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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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9 hours ago, Whisky Tango Foxtrot said:

I made a video demonstration/tutorial on how to do a precision landing (i.e. landing on a docking port) on an airless body (the Mun, in this case.)


Been doing my own flying since the beginning, and I really love it. Feel like I've gotten pretty good at it. Attempted the top-down docking once, early on. It did not go well. Been using rovers and whatnot for ground connections ever since. Haven't tried it since then, but now I feel like I probably should. Watched your video, and would've given it an upvote but, alas, I couldn't log in as I have no Facebook or Twitter accounts to log in with. :(

Gave you a like here on the forums instead, which is much more important; don'tcha think? :)

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Since the Nero mission takes very long to get home, I would like to bring a further mothership into the
orbit. Then I can run two missions at the same time. Here you can see the launch of the mothership on the
reusable rocket. The Ensamble weighs about 3800 tonnes.



The start went smoothly and the we left the atmosphere behind us.



After the orbit is reached I separate the reusable rocket.



And send them back to the surface. Unfortunately I miss the KSCein a bit and fly too far.



Ummm ... that was not planned. On contact with the water, it disassembles the rocket. 700000 funds bites the dust.



No matter. We continue with the lander and the relays. Here, too, a (normally) reusable rocket is used.



Here, too, everything goes according to plan.



Disconnecting the rocket stage from the Lander.



New game New luck. This time I do not fly too far and should be able to land very close to the launch pad.



Well, this time it worked.



Now I'll dock the lander to the mothership.



Then I take the two relays to their place.



Now I have to refuel the mothership. To this end I attach the lander down on the mothership and together they make their way to Iota.



Then I land on Iota and start with ISRU.



Now some pictures have disappeared. In any case I took off again and chose an orbit of 30000km around Gael.
Then I planned the transfer. What to ...? 25 years flight duration? Not with me. This must go faster.
I then manually created a course that takes me to Hox in 10 years. However, I need a lot more dV to brake. I
am available at 8600 m/s dV. To get an orbit around Hox and then land on Argo to fill up I need a total of
about 7500 of it, the rest is reserve if I should be wrong.



By the way. I just ran out of likes - everyday the same thing.

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25 minutes ago, astroheiko said:

Since the Nero mission takes very long to get home, I would like to bring a further mothership into the
orbit. Then I can run two missions at the same time. Here you can see the launch of the mothership on the
reusable rocket. The Ensamble weighs about 3800 tonnes.


By the way. I just ran out of likes - everyday the same thing.

I'm thinking maybe Tweakscale should be used..... holy tank straps batman!

Lunar orbital lab sent out.  Currently orbiting just above "near" space.  It processes science points very fast but each 1000 science takes 20 minutes to transmit and for some reason time increase does not help.


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11 minutes ago, Bornholio said:

I'm thinking maybe Tweakscale should be used..... holy tank straps batman!

Is a bit fat, but not much.
Come to me my little, cute, fat piggy ... cuddles his mothership.

He certainly did not mean it like this...cuddle...cuddle


Edit: I want to give liiikes...:/

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Mmmm....Hard to know where I am but I'll try to make this quick.

Got my Jool 5 landers and the transfer /mobility sections of this challenge docked together at 85km LKO.

I've set up a transfer window requiring 1980dV but only have 1500ish available yet I can transfer 720dV from my return home module which would mean I can't get home....

...however I do have a very strong ION engine/xenon based module which should be /last long enough to get me home if the J5 goes according to plan with my landers.....

....not even left LKO and problems arise....I love KSP so much :) ....

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Now, as a bonus feature, I had a lot of fails with the rescue of Gerhat Kerman. My 'Medical/Rescue Transport', which I had called 'Panther', firstly failed to get off the KSC runway. I just strapped some boosters to it, and lifted off into Kerbin orbit. The second thing was that I forgot to add parachutes on, and I was already in Duna orbit, so I had to use KAS from my 'mothership' craft to attach parachutes on, and the third thing was that I was landing at night-time. Then, the Klaw failed to grab on, a second time it failed, but eventually it did. Then, while re-entering Kerbin's atmosphere, the craft flipped over, and poor Gerhat was feeling the result of the heat of re-entering the atmosphere. So I did quicksaves all the way. I eventually used KAS again to attach the handy inflatable heat shield, and I got through the atmosphere. Luckily I had repacked the parachutes on Duna before going back to Kerbin, as I was coming down pretty fast. Also, the craft landed way off course of the target of the KSC, or even around the KSC, but anyway, I rescued Gerhat Kerman from Duna. I now need to land my extensive rover 'rack' of twelve rovers, on Duna, using the great Infernal Robotics parts. (Will I get in trouble for not linking the post???). So no more Kerbals will have that happened again, as I will be only using rovers with the Mk1 cockpit, so they don't get apparently 'knocked-out' again. 'Saving Gerhat Kerman' is in cinemas soon. :cool:

Edited by KerbalManiac
word typo
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Today Jeb started working on his caravan for his upcoming vacation.




22 hours ago, TheDARKOMETER said:

I made a new fighter jet, I'll give my first follow to anyone who guesses first what I modeled this jet after.

Out of likes, BAKA ! ^_^



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I made a nuclear-reactor powered fighter jet—it performs quite well, but in a dogfight between two of them, the lasers near-instantly tear each other apart. 


I also worked on screenshots for my "Colonizing Gilly" report. I put my KSP-I solar power receiver in orbit around Gilly—that's not the receiver being zoomed in on, that's the true size between it and Gilly! (I'm not sure what's with the jagged lines on Gilly—it happens when I hyper edit there, and gets fixed when you get near it.)a7cns05.png

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I looked at what I did a year ago in KSP:

Funny, same thing happened to me this year . . .

(I have a daughter that spends the easter holidays with me and loves minecraft)


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After telling stories of 4429 and digging up screenshots that show the last of her class in all glory.. I dug deep into mods, other mods and found new/old ways of doing old things



putting *anything* infernal robotics between wagons slaughters the autostrut nicely :)

KSP wheel I presume stops the silliness although I'm seeing little improvement.. does it work on stock wheels? dunno.. anyway its working!

a little slow.. I need my old custom wheels back with 500 torque and a diesel electric slow spooling turbine to provide the power required to turn the wheels without ripping the train in half.. but!

progress is being made.. and tales may once again be told about the beautiful 44 class KTP locomotive and stablemate (shhh no its not a backwards 44 class!) the 40 class




a piece of infernal robotics is to autostrut, what salt is to snails


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Mostly admin work yesterday...  Redesigned the 'Harkhuf' series of interplanetary probes with additional scientific instrumentation, still looking at launch windows to Duna and Eve in about 180 K-days.  Fine-tuned the orbits of the phased eccentric polar-orbit heavy comsats (ap 42,000 km, per 90 km).  Brought home a bunch of whiners from the Orbital Workshop that had gone on strike and sent up a new crew to get something done.  Fulfilled a few adjust-satellite-orbit contracts, humdrum but necessary to keep the Funds flowing.

Nothing Kerbin-shattering, but keeping the space program running!

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