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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Today I sent the Asteroid Miner of to wrangle an E class.



This one was a good 2000 toner,  and many samples were packed away in the return pods. I named it Irlo Rock, in honor of Irlo Kerman, who died from a kraken strike on Laythe.


The ship drifted back into the Kerbin System, and wrangled Irlo Rock into a nice equatorial sub munar orbit.


An upgrade kit was thrown together and launched up to the new moon


The Miner got a new Sentinal and science pod



Some new space colonists sunk a foundation into Irlo Rock and attached their new house,



The Miner  Crew struck out on their third mission to visit a C class.




This rock got completely drained of ore, and Mildan crashed into the radiators. Gonna need to head back for parts

Edited by roboslacker
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I have no idea when I did this, but I found the screenshots from my last KSP1 mission today.  It was at least a few years ago but if I recall correctly, I did something along the lines of a Grand Tour, visiting every planet and moon one last time after fully unlocking the tech tree  (I think this one, all I remember is it was MASSIVE) in Interstellar Extended.  Looks like the whole trip took a bit over 28 years! Not sure if it was a mod or base game but both Billey and Samrod's hair have gone totally white.  Can't find a screenshot of it but I know the whole thing concluded with a white-haired Jeb using one of the escape capsules and planting a flag right next to R&D.  It was a nice way to say "see you later" ;.;







Edited by GalileOh-No
Added link to tech tree
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Been messing around with the RemoteTech mod, and I finally got the hang of how to create a satellite network.  I put 4 of them up in keosynchronous orbit, in a pseudo-square to get maximum coverage for things in LKO.  The first shot shows the satellite (I used the same design for all 4), while the second and third shots show the paths.  CommSat II has a short path through CommSat I, while CommSat III has a short path through CommSat IV.  You will notice that CommSat III has a line going towards the Mun; this is intentional.  I'm going to point  one of the dishes from each of the satellites out towards the Mun's orbital path so that I will have the ability to have a network path out there too.






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Today, I spotted an H class object passing through the inner soiar system. This was far beyond what I thought possible, so a mission had to be sent.


With no definate idea how hard the interecept would be, I built a lightweight 1 Kerbal ship with some 20k dv or so, and sent it up.




Pretty soon after leaving the Kerbal system, it was realized that the craft had nowhere near enough for a round trip. But as this was an opportunity to explore an entirely unknown body, Lelin continued anyways


As the ship neared the comet at its solar periapsis, a massive plume visible from the map screen appeared.



After expending the nuclear stage, Lelin grabbed some extra eva tanks and continued on her ion chair. After an extremely long burn, she reached the comet with 2k dv remaining.



This thing was absolutely massive (300m diameter based on marker reading), even showing up outside of physics range.


And here Lelin will continue on with Lelin's Comet, floating along on its 18 year orbit out past jool and back.


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I made a business jet using the same airframe design as my Beachcraft.

  • Keyword: jet.



  • The Embracer with its cargo inventory on display in the SPH.
  • I started with removing the prop engines from the Beachcraft (and the cones behind them) and replacing them with jet engines. The Beachcraft was for short-range pleasure flights, and the Embracer was for getting serious.
    • On a related note, the thermometer’s still there in case you want to take thermal surveys (mostly because I forgot to remove it). If you wish to upgrade your Embracer with other scientific instruments, go ahead.
  • After that, per @Hotel26's advice I raised my wings’ AoA by 5 degrees and then rearranged my landing gear in a tricycle configuration. I mean, how many jets do you see with a tailwheel sticking out?
    • I did the same thing with my wings for Plane Prime V4, which I forgot to post on here about.



  • The Embracer turning around and climbing soon after takeoff from KSC. Like the Beachcraft, I had a pretty low liftoff speed. As predicted, I was able to clear Alt Test Mountains with ease. It was just a matter of how to cruise around afterwards.



  • Some time after flying west in the dark (literally), the Embracer is seen flying towards the sun.
    • That was also when I decided I needed to install some more lights after this cruise was done.
  • If one didn’t know the heading, s/he would assume the plane was flying towards the sunrise the whole time. However, it’s technically a setting sun; it’s just flying faster than 175 m/s, which is the speed that sunlight moves west along Kerbin’s surface.



  • After a few hours in-game (and several IRL; time moves slower in KSP with warp off, and I didn't want to risk running out of fuel while on autopilot while I was folding laundry), I took this thumbnail shot of the Embracer flying west high over Kerbin.
    • And surprisingly, at a higher altitude and with a better range than the fourth Plane Prime (though not necessarily a better speed). On the other hand, while the Embracer only has to carry 3 people plus a light cargo load, that other plane has to carry 20 with a larger load.



  • The full HUD on when the plane has 50 fuel units left and requires an immediate landing. Here, one can see:
    • Cruise altitude and velocity.
    • How far away I am from the KSC. In this shot, I am flying TOWARDS the KSC since I’ve already passed the halfway point around Kerbin.
    • How long I’ve been airborne.
    • Whether or not I’m over water, which is real handy if flying at night.
  • Kerbnet was on because, when I started flying the Embracer, I didn’t know if I would need to land in the dark and would therefore need to see if I was over water or not. Of course, it would be hours (both in-game and IRL) before I would get to that point - and it was on the sunny side of the planet too.



  • Jeb Senior (Jeb’s dad) stepping outside after a bouncy yet otherwise successful landing.
  • He had managed to fly 3 hours and covered 3,350 km before he needed to land
  • By the time he was rich enough to buy his own Embracer, WinterOwl had already stopped producing them. Fortunately, he managed to locate a used model that was well-maintained by its previous owner and purchased that one (and at a lower price than what he originally expected).
  • Jeb Senior didn’t want to buy anything supersonic due to his son’s (and late wife’s) history of reckless piloting and he couldn’t risk tempting him with something fast.




Test Run Performance Stats

Crew Capacity

1 pilot + 2 passengers


2 x J-33 “Wheesley”

Cargo Capacity

12 (6 loaded + 6 empty)

Landing Gear Configuration



Dual tail

Cruising Altitude

9.4 km

Cruising Velocity

300 m/s

Expected Range

3,350 km


Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Mars-Bound_Hokie/Embracer


By the way, is there a website like this one (https://www.mapdevelopers.com/draw-circle-tool.php) in which I can enter a radius and origin point - including the KSC - and see the circle plotted on Kerbin (or any other Kerbol System planet or moon, for that matter). It would be great in determining what places my vehicles can reach if it doesn't have a range greater than 1,885 km, especially if it's electric and there's no sunlight available. That website is great, but only if you dream about flying your KSP creations on Earth.

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@space_otter i have no idea who you are but I like your username

Made a VTOL intended to go over lava.



Here it is. Its kinda unstable



As you can hopefully infer, stuff went wrong in the landing.

Now Gerlo and Bill are stuck there.


Also made a lava Submarine. You can't see it, but it looks like a stick with radiators on it and a engine on the back

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Today continued the Duna Voyager with Jeb, Bill, Bob and Val in orbit starting the science mission with the launching of an automated probe to the Midland Sea. Things didn't go exactly to plan with the probe's landing, some sort of glitch caused a misfire of the engines during the last phase of the descent. In other words, a disfunction occurred between the keyboard and chair! But the probe did survive and provided adequate science to better understand this new planet.








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I messed around with the Sigma Dimensions mod and created a 30X upscaled Kerbin, or "Kerbinzilla" as I've come to call it, and tried to get into orbit around it. Kerbinzilla has a radius of 18,000 kilometers, which is 3 times that of Jool, and almost 3 times that of Earth. From what I remember, its escape velocity was nearly 19 km/s, resulting in an orbital velocity of about 13 km/s. 

My first attempt to reach orbit failed, as I greatly underestimated the orbital velocity of the behemoth that I had created. In this screenshot of my first launch attempt, you can see some pretty crazy mountains in the background that are hundreds of kilometers tall. This is because I sort of messed up the terrain scaling in Sigma Dimensions; I set the terrain multiplier value to 3, thinking it would have mountains 3X higher than normal Kerbin, but because it was already scaled up by 30, it resulted in mountains 90X higher than normal. So, as it turns out, on this planet you could literally walk to space, as the mountains go higher than the atmosphere itself, which I scaled up by 2 to 140 km.


Oh, and, as a consequence of this, Kerbin's oceans are now almost 100 km deep. *Thalassophobia intensifies*


On my second attempt, I actually reached orbit, and concluded that reaching orbit took about 15 km/s of delta-V. Originally, I was in about a 300X400 km orbit, but, because the mountains were so ridiculously high, I literally crashed into the side of a mountain poking all the way out into space. After leaving orbit, for some reason, there was varely any re-entry heating, despite me going over 15 km/s in-atmosphere.


And, apparently, the asteroids did not move with everything else, resulting in them spawning super close to the 30X upscaled Kerbol.


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I accomplished my first Moon landing in RSS/RO/RP-1 today, and it actually went quite well. My only reload was to attend to the impactor contract on the EDS stage, but I actually managed to survive the descent on the first try, even though I ran out of props (lousy suicide burn calculator; I should have had some reserve) and impacted  at 20m/s. The landing gear, descent engines and tankage was destroyed, but the procedural avionics/instrument package and solar panels survived just fine to secure the landing contract. Sorry, no pics; nothing really exciting to see anyways

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No screen shots (forgot to take any) but after a good while away, and prompted by seeing Nathan Kell's latest playthrough on YouTube, I installed 1.12.5 and RP-1 Express Install and built a couple rockets.  Turns out the Veronique engine really does work for a sounding rocket, though there's no single solid kicker that will give it that initial bump (easily fixed with three Tiny Tims on a thrust plate, though).

Downside is the Veronique based rocket is significantly bigger for the same dV as the classic starter sounding rocket, and takes a long time to build (roundly three times as long as a WAC Corporal knock-off, though still less than an A-4).  That goes double if you're new to the new version of RP-1 and know nothing about staffing and leaders...

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We don't call it plain-looking, we call it realistic!


There are crafts that are exceedingly laborious to build and fine-tune, and then there are crafts you sketch in a notepad, build in the game and they end up working perfectly fine right off the bat. Lancesse is a prime example of the latter; I just built it by the sketch and found perfectly balanced CoM for both empty and fully fueled craft, as well as well-aligned CoL. Functionally, it's a replacement for the Aquamarine Marlin of the early SX series of 2020, while visually it's somewhat reminiscent of the silly-named Empire series of 2014 (9 years ago now, goodness! I should've found another game to play by now). It can ferry kerbonauts to locations around Mun and Minmus, or take them to Duna and beyond, provided you've got the gas stations going. The visually bulkier nacelles make for a kind of muscle car look, while the shape in general looks very natural, without taking the suspension of disbelief a little too far. How easy and enjoyable this craft was to build may or may not introduce bias into my description of it :)

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did a LOT of messing around w/ planet packs that I could use that wouldn't eat RAM like Kerbals eating snacks, settled on Grannus

Also messed around w/ Blueshift's FTL drives, and found a pretty good method using those and MEV Epstein drives to head out to space rocks!

Now all I have to do is stick a FTL setup onto my modular asteroid miner ship, then haul a comet back to Kerbin, and/or a class H asteroid into Munar orbit...

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I built another private jet to succeed the Embracer. After witnessing what it can do, it has earned the throne of WinterOwl's ultimate private aircraft.

  • Not to be confused with any spaceplanes it would build, since this craft is designed to stay within the atmosphere at all times.



  • The Lexie with its cargo inventory on display in the SPH.
    • I was originally going to name it "Lexington," but it didn't really sound like a cool name for a private plane (a ship, maybe). So, I shortened it to "Lexie."
  • The first and most important thing I did was switch the Embracer’s Wheesley engines with Panthers and the air intakes with those more suitable for supersonic speeds. After that, I installed airbrakes, removed the antenna (and the thermometer this time), and programmed a flaps action group.
  • Other than that, everything else on the plane remained the same.



  • Only 5 minutes of flight down, and the Lexie is flying at over Mach 2 at an altitude of 19 kilometers.
  • Pretty neat glow, isn't it?



  • The Lexie flying high over Kerbin after settling at a cruising altitude. It was also at this point where the aircraft had left the dark side of the planet and entered the sunny side.



  • POV: you’re flying so high up you can see Kerbin’s curvature from the cockpit window.



  • And just like that, the Lexie is back in the dark side of Kerbin. Too bad I didn’t get a nice glow shot.



  • The full HUD on when the Lexie has 50 fuel units left (and perfect timing with the shot, too) and requires an immediate landing.
  • The aircraft is less than 100 km from the KSC and I was very high up, so I can get away with gliding the rest of the way. If I had to use engines, they would be in subsonic mode.
    • I didn't log Kerbin's full circumference in the expected range in order to account for pilots who aren't as willing to glide on fumes the rest of the way.



  • Podnand Kerman checking out the moon after landing at 2-7 KSC, and with only 43 fuel units to spare.
    • That was extremely close.
  • Had he spent less time trying to settle for a cruising speed and altitude and bouncing around, he could have spared more fuel and end up with a longer expected range. 



Test Run Performance Stats

Crew Capacity

1 pilot + 2 passengers


2 x J-404 “Panther”

Cargo Capacity

12 (6 loaded + 6 empty)

Landing Gear Configuration



Dual tail

Cruising Altitude

18.9 km

Cruising Velocity

775 m/s

(Afterburners ON)

Expected Range

3,690 km

(Able to perform a full  circumnavigation flight if the pilot doesn’t mind gliding at the end)


And that pretty much describes what WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium's ultimate private aircraft is capable of. 


Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Mars-Bound_Hokie/Lexie

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11 minutes ago, Mars-Bound Hokie said:

over Mach 2 at an altitude of 19 kilometers

Those are excellent numbers!


Your engineering guys have earned a bottle of champagne (and you ought to pay for it, too).  :)


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