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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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More modeling today.

Inline O-10 Puff monopropellant engine:


^ I'm particularly pleased with the circular lip at the exit of the nozzle. Looks quite a bit like the existing radial Puff, IMO.

Inline Vernier engine:


^ This one was pretty simple. The final product will be TweakScale compatible.

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Not today's work, per se, but in the last 24 hours...


The satellite on the right somehow made it all the way to Minmus without its solar panels deployed. Rather than scrap the mission, the first manned mission to Minmus met up with it and manually deployed the panels. The craft is now happily carrying out its intended mission of being a communications relay and mapping satellite.

The crew would return home with 953.5 science points, enough to unlock nuclear power and super heavy rockets.


A small, unmanned science collector flying in deep space. It was successfully ejected into a solar orbit, collected its data, and made a burn to return to Kerbin's SoI in some 35 days. It will then swoop into orbit around Kerbin where the science data will be extracted via EVA and returned to Kerbin.

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Today I improved my 'engines' by having a much smaller space for the axle to rotate in, so it bounces around less and is therefore less likely to explode. No landing gear wheels required! I spawn my creation with the axle attached with a decoupler, and then let it drop down into the slot. I then lower the legs of landing gear to 'lock' the axle in place and stop it bouncing around.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/zae042tprsj9f3l/KSP 2017-07-19 20-21-16-90.mp4?dl=0

I then thought I'd try out an air powered car, which actually worked! 


Watch me turn off the landing gear brakes and then power away at a blistering 3m/s!

https://www.dropbox.com/s/bqx5o47zy0mp3lc/KSP 2017-07-19 20-33-23-06.mp4?dl=0



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FINALLY back to orbital rockets after a few weeks launching sounding rockets and tuning my Monthly Budgets rewrite. This is like a Vanguard/Juno Explorer launch.

Waiting on the next Principia and Procedural SRBs.



Edited by regex
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Genegan and Seanberry Kerman are now stuck in orbit with no fuel after testing the experimental "Bat out'a Hell" space plane. They seem to be enjoying themselves despite the predicament, which is a good thing considering their contract doesn't mention a return trip.



This is actually the 2nd time making this particular craft.... KSP crashed after testing it the first time, but before I saved the ship.... The original was much faster, more stable, and fuel efficient even though it uses the exact same parts.... cant figure out whats different....

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Still early career for me. Sent Jeb up aboard Derpstick 3 on Kerbin's first orbital spaceflight, collecting temperature, barometric, materials bay and goo readings on the way up and in orbit. Also got him to do several EVAs and crew reports from high atmo, low orbit and high Kerbin orbit. Successfully brought him back down in Kerbin's deserts with a decent amount of early science and with all four of the initial contracts fulfilled. Formally began the grind with some parts testing and low-altitude surveying flights in and around KSC.

The Level 1 Runway and the bush-plane landing gears are still a bad combination. They're better than they used to be, but I was still lucky to get Jeb back down without his cockpit exploding. Couldn't say the same for the rest of his plane, the aptly named Bad Idea 1...

This morning I've designed a new version of the Kerbal Tour Bus with a contract to launch three suckers paying customers on a sub-orbital flight. Went ahead and made the KTB an orbital craft, and will try to get a landing close to KSC if I can manage it. That'll probably happen later today. Might also put together a scimobile so that I can eek out enough science from the KSC biomes to unlock some better landing gear.

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Hello current survivors of summer! It is me!- The dude that vanished and nobody cared!


Here i ,fricking am.

I have quite good plans for the future, and good results in present!

1.I will be starting with something BIG! My oldest and the greatest rocket- Atlas-Path. They carried modules for a future dunian base!

This rocket sent my first landers to the mun (20 succesful missios!) 

 Today i did 2 launches of this rocket!

                                               Atlas-Path and Atlas-Skies


jqeWgle.png rp2EbOA.png

DTBVwMH.png mfIrNZf.png

xPiO68t.png XpxiKsB.png

azq1yyV.png YXDRVS0.png

And then they united.. to finish their journey together!


2.  sequence:                                               Red Dawn

rHQMtx9.png 527s8cY.png

dpCtZed.png T3WyD01.png

The dawn rises over the blood-red fields of dust.. Rises amongst sandy dunes..


3.                                                         Muon-8

Laucnhing heavy relay satellite..

RaV2GjU.png Rfim3ne.png

RmwfLb5.png JPwB2OP.png

4. Testing cargo drop system..


nuCDJFv.png E2hsaMl.png

KlwAaFV.png WHSyXNO.png

5.Developed New type of bases: "Vanilla"

It is veeeeery lightweight! Like this behemoth 3.75m literally weights 2 tons.

Hatches are everywhere!!

Store anything you want!

It is compact!

And it is easy to build by yourself!

You can move around inside!

And it also needs no mods!

Inflatable base with no mods! How cool is that?!

I think i am going to make an entire thread about this:

M2dX2RW.png IA5eJup.png

2nL2IU4.png b0mze6i.png




Good luck.

Don't die.

Have fun.

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Last episode in docking modules at 8 fps....

And now Zenith grew nice CommTower (its docked "upside down" because 0g is cool :]), first tank (equal to five jumbos!) of revised propulsion section and some cosmetic changes. It also got two parasite tug drones left over from module delivery. In order to make this all happen Bill got new toy KIS/KAS capable cute little tug. Tomorrow it will be fueled up, equipped with temporary OMS and when finally flight worthy moved to private parking orbit for remaining dress up. As you might guess, it starts to screw up my station CoM :)



No connected living spaces, EVA required.


0 relative velocity, courtesy of MechJeb.




CommTower has arrived, its passive module with just one docking port so GrassHopper CLAW was tested.


After dozen or two minutes of orbital dance...



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On July 19, 2017 at 3:02 PM, MaverickSawyer said:

Not today's work, per se, but in the last 24 hours...


The satellite on the right somehow made it all the way to Minmus without its solar panels deployed. Rather than scrap the mission, the first manned mission to Minmus met up with it and manually deployed the panels. The craft is now happily carrying out its intended mission of being a communications relay and mapping satellite.

The crew would return home with 953.5 science points, enough to unlock nuclear power and super heavy rockets.


A small, unmanned science collector flying in deep space. It was successfully ejected into a solar orbit, collected its data, and made a burn to return to Kerbin's SoI in some 35 days. It will then swoop into orbit around Kerbin where the science data will be extracted via EVA and returned to Kerbin.

I see BDB! Hehehe

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I made the NP-1 and NP-1H.

Made to lift small things to 150 km LKO.






I also discovered the High quality of ksp probe cores.



There were some tests...


I'm building a duna ship.



about to join together.

Edited by DeltaDizzy
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I learned that if you play BD Amory, and your cockpit gets severed from the rest of your plane, that you can still survive the fall if your landing gear is still attached to your cockpit. What you do is extend your landing gear, and point it to the ground! If your plane is light enough and if you have enough bounce on your springs, it will work!

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Did I already post KSS Alpha with phase one complete? Meh, who cares!
Phase one included basic habitation, energy and food production, and all the science modules I had.
Phase two will be ressource production and orbital shipyard.


Also flew to some oh so important location in some far away highlands area for some oh so importants scientist to take three readings.


Flying east it got dark quickly.


At some point I drove over a bump and lost the engine - luckily I could still roll downhill towards the coordinates specified in the contract.


Next up: A return to Minmus for a number of contracts. Will need to pick up an old probe and bring it home, equip a satellite with new tech, adjust its orbit afterwards and land in three to four locations - hopefully I packed enough fuel?!

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On 7/18/2017 at 3:06 PM, FungusForge said:

So I added some cargo cranes and docking ports to the landship, added a few more steering wheels, and lowered the whole frame so I wouldn't need a mobile ramp to drive cargo straight into the bay. Oh and I added a shipload of rockets.


Ah, I came here to check on your landship progress. Do post more images:) I ended up playing Homeworld - Deserts of Kharak for few days because of you. I have not finished the single player campaign yet. Then I watched The Martian in meantime and I'm thinking about going back to KSP to fly some missions to Duna. I haven't played for several weeks, only trolled the forums:)


@Stewcumber - your contraptions are awesome :)

Edited by Kerbital
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