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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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@Julien Kerman Nice! You're quite a bit ahead of me... (no pictures because I'm at school) I've got a big LEO station that is nearly finished, plus a moon station (currently nearly half finished, no crew yet) and I have also done a crewed sun flyby like you. I have only done 3 manned moon landings (total of four people) all of which nearly ended in disaster. I don't have plans for manned missions outside the system yet, but my medium term goals are moonbase and manned Mars landing.

As far as probes go, I've done several moon landings, a Mars impactor, a Venus orbiter (plus another one that failed), a failed Mars orbiter, and a failed Venus lander.

I have flown by Mercury and currently have orbiters en route to Jupiter and Saturn, of which the Jupiter probe will hopefully land somewhere if it has enough fuel left.


(In case you are curious why I asked, some small part inside of me was chanting "SPACE RACE! SPACE RACE!" but as it turns out you're pretty far ahead of me.)


Good luck with the Venus station!

EDIT: What is powering your LEO station? A nuclear reactor? I don't see many solar panels.

Edited by Ultimate Steve
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8 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

What is powering your LEO station? A nuclear reactor? I don't see many solar panels.

Each module has at least 2 RTG's, and the rest of the solar panels (2 big ones on the science lab, 2 on the docking arm and another 4 on the old station core) are actually powerful enough because most of the time there is no crew on board, so only the procedural avionics units need energy. 

I also have a station in orbit around the moon since two years, but I never sent a crew to it.  :confused:

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Lobbing a contract sat to solar orbit, being cheap I wanted to try using a Mün gravity assist.

Launched to LKO, waited until the Mün opposite the sun and went for a manoeuvre to get me out of Kerbin SOI while sneaking as close I could to the Mün to gain as much extra dV I could.

Quite standard stuff, but still I couldn't resist watching as the sat wiffed by close to the surface (well 25km) at 1000m/s.

It's something with KSP that makes something obvious appear exciting :wink:


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Today I finished some decorative pipes that fit a 1.25 tank! It has several attachments suitable for putting KIS/KAS connectors. For cooler mining bases. This was a bit training for continuing with the larger pieces that are more common to use in an actual station.

On the pic is two instances of the model, which line up if you turn one 90 degrees around the z-axis.


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Yesterday I launched the first SCANsat probe, only equipped for low-res terrain + biome scanning. The lifter core had science to grab on the way up so its safe return (well everything above the adapter part near the middle) was vital.


Finally, unlocking enough parts to make airplanes that can go super fast, or go fairly fast for a long time I happened to create a powerful airplane currently only possible in GPP, or on Tekto of OPM.

A Karbonite-fueled globetrotter with peak performance at Mach 3.8 at ~15km. Its namesake is the Water Strider Mosquito. It steadily cruises while on fire but nothing ever comes close to melting. The bulk of its body is two long Mk2 cargo bays, and it doesn't hold a drop of LF in the radial tanks or at all.



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43 minutes ago, Azimech said:

Stock steam locomotive.


More info and craft file:


Of course you'd make something like that. Of COURSE. :rolleyes:


4 hours ago, kraden said:

Built a spaceplane in 2.5x GPP.  (my 3rd SSTO ever!) Had trouble fine tuning and getting reentry down, but eventually I made it.  Was never good at landing planes...





Am I doing this right? :sticktongue:





Did this landing for testing's sake.  Managed to touch down at only 32m/s which is well below take-off speed.

Holy MOLY, that thing is awesome. :o 

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19 minutes ago, Lo Var Lachland said:

Of course you'd make something like that. Of COURSE. :rolleyes:


Holy MOLY, that thing is awesome. :o 

My sentiments on Azimech's post as well :)

Thanks! I'm about as proud of that spaceplane as I was first landing on Mun.  It can take 26,300kgs to 100km in 2.5x



The cargo bay and docking port are ventral for ease of mating to space stations and to keep the solar panels, which are dorsal, from being damaged from a deployed payload or accidental station contact :unsure:.

Edited by kraden
had the payload wrong
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4 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

On Gael? Why so?

One of GPP's greatest charms (focused on pure fun, rather than realism and challenge) is that it puts enough Karbonite everywhere that you can get creative with it across the whole system. Do things that you normally could never do with it in any other planet pack because ther's always so little, and what you can never do with SolidFuel, LiquidFuel or Oxidizer.

That said, Karbonite is a dirty fuel and I'd feel guilty flying that plane everywhere on Gael and possibly causing Global Warming. :D Making that plane has given me ideas. 

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Updated my Valkyrie. I replaced the Vectors with a set of one of Mk2 Expansion's VTOL engines, and added some aero pieces (slanted and not) to add a bit to fidelity and to fix some serious aero problems.

The VTOL engines just need to be modded to fit OPT's standards and at least:

  1. Provide useful TWR
  2. Be usable in vacuum

I'm considering cloning a VTOL engine or two from QuizTech (ones that don't have a visible fan), and not just to use with OPT.


I added some particle FX to the J-81 engine's close cycle too (a stock blue haze over the purple flame that was always there). It's not much. It doesn't need to be amazing.


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Foothold Base arrived at Pol


After rendezvousing with Foothold Station to retrieve a lifting vehicle and to drop off the science plane (which is eventually going to land on Laythe and function as a long-distance rover for a future Kerbal crew) it landed on the surface of Pol with little issue (I even managed to get it onto a fairly level piece of ground on the first try.)


Mining operations proceeded immediately.


Only two things went wrong with this operation: I put the decoupler on the bottom of the base on backwards, so now it's permanently attached, and somehow the base's main HG-5 antenna was destroyed at some point during the trip. I'm not sure exactly when but I'm guessing it was on launch. I've got a station with two RA-100 antennas in equatorial orbit around Pol and a satellite with an additional RA-100 in polar orbit so that's not a complete show-stopper, but I think I'm going to have to use one of those docking ports to add a new antenna so that I can make use of the RC-001S's probe control capabilities and transmit science for those lucrative "Science data from the surface" contracts. Both of those will only really become a factor when I send a crew, though, so at the moment it's not a big issue.

Edited by Whisky Tango Foxtrot
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Built a space plane in orbit of Ike via EPL and refueled it from Ike  via a mining extractor, then flew it to DUNA on an EM drive using no fuel, and landing on thermal ramjet again using no fuel. Lithium on board purely for thrust based axial control and to periodically help keep the nose up on Duna's ultra-thin atmosphere.

Could theoretically fly from atmospheric world to atmospheric world indefinitely, only uses lithium for rcs control, but SAS handles most situations. Will be going up on KerbalX soon.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Today I wanted to fulfill the "Crew record of 4 on the same vessel" contract.

First, I launched the tiny docking adapter:


This is my smallest launch vehicle for payloads between 500kg and 1600kg.

Then came the Apollo CSM. I launched it on an upgraded Saturn IB, (now called Saturn IC), which features an entirely new first stage and an engine upgrade on the second stage.


Intercept of both modules:


The Apollo CSM can get only 3 Kerbals into LEO, so I used a second rocket for Kerbal number 4.

This rocket and its spacecraft are actually retired and out of order, but they were the cheapest solution :sticktongue:


Approach of both command modules:




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Played DMP for the first time. My pod clipped through a station and the engine exploded, so I had to EVA over to the  docked shuttle and land it.  It was hard to control, so I landed it vertically in the water.  

Also made the biggest necropost in forum history:



6 years!

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Kassini mission status update: After previous tiny burn (0.8m/s) I got an encounter. Now i'm on my way to Jool, which I will reach in about one year, then, another two years later I'm going to perform next burn, visible below. This one should put me on a trajectory very close to one of Sarnus' moons, which in return will put me on a collision course with Sarnus. One more burn at apoapsis, and I'm in orbit. Almost nine years from now.


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