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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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So for my remote tech network I am soon launching a few molyna orbit satellites to provide cover at high latitude.

However I notice that for these types of orbits I do not know anything about the time spent in eclipse. So I do not know the minimum amount of solar panels & batteries to keep running at full charge all the time.

Now as I can't stand not knowing things I started finding a solution. - I've worked quite a bit on it over the last few days; the calculations look easy but are in fact not straight forward:


So I went ahead and am trying to solve numerically; the solution is getting a bit more elaborate than I wished (it already includes a setup to analyse whole solar systems, and automagically provide delta-v maps for planning). Anyways this is the image I got - these are all calculated by using a semi-major axis of 10 million meters:


The horizontal line corresponds to an eccentricity of 0 (circle, so time in eclipse is independent of solar position). The more elliptical the orbit the higher the difference. Up to the very extreme when the curve isn't even smooth anymore at eccentricity = 0.94. This special case corresponds to a periapsis of 600km - the periapsis touches the ground.

I'm going to run a code validation test tomorrow and then I can finally(!) continue with the development of the satellite. Three day detour.

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Put up the first and second of my GeoSat comm network in RSS.

Things got a bit sticky with the second one. Turns out I don't have enough power on the thing unless I point the solar panels juuuuust right.

Oh, and the structural pylon likes to explode on launch due to a thermal bug in 1.0.4. But it works okay if I turn off max temp and conduction until I hit orbit.

Edited by Jovus
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  Lundmunchkins said:

I flew a plane.

So it is obviously me - somehow it has to be me ...

For the remainder of the evening I tried to build a plane, a simple atmospheric plane - with FAR, later without FAR ... not a chance, COL always far back no matter what I did, pitch control almost non-existent, ocean here we come again and again and again ...

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  Scarecrow88 said:
Today I reverted back to playing 1.0.4 due to overheating problems in 1.0.5

Eww. Not looking forward to that myself. Stuff overheats on it's own in 1.0.4 so I'm somewhat worried how much worse it can be in 1.0.5.

I did just start new 1.0.5 career myself.

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I got together some visual and audio effects mods to apply to an otherwise stock 1.0.5(.1028) game, planning to start a hard mode game and go for personal achievements. I'll be able to start seriously playing the new version this weekend! :)

Debating whether to keep a Mission Reports log.

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  KerbMav said:
So it is obviously me - somehow it has to be me ...

For the remainder of the evening I tried to build a plane, a simple atmospheric plane - with FAR, later without FAR ... not a chance, COL always far back no matter what I did, pitch control almost non-existent, ocean here we come again and again and again ...

Let's have a look at your plane, see if we can't give you a few pointers. For too stable, in general you move (or sweep) the wings forward and the mass back. Monoprop containers housed in a service or cargo bay make great ballast.

Last night (still in 1.0.2) began with the design and launching of Sun Diver 7, an expensive, nuclear-propelled one-Kerbal death trap. Took a screenie of it for y'all to enjoy/laugh at, but naturally I left the damn thing at home again. I wish I'd taken the time to add a few Sepratrons and a few more parachutes to the booster stages; I use Stage Recovery especially for √200k rockets like this one, and due to the crummy design I got almost none of that money back. Lubree had better be happy for all the trouble I'm going to on his behalf. Stupid tourist wanting a sub-orbital Kerbolar flight......at least he's the only one. The other three just want to go into Kerbolar orbit...

Spent the rest of the night fiddling with refueling operations at Mun. I was able to fill the Munar Wildcat rig up with ore completely and use the Midas lander's ISRU get it completely full of fuel, at which point Theogel and Verise launched for Munport 1 and the ore processing facility there. The station's ISRU worked very well; the power module recently added to the station did its job, and by the end of the night I had topped off the monoprop tanks and filled a lot of the smaller fuel tanks at Munport, including a refuel of Wildcat's own tanks. The station's Mun Buggy is still low on gas and its fuel module is still bone dry, so I'll be making another run down and back soon.

A power module for the Minmusport arrives in the moon's SOI in four hours. Its arrival will signal the final emplacement of mining and processing infrastructure for Kerbin's moons, something I've been working on for quite some time.

A lot of other stuff I need to do. A lot of it involves planes...

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Today, new build and starting from new. I completed my first orbit and return safely landing at the space center 5 and a half hours (Kerbin time) into a new campaign. Playing on moderate setting this time around. By far the earliest I have ever accomplished that. Been here since .018. Making orbit by the seat of my pants is a relatively new thing for me. Only have the pretty basic stuff. No improvements on any of the buildings. Just flying it and watching the instruments and the numbers. Rocket was 2 stages composed of flt200's, a 100 and one each of the swivel upper and reliant and a couple of hammers that were half empty to meet the weight restriction. Im sure it can be done earlier on less and has, maybe next time when 1.1 gets here. Jeb made the historic flight following up on Val's historic sub orbital flight only hours before. :)

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Yesterday, to test the new bouyancy myself, I decided to make a few depth probes. Namely, one, with several different versions. The first version had two full ore tanks, some batteries, a probe body, and a few radioactive generators. It had an XL girder on the bottom, with about 8 Rovemax Model M1 Wheels. The back wheels burst instantly, and the design was scrapped. Next was the same body design, with the four of the biggest rover wheels. Worked fine, except for power issues and the fact that it completely fell apart going down the incline towards the water. Finally, I just attached some detatchable fuel tanks, four swivel engines, and a crap ton of parachutes and flew it into the ocean. Got to about 500 m down, but I had no way to maneuver it, so I couldn't go deeper.

Also, I think Squad should make underwater biomes and experiments that only work underwater. That'd be cool.

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  WinkAllKerb said:
Hum' date=' not sure but today i might start building a station that look like that :


why ? because default forum settings xDr

Page 2001 - I get it. Cue the Blue Danube.

That type of space station is totally doable, too...these days you can get it awfully close with some carefully fitted Mk2 Crew Cabins. I have my own mostly successful attempt at a circle station from a few versions back...I'll have to find the screenie again.

EDIT: Ah - here we go. I'm thinking this was either 0.24 or 0.25; don't really recall.


Just needs a second tier. And a docking bay. These days I'd probably shove an ISRU on there somewhere too; they didn't exist back then.

Edited by capi3101
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I still have 1.0.4 (in a different location) so I'm gonna use that until they get things working. 1.0.5 for the time being will be used to experiment with the new stuff. I haven't really gone underwater yet. gonna try that.

Oh, and new career:


My second rocket, testing the booster, and Jeb is here! Kerbals were not very big on aesthetics during the early days methinks...

Edited by Draconiator
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