loaded aboard the Spamcan for a trip up to Minmusport. DH has already refilled its supply of monoprop as well.

The real crapper of it is that the game still hasn't awarded Bullet Bill with the completion of its mission, despite the fact that it now meets all the requirements. I may give it one more shot today, but if the game still won't count it, a new probe launch is going to be in order. Which would be a real shame, given how close Bullet Bill's orbit is to the requirement parameters of its mission...

Next session I'll be sending the Spamcan up to Minmusport and sending up my two tourists from KSC to the Kerbinport space station. Since I want to pick up Isavie and Danwig from Minmus, I have four tourists wanting to go to Minmus and Mün and two KSC staff requiring two-star training, I'll probably launch one of my available ferry craft - probably The Great Artiste - on an expedition shortly thereafter. Tater Catcher 7 is also about a day away from finally returning to Kerbin's SOI; gonna have a rock to put into orbit soon.

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Hey all Kerbalikers.


Today I launched 101 Kerbals, preloaded in Jool Station, and got them in orbit around Laythe.




Once designed I went for the "All up" way to get it to orbit. Hummmm. Love those Asparaguses.



After an uneventful 4 years they entered the Joolien system and used Laythe to achieve capture.


After another 2 orbits of Jool Jeb inserted the ship around Laythe and circularized the orbit at 150 km.



I have been sitting 4 years in this chair.


I am going for a walk!




Edited by Martian Emigrant
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Inspired by @hazard-ish's three-times-to-mun video, I tried to do it to myself. 

I'm pretty much done with the part that goes from LMO to the surface and back to Kerbin (the third and last landing). I was in the process of testing the part that would lift the contraption to LMO, but then KSP crashed (:(), so I shut down my laptop.

And the best part is,

It doesn't use cheats! 


I'm sorry, I had to. Please forgive me @hazard-ish...


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