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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I succeeded to install graphics drivers for Linux and got KSP to work. CKAN did no work (some problem with Mono), but I downloaded Realism Overhaul mods by hand and installed them. I also tried Astronomers Visual Mod on stock solar system and hi res textures with Outer Planets. Wow, incredible, KSP is like a new game now. Why I idiot did not make this long time ago.

Earth showed immediately that what huge difference is between KSP and reality. But I got first satellite to orbit when I learned how to make gravity turn.

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I planted a flag, to serve as a nav beacon so I can see where KSC is, even when it's night there.

Can't believe I never thought of doing that before, lol.

Thats what i did after landing my supersonic airplane with FAR. Only problem for me was the landing gear was too far forward when low on fuel, even with it all pumped to the forward tank, so that I HAD to be on the end of the runway to disembark Bill to plant it. And even then the plane went nose up if it didn't want to cooperate.

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Got pretty interesting rapid unplanned disassembly event.

The rocket was carrying 5 mini-rovers and these weren't secured properly... It lost pitch control and attempt to throw the SRBs away resulted in full disassembly of the launcher. The only damage to the payload was that one of the rovers lost a leg and damaged a wheel on that side. Other than that, I only had to find the payload among the debris and press space - and five Duna rovers nicely landed in a row. Got about 130k back (sci equip is horribly expensive!)

Funniest part: only then I found that I forgot antennas! So it cost me less than if the launch was a success!

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I unlocked the entire tech tree after the Jool-5, for the first time since 0.22. But because there are still many places to go, I started building a new ship, using the ideas I explored just after the release of 0.90.


The forward cargo bay contains a 2-kerbal lander with over 3.6 km/s of delta-v, while the rear bay holds nuclear engines and other ugly parts.



The ship has 6.7-6.8 km/s of delta-v at LKO, depending on how well the ascent went, which should be enough for Moho. Unfortunately my current job has a fixed schedule, so I can't try flying the mission tonight.

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Trying to get to that anomaly high in kerbins mountains, two kerbals have died already trying to land near it, Jeb and another random kerbal. They both apparently respawned though.

First attempt (while using the rover lander hangar, and the whole thing masses in at like 68 tons), I landed on the side of a mountain, rolled right off.

Second attempt, I landed on a steep slope in the highlands nearby, the rover lander hangar survived though and I got the rover out at least. The game promptly crashed when I tried to go to spacecenter, but meh ok.

Third attempt, I'm going to land near the rover with a MUCH lighter lander, and then drive to the anomaly. Curiosity beckons!

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I worked some on my MKI parts. Got the first four into game, got another one modeled and a second sketched and some more in doodle stage. Gonna wrap these up to a balanced working state before modeling more of them. Got the bay doors animating, but the GUI says close to open and open to close, and the bay needs new colliders.

The Air intake seems to be missing something, because it wont suck air in, guess there is an empty or something telling the game exactly where the intake is, will have to dig deeper there.

Found that out when I was gonna take a beauty shot at altitude, seems this aircraft wont fly in stock(have a almost mod-free install to quickly start the game when I test stuff), pretty sure it would fly in FAR though.

Bay is 2m long, 1.1m high and 1.3m wide or thereabouts, so not enough for out 1.25m parts, but enough for a small probe/science equipment/monopropellant tanks etc.

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Attempted on a whim to make a Dreamchaser-style shuttle. Failed epicly. It had vicious handling characteristics at low speed - pulling up a little too much would "snap" it into crazy wild oscillations. And I couldn't even get it into orbit, seems that light but bulky payloads are a fair challenge in FAR.

Clearly a shuttle of any sort is not something I can just knock up in an hour.

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Jeb started his long trek home from Laythe in the Smig, it is going to be a long journey home. His next burn that will get him into a 30km PE of Kerbin will take place before Bill enters Moho's SOI,All for testing purposes.


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Today (1:00 AM) I accepted a test contract for a RAPIER engine in orbit around Kerbin (350k funds, yum), so I designed a small single seater SSTO with one RAPIER, one ram intake, a couple small tanks and various collateral junk just to barely get in orbit and get the job done.

I thought that the spacecraft slightly exceeded the requirements while I was flying by the Mun at 30km, still having a full monopropellant tank and 200 dV worth of fuel. It would have made it back if it wasn't for the WING KRAKEN.

During re-entry at 40km the first of my wing parts decided to take a hike, a speedy hike at that, instantly hitting the launchpad from the exact opposite side of Kerbin.

That's some good darn aim, I must say.

And the other ones followed soon after.

When the plane was at about 1500 meters from the ground, it consisted of a RAPIER engine, an almost empty fuel tank, the monoprop tank, the cockpit and the frontal intake. All my lift and control surfaces just disintegrated on the way down. I cursed a bit, chilled down, had a sip of the aforementioned beer and FLIPPED THE WHOLE FLYING CIGAR AROUND I LANDED IT ANYWAY BECAUSE THAT'S HOW I ROLL.


Only the cockpit and the nose survived though. Picture will follow as soon as I get home from work.

And no, I'm not using Deadly Reentry.

Edited by Janos1986
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Last night I was playing through career mode, and unlocked enough parts for a proper plane to do some surveying contracts. I gave it a test flght, but considering that it was a long range aircraft, I thought; 'why not go for an explore?'

So for the first time I decided to explore Kerbin. I sneaked between mountain peaks, buzzed the coastline, overflew the desert and grasslands. The freedom to roam in this game is really something.

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Today I flew around Kerbin completing scans and science stuff. During one of my takeoffs, the Mun and Minmus (just to the left of the Mun) were right in front of me:


Seeing the Mun there wasn't too unusual, but seeing Minmus there too is a first for me.


I thought it was pretty cool.

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I started playing Realism Overhaul. I mean, this time really, not just messing around. I won't return to stock KSP before I have at least sent a probe to Mars and a Kerbonaut to the Moon.

At first I thought I'd go for career mode with the Realistic Progression Zero mod, but sadly there seems to be an issue with weight readouts for scalable parts in 0.90, that, combined with the initial 18 tons limit, makes this a rather frustrating experience.

So I went for Sandbox. While this means I won't be able to quantify progress by the science point gathered, this allowed me to install further mods and part packs, which would cause strange behavior in RP-0. Since Remote Tech is one of the mods I'm using, I started to design my first communications satellite. Six of them should form a hexagon to cover low earth orbit by using omni antennas, and directional antennas to the Moon and to the active vessel are included as well. Nevertheless, as I'm still learning realism overhaul, I wanted to keep the payload light, so interplanetary commlinks are still missing and will be launched in a separate set of satellites.

I'm pretty proud that already on the second attempt the deployment of the first satellite into the plane of the lunar orbit worked pretty well (let's not speak about the first attempt...). The remaining inclination of 1° is tolerable, but could also be corrected easily. To be honest, MechJeb helped a bit by showing orbital information, but the vessel was piloted 100% manually.

Anyhow, regarding MechJeb: I plan to use it for data readout only, and to write kOS scripts for all my autopiloting needs. So, if something goes wrong, I can still blame myself. ;-)

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Been taking a hiatus from the game awaiting a pair of new memory chips for my box, which should give me enough memory to play the game without texture mods. Last night I flew a couple of parts testing missions using airplanes; I've got a big survey contract that's come up, which I'll probably attend to sometime in the near future. Hoping that it gives me enough funding to unlock the Level 2 R&D facility so I can build some planes with a little more firepower. Unlocking the Level 2 Runway has also become a priority - don't get me wrong, the bumpy runway is nice in that it helps my planes get into the air. Landing is another story...

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My career has progressed well. I have the VAB, pad, and astronaut center at the max upgrades, and almost everything else on the middle tier. So I'm at a point of needing to just grind out the funds to upgrade the R&D center to the top tier so I can start spending SCIENCE points again.

So... Satellite launches and more landings.






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Bill finally made it to Moho and got into orbit around the heavy potato!


The lander is most likely overkill for doing this, but I have never been on the surface of Moho. Well...I have but not able to leave once I was down there, nearly everything survived but the engine. :D Hopefully this time it is better.

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