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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I tested my new multi-purpose lander on a quick trip to the Mun. My daughter calls is the "Bouncy Castle" so I stuck with that.


I then attached it to my now finished business end of my interplanetary ship. Only a whole bunch more launches and EVAs to assemble the drive section.


I might have gone overboard. It's over 550 parts. It has plenty of room, food for 2 years (with 16 kerbals), and 4 escape pods that can carry 7 (for 30 days before they run out of O2).


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I made 75% of the shuttle stack at 1:1 scale, then decided to try the orbiter on another day.

So I moved on to another multi-billion dollar program... Time for a revisit to my old F-35.


I started with a rotating engine. This one was inspired by PrgmTrouble/C7Rejects, and uses an airbrake on the engine rather than the craft itself. This makes the system extremely compact, but it means that two action groups are needed to swivel the engine instead of just one.


I added the underside of the fuselage next (it's surprisingly complicated), the air intakes, and the VTOL 'lift fan' (really just 4 panthers). At this stage its capable of controlled VTOL flight, though liberal use of thrust limiters was used to keep it stable.


This is how I left it for the night. Next time I work on it, I'll add the upper fuselage, nose, and cockpit, and do proper flight testing.

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I watched the Cup's final on a friend's home (eaten too much… ugh :P ), and leaved the computer running a test for the whole day (about 14 to 15 hours, I think) due this thread:

And boy… This is going to take a while. :D 


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More tests and minor adjustments of the new aircraft designated as '33'.
First is the full fuel load by adding wing mounted drop tanks. 44 tons, 6k fuel. Lift off is... difficult.


Next, simulated bomb load.

Flight test of another aircraft.

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Today, I did something similar to the cancelled Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter.

I packed up my SCANsat gear, and headed out to the Jool system.

I used a super-strong rocket capable of reaching Kerbol escape with 5000 m/s of extra ∆v, so I could time an extra fast transfer: the time from Kerbin escape to Jool encounter was a bit more than a Kerbin year.

First to go was Tylo. I inserted into a polar orbit around Tylo. I got to business scanning the biomes.

Then, after the biome map was complete, I got into a higher orbit, and scanned the terrain.

Then, I timed a Tylo -> Laythe transfer, and executed a transfer- my first from a polar orbit. I usually transfer from a equatorial orbit.

Then, I made both maps of Laythe.

I currently have a Laythe -> Vall transfer timed- I'm resting from all this mapping!- I plan on making maps of all moons of Jool.

By the time I'm done, I expect my Urlum mapping probe to arrive at its target, so that means more mapping. I wonder if SCANsat works with OPM. I really hope so.

(By the way if you're wondering why I mapped Tylo first, is because I just got a Tylo encounter unintentionally while I was trying to find a Laythe encounter, so why not?)

Edit: I did manage to finish mapping of Vall. Tomorrow will be for Bop and Pol. Bop's plane of orbit is giving me headaches, but since they have the same altimetry and biome scanning altitudes, I think I can do it, and even dispose of the satellite in Jool's atmosphere. I think I'll actually do Pol first, because that way I'll only have to change planes once.

Edited by Ho Lam Kerman
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So today in KSP I decided to work more on my A380 an- OH GOOD GOD


This, ladies and gentlemen, is why we use struts.


Upon further inspection it would seem as if my A380 is attempting to fly like an insect


I question its effectiveness. I'll give it an A380  for effort though.

Edited by Kronus_Aerospace
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20 minutes ago, Kronus_Aerospace said:

So today in KSP I decided to work more on my A380 an- OH GOOD GOD


This, ladies and gentlemen, is why we use struts.


Upon further inspection it would seem as if my A380 is attempting to fly like an insect


I question its effectiveness. I'll give it an A380  for effort though.

That made me laugh IRL...

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I kinda finalized my draken project. It was a wonky project since it's quite impossible to get it right on wings and air intakes but im still proud of it.

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I made a 200 ton SSTO (45 tons payload) to balance test the biggest of my new engines. They were rather underpowered but not anymore. The WarpJets compensate for fuel wastage due to the usual high drag of spaceplane parts but with LF Mk2 engines instead it can just barely make orbit. The tyranny of the rocket equation (and KSP's aero model) strikes.



Different engine configuration. Operation NOX (no Oxidizer). The intercoolers' IntakeAir buffer is extremely effective for the OPT Shcramjet. This may work quite nicely in 2.5x if I ever need it.


I developed this SSTO (Codneame "Hyperkerb C5" aka "Thicc Skylon") little more. It weighs 162 tons (30 tons payload) but drag is much less of a problem. It can escape Kerbin and clip Duna's SMA without OPT engines. ~ _~ And without using the aerospikes which are highly buffed by Thor Tech. It has clipped tanks for extra much-needed LF capacity but I replaced them with a Mk3 short LF tank and added some stock wing panels up front for some lift surface there.

This is wonderful for 2.5x and maybe 3.2x scale, which I'm aiming for.


Eat it, BFR lovers. :P Skylon rises!



Evidently this one, codename "Hyperkerb C4" can nearly do the same.




Edited by JadeOfMaar
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1 hour ago, Triop said:

Flew my new design to Dessert Airfield and unloaded my buggy's without problems.


Nostalgia. I did the exact same in KSP 1.3.1 sometime ago. But mine was a spaceplane and the rover had he tiniest wheels and rockets for jumping far.

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Today I continued with my mapping of the Jool system.

I did do Pol first, with some major rewards as you'll see later.

I finished both maps of Pol, and with my ludicrous use of fuel I only have 800 m/s left of 5000. Thankfully, I'm down to the last moon.

I timed a transfer.

Then, I hit the jackpot! The transfer was timed so perfectly, the ascending/descending node was exactly where I needed it to be, and so I didn't need a plane correction burn to get to Bop!

I currently have 2 TCMs and one orbit insertion burn, before I can get to finishing maps of Bop.

And with Bop, I will bring down the entire Jool system!

(My achievements ribbon will get quite an expansion too.)

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