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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Now that I've upgraded to 1.3.1, I'm putting my old mining system through its paces to see how well it works under the new regime.  The designs are a couple of years old at least.  My interplanetary "Beach Head" expedition consists of two flights.  One of them carries a survey satellite, but I use a 23t lander to put it into a polar orbit.  Bad use of equipment as it should have its own dedicated (lightweight) propulsion system for the polarization.

Tonight, I thought I'd have a go at retrieving my Mun lander [MX1 Probe] simply by landing it from its polar orbit onto one of the two equatorial mining sites.  Note to self: in future, set up the polar orbit with a day and night side, not this twilight fringe nonsense.  Result, hazardous night landing from a 90-degree intercept to an unlit site...  :(

Score?  50.9m from Moonbeam One Tower.  Fuel truck guys don't work night shift!  :)


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Galileo planet pack, carrer mode, 3.2 x rescaled system.

Testing radical ways of drone deployment on Tellumo. Think "Eve, with a breathable atmosphere, but even greater gravity well".


Works pretty well on Gael, time will tell about Tellumo.


Flying around after a successfull test



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21 minutes ago, Brikoleur said:



That's a gorgeous little plane.


I must replicate it.


I am questioning how it deorbited. I am guessing a throw away separatron or something that can push in space.

And since I see only one gear I am wondering if the two reaction wheels are enough to land on one wheel...


To the hangar...



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Today I plagiarized @Brikoleur



I tried one wheel. No go.

3 worked. Kinda. They are pretty darn close together and unstable.


Flew well enough but Jeb died.....It was a simulation.



The Brickoleur type Spaceplane was placed in orbit using Cheat. Then deorbited. The separatron did a really bad braking job and failed to disconnect. But meh it worked.



The SAS was set to Radial Out. Jeb got hot but didn't go poof. The plane dragged faster than it got hot. That's how scientist say it. Well Bob anyway.

The engine caught somewhere below 20Km. Jeb flew back to shore.



The approach was tricky the plane slows too fast to keep a reasonable rate of descent. Power was applied in burst.

The plane flipped and lost it's engine but so far survivability is 100%.



Makes me wonder about applications. Like returning crews from space stations. Light SSTO? Spaceplane anyway....


Play safe,






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The Duna Orbital Sanctuary, a monolithic space station (or more like space lifeboat), has been brought up to Kerbin Orbital for refueling and parking until it's due to be sent towards Duna.

Its purpose is to basically be a floating stockpile of fuel and supplies around Duna if worse comes to worse, and a place where the manned mission crew can chill.

It also carried a secondary science payload to the station.




Science payload separating to dock with the station


Docking the Duna Orbital Sanctuary


Aaaaaaand docked.....after a terribly long time due to imbalanced RCS, the position of the docking port and sheer mass of the thing. Luckily most of the fuel tanks launched empty.



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On 2018. 01. 22. at 6:51 PM, Puggonaut said:

probably the single most frustrating experience in KSP for me , is docking a shuttle .

Today though


I've managed to manually dock a shuttle to a station . Think i'll now retire to the bar an get drunk .

@Pak Thanks to you and your mod , it really helped a lot with this .

Only taken me over 2 years Darn it :confused:

That looks epic... What is this mod again?

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1 hour ago, Martian Emigrant said:

I tried one wheel. No go.

I can confirm the unicycle design works -- because the very first thing I did when I spied Juno Midge...  was made a knock-off.

It works and well, but you have to read the Excellent Instructions very carefully.

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"





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15 hours ago, Jimmidii said:

GELO (Geostationary Extremely Low Orbit)

I like it. I've been wanting to do this for years.

If it complicates or simplifies things for you any, remember that at least 5 moons are tidally locked to their parent:

Mun, Ike, Laythe, Vall, Tylo, as far as I recall.

Edited by FleshJeb
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Urm...today I was testing my Lander at Laythe....landed it fine but attempting to get back to orbit was a disaster. Within 5 seconds my craft exploded??

Schoolboy error...I had the game on 4 times time warp......what a wally.....

Edited by maceemiller
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I've been doing a lot of housekeeping lately (levelling up crews, re-arranging station parts, completing minor contracts, etc.) that I didn't feel were worth posting about, but things have picked up a bit lately. First of all, I was able to manufacture enough fuel at Laythe Station to allow the Laythe Docking Assembly to land.


I then embarked my already-landed LaythePort Mine on its 15km journey to meet up with the assembly.


With LaythePort assembled (for now, at least; I found some design flaws in the mining base and have a replacement en route, but it'll do for now) I was finally able to do something I've been waiting for for a long time.


Today, Mitfen Kerman, Matuki Kerman, Linia Kerman and Bardun Kerman became the first Kerbals to walk on the surface of Laythe.


They linked up their Grasshopper-class SSTO with one of the Klaw adapters on the docking assembly for refueling, planted a flag to mark their accomplishment, took surface samples, made EVA reports, gathered up the science data from the nearby Moth-class atmospheric plane (which I'd landed on Laythe unmanned a while back) and returned to their ship.


The takeoff proceeded without issue and the crew is now safely back at Laythe Station processing their newly-obtained data.

And with that, the last "tricky" mission that I have planned for my KSP career is complete (or at least completed to the point that all the remaining steps are pretty routine.) I've still got three Joolean moons to land on and a crew on their way to Eeloo, but most of those will be fairly routine when it comes to the actual landings. Tylo has some unique challenges, but I've already got a ship ready that's performed well in tests. Laythe, with its relatively high gravity and thick but oxygen-rich atmosphere was the last world that posed its own unique set of challenges, and now everything else is just a matter of time. Good thing, too, since my backlog of unplayed games has been getting pretty long and I'm looking forward to taking a break from KSP for a while. I may come back to try a modded career some time later, though.

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No pictures yet, they'll follow...

Major assault of Duna in progress; Rovers, Hab modules, Sci modules, and various landers bringing in crew. I've two 'batches' of ships inbound. It's going to get interesting, the timing of things.

Also, two landers have set down on Dres... manned. This is my first Dres visit. A rover will arrive shortly. I'm anxious to make the trip to the Dres anomaly. We'll be doing science too; Already started that actually. The landing surprised me, it was very easy.

That's just some of what's going on.

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For those of you making cheap knock-offs of the one, the only, the unique JUNO MIDGE ...

(1) I took it to orbit on the Pelican. I was testing if the Pelican is able to make orbit without the big draggy payload. (It is.) So it occurred to me to see what would happen if I sent the Midge down on its own. Now guess what I want to do when I get to Laythe?

(2) No Sepratrons, it sits on a docking port on the wing. It's in fact able to re-dock. It's not even hard if the payload is docked -- I roll it up to the payload until it bumps, lock the brakes, and raise the landing gear; it plops right down on the docking port, and then I wiggle a little and click. I just used the Pelican to go sub-orbital, then burned it back safely to orbit. 

(3) The key to the unicycle landing gear is to control it from an upward-pointing node, in this variant the Proborobodyne Okto 2 the pilot is sitting on, and engage SAS in surface/radial out mode. It'll stay upright ridiculously well; however the yaw and roll controls are flipped. For normal flight, control from the seat so the navball and controls behave like you'd expect. 

(4) To take off, switch SAS from surface/radial to normal an instant before or after pulling up. When safely flying, switch control to the seat (action 2 for me).

(5) To land, line up your approach, switch control to the upward-pointing node (action 1 for me). Then just before or after touching down, switch SAS to surface/radial. It's safest to land a bit faster than the design limit (say, between 40 and 50 m/s), otherwise you will risk faceplanting, also it's fun to watch it bounce along merrily to a stop.

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It turns out Philner is claustrophobic




At least that's what he's telling everyone.  Actually Valentina got fed up with him farting and kicked him out of the crew quarters.



The Tug is intended to be remotely controlled (RemoteTech) and I put the command seat on for precision manoeuvres, ie docking, which I can't do with a time delay.  It's carrying passengers in a Hitchhiker (along with some parts to test and a lab) to the fuel dump and lander which are waiting at Duna, and will then return the Hitchhiker to the SSTO which launched it in to LKO to return the crew to the KSC.  However I managed to forget to put an Onidirectional antenna on, and the dish is too too narrow an arc to be able to pick up signals from this close to Kerbin without targeting specific satellites.  The next mission will include an engineer with a spare antenna and a KAS/KIS spanner!

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@RizzoTheRat Each of my base modules has no more than 70 parts so there are around 350 parts in the scene and I'm running KSP on a 10 years old laptop. Your PC should handle that much. The lamp posts and the landing pads are welded via UbioZur Welding. Most of the parts are from the USI Colonization mod, the tank is from there as well. Most windowed parts are from Heisenberg Airships, the landing pads are from my Asphalt Tiles mod.

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I got 80.416 Yottameters away from the sun. Unfortunately, I can't get an image. Oh well.

I'm in the save right now, and I am trying to get all 10,000+ kerbals back. Their ship is over a few kilometers long (Edited from a few hundred km, as I read the length wrong). It was assembled in the orbit of Eeloo, due to the size and how far they needed to go. It took them 8.5 billion years, and their home is destroyed. They are all in cryogenic stasis pods. Jeb, Bob, Bill, Valentina, the entire population of the space center, and the kerbals that survived the Big Impact, which made a crater 100km wide that split entire continents and basically destroyed the planet, fled into space. They have no idea how this happened, but half the atmosphere was ejected, and it has apparently gathered around the Mun and Minmus, with the Mun having 12.2 kilometers, and Minmus having only 750 meters of atmosphere. Apparently, other kerbals survived and found that both moons have ogygen, even if you have to stay on the lowest parts of it. Liquid water managed to form, and when Kerbol expanded into a red giant, the moons were ejected out to Jool, and were captured by it, with the Mun around Tylo and Minmus around Laythe, coinidently. It only took about 924,000 years, somehow. Anyway, the kerbals survived. Kerbol is about to blow in about 100,000 years or so. Then again, the ship wasn't travelling the speed of light, and about 2,000 kerbals didn't go into cryogenic stasis, which means they developed a stable Kraken Drive and managed to calculate that, giving it 99.9% the ships power, it could go over 21,473 times the speed of light. They then went into cryogenic stasis and are now being awoken. Kerbol has aquired so much mass now that eventually it will become a quasi-star. Quasi-stars have been discovered across the universe, and it is believed that Kerbol will become one.

Captains logs recovered from the KSS Odyssey


Captains log

<Too damaged>


Captains log

<Too damaged>


Captains log

<Too damaged>


Captains log

<Too damaged>


Captains log

<Too damaged>


Captains log

<Too damaged>


Captains log

Date: 01-25-7315

The ship has begun to decay, and parts are already starting to break off. 13 out of the 100 habitation modules have already been breached and depressurized. 23 out of the 50 science modules, almost half, have depressurized as well, and 7 have broken off and are just debris. One out of the four bridges have been severed due to catastrophic failure of seperation components. Already, two of the five antimatter-darkmatter reactors have failed and radiation is leaking. Seven of the 20 engines have exploded, and many of the escape pods, which are just massive flying wings 400m in wingspan and 200m in length, have exploded in the hull, causing massive hull breaching. An emergency reactor in the bow exploded, killing about 6% of the crew. At the time of this recording, we are putting all kerbals in cryogenic stasis.

End log


Captains log

Date: 02-12-7315

Two of the 75 observation rooms have had their windows shatter due to space debreis, sucking Billybob Kerman, Kenberry Kerman, and Jerry Kerman out into the cold abyss of space. They were working maintainence, and they shall be remembered.

End log


Captains log

Date: 07-23-7315

We have come across a planet that, according to our scans, is rich in gold, titanium, diamond, iron, and uranium. We will get into orbit and send down one of the remaining mining ships, of which 23 are left where there were originally 50. Several massive hull plating sections have rusted away, and considering we are in space, I'm not sure how thats possible.

End log


Captains log

Date: 03-08-7316

The mining ships brought back as much as they can carry for 50 trips. We have found there is another planet in the system, with a large red moon orbiting close to it and a smaller, grey moon orbiting farther out. It's a large ocean planet with quite a bit of wildlife, and there seems to be a few islands as well- <rapid knocking, sounding paniced> Yes? Who is it? <pause> Come in, it's fine. <pause> What's so urgent it needs to interrupt a captains log recording? <pause> Energy signature? Where? <long pause> What? You can't be serious. <pause> You're right, it is getting stronger. <pause> I don't like the look of this. <long pause> Raise shie-! <explosion>

End log


Captains log

Date: 03-22-7316

We have suffered massive hull damage and will probably be unable to go anywhere for, at minimum, a few years. We are landed on the farthest moon and are gathering resources, repairing, and asessing the damage done by the energy signature, and we have found that it was a type 7c Quarantine Enforcement Platform. We now believe it is trying to keep something at bay, and will mark the planet as no-fly, no-land, and don't-even-get-close-or-you-will-die zones. We will now be turning the ship into a space dreadnaught, due to the surprising amount of 250 superheavy weapon specialists, 200 heavy weapon specialists, 100 medium weapon specialists, 100 light weapon specialists, 50 anti-aircraft weapon specialists, and 50 missile specialists. We're not sure why there are so many, but the ship has, apparently, been designed for weapon modifications. We have already started work on the forward main batteries.

End log



Superheavy x10

Heavy x14

Medium x18

Light x20

AA x68

Missiles x48


Captains log

Date: 02-29-7320

We have finished repairs, and the ship looks as good as new. The remaining crew not already in cryogenic stasis will be going into cryogenic stasis until we have reached 80.416 yottameters away from our home star, where we will awaken and assess the situation at hand. This will be the last log for 8.5 billion years.

End log


Captains log

Date: Unknown-Unknown-8518529374

We have reached a distance of 80.416 yottameters away from our home. We have travelled to the galaxy known as IC 1101. It's massive... It's approximately 3.914 million light years in diameter. We have gathered resources and traveling back home.

End log


Playing pre-recorded distress call... 

This is Captain (CORRUPTED), we are requesting immediate assistance! We are being attacked by unknown and unmarked ships! Send reinforcements immediately to the attached coordinates!

Coordinates corrupted. Failed to make signal origin estimation.

Remains of the ship were found a few years later, somehow traveling 99.99% the speed of light, nearing Kerbol. One smashed into Gilly, completely obliterating it. The rest were captured in warp fields, and were found to be scorched almost beyond recognition and weighing no more than 50 tons, even though they should've weighed in at 200 tons. A few of what seem to be HVAPHEAS (High-Velocity-Armor-Piercing-High-Explosive-Anti-Ship) rounds were found embedded in the chunks of the ship.

Edited by Kebab Kerman
(sorry for editing, Corona, just didn't want to make a new post)
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