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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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1 minute ago, Choctofliatrio2.0 said:

Seems to be that way. But RSS continues to evade my wrath. (I'll submit a report sooner or later to see if it's a bug).

What's the problem with it?  If you're getting white planets, you need to install the textures.  You put RSS-Textures in you're GameData folder, not into the RSS folder.  :)

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1 minute ago, CliftonM said:

What's the problem with it?  If you're getting white planets, you need to install the textures.  You put RSS-Textures in you're GameData folder, not into the RSS folder.  :)

I got the texture packs, and I'm fairly sure I put everything in the right spots. When I try and start the game, it gets stuck on the loading screen. The thread for RSS says this is normal for like 15-20 minutes, but I left it for about 2 hours and nothing changed.

When I feel up to it again I'll redownload it.

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I made a stock version of a previous B9 SSTO spaceplane design that was originally based (somewhat loosely) on the ARCA IAR 111 Excelsior. This craft does all kinds of interesting stuff to kerbal physiology during high G shenanigans around the KSC and/or it can get one lucky kerbal comfortably to orbit (ok, maybe not quite so comfortably after the shenanigans).





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Finally time to retire the old science-processing space station, thanks to a safer ground-based lab on Minmus, so I needed something to fetch Gemcella and Rosrina and the station's huge load of science from Duna, Ike, Dres, Gilly, and probably Moho. My old SSTO was slow and overly-huge, so I built a little two-seat, two-engine thingy.



An earlier model had inadequate flaps... flapping?... and made a nice crater in the mountains west of KSC, but the other new feature of this one is a probe-core pilot, so no lives were lost. The design above worked much better.



The crew got home safely and cheaply after years of tedious space research, and brought nearly 20,000 science with them. That was enough to finish researching the entire expanded tech tree (CTT), followed by the Alcubierre warp drive--the scientists insisted on having a thorough understanding of mundane technologies before delving into "speculative claptrap that could destroy the fabric of reality" or whatever they called it. What they will choose to do with this mysterious new technology remains to be seen.

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Did yet another PAM/RCS mission today.  This one used a Hammer to take a 0.75 ton payload to Jool.  The mission was a failure because the power supply was destroyed during a hard landing; I had to use RCS to complete the parking orbit and that extra fuel would have landed us safely, albeit with very little margin.  Still, this was a really fun mission and had I been playing career mode I probably could have fired off a science report or two before the batteries failed.

E: Had some 1350m/s in RCS, IIRC, but again, that was reduced by completing the parking orbit. :(

There's a great shot in there of the three major Joolian moons.


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10 hours ago, Fearless Son said:

Given you had an engineer onboard, I am surprised you did not repack the chutes in your lander.  You might not strictly need them out like that in a vacuum environment like Ike, but you almost certainly will if you intend that lander to return to Kerbin.  


No, lander was supposed to be abandoned, otherwise I wouldn't have seperated my additional tank on the 'mothership' as they were both counterbalancing each other. It was planned from the drawing board on. But during the mission I realized I had to bring all the science to the mainship, thats when I finally started to read about how 'science' works in detail and how it is transfered between ships.

I allready was on Duna and now I only have liquid fuel left so I kinda used them resources to the max. The lander is now drifting as debris in orbit around Ike. No use for it anymore..

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My space program passed a couple of minor milestones yesterday. With five science stations (as well as the lab on the Rumfoord) turning out data and all my major construction programs complete, the program is "in the black" again for the first time in several years. Also, with the arrival if Jool Orbiter 4 at Pol, I can now say I have orbited every body in the stock system.


It was a good day for my unmanned program, as by coincidence a number of probes all arrived at their destinations within a few weeks of each other.


Eeloo Orbiter 1 orbited and mapped Eeloo.



Jool Orbiter 4 mapped Tylo, Vall, and Pol.



Dres Orbiter 2 surveyed Dres in advance of a Kermanned mission currently outbound.



And Moho Orbiter 2 finally arrived at Duna, which it mapped before transferring to Ike. It had originally, obviously, been meant to map Moho, but it encountered that planet with too much excess velocity to capture into orbit, so I decided to redirect it via an Eve flyby and several large maneuvers in solar orbit to Duna, which both saved me the trouble of launching another probe to Duna and completed a contract for encountering all three planets.



Meanwhile, the Hornblower finished refueling itself and lifted off from Minmus. Fully fueled, its TWR on nukes only is about 0.1 at Kerbin; even on Minmus it can only just barely take off without the auxiliary motor.



After a few weeks in high Kerbin orbit, Hornblower executed an extremely long (more than an hour of real time, between lag and that I can't use physics warp) departure burn for Moho. It's not an ideal transfer, the insertion burn will be almost 4 km/s, but that will still leave it with plenty of delta-v to spare for the landing.

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There happened a few things back at the base. Cerly and Asdra approached Mission Control and pointed out that Tandan, Sigrid and Bilfal had actually never set foot on Duna. Their Duna mission landed on Ike. So, considering an Ikaros_H mission coming up soon, wouldn't it be most appropriate if?..
The situation exploded almost immediately as Bilfal, Tandan and Sigrid got wind of this. Mission Control had to work overtime convincing them no plans would be changed. There is the question of who takes the Ikaros_H, but Jeb, Bill and Bob haven't done much lately, so they might be up for it. Regardless, their Laythe mission is still on. Cerly, Eilla and Asdra have to wait for their turn.

Meanwhile, Dr Horst  had been busy. He had grown increasingly concerned about Kronos_C lacking air-braking capability. So he took steps to improve Kronos_C' fuel situation. 16 solid boosters will lift the whole fuel budget. Then a large number of additional separator-rockets were fitted. These would allow safer stage ejection during a much more aggressive ascent trajectory. Tandan got tasked with flying this, mostly manually, with SAS turned off. He got a bit pale when he realized what was asked from him.


So this is the new Kronos_C MkII. 1088 parts, 8,812.5 t

It was a tense, concentrated climb, but here the worst of it is done, most of the precarious engines and tanks successfully ejected. Soon Tandan should be be able to turn on SAS again.



Done, he relaxes and celebrates.



Dr Horst von Kermin's plan worked. The mighty rocket reached a circular 200km orbit with two full tanks left. They've never had so much chemical rocket fuel for the escape burn before.
Kronos_C MkII did the escape directly, in one orbit. That's also a first for a heavy Kronos rocket. Kronos_B needed two orbits, Kronos_A four.



So our intrepid Laythe voyagers went contently to sleep in their cabins, Kronos_C on an escape trajectory away from Kerbin.
Then in the middle of the night, an alarmed, shouting Bilfal woke up the others. " - There's no power! The power is gone! " Their Kronos_C was horribly dead, dark and cold. All electricity was depleted.



Thankfully, they did have a nuclear reactor that did produce charge no matter what. Taking advantage of those short spurts, Sigrid shut down all uncritical drains of power.
It turned out that the deployed radiators actually consume power, even when they're not cooling. Then of course no SAS or inertia wheels. Having secured a positive energy balance, She then concerned herself with how to get the batteries charged. She got a very bright idea. Sigrid deployed the solar panels on the two rovers.



Soon, everything returned to normal, minus the radiators. The ship is warm and alive again.  And there we leave them to go back to sleep again.


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I spend today and yesterday redesigning and overhauling my ol' Everything-In-One Spaceplane Carrier/Mobile Refinery and turned it into a more dedicated ore freighter.

I've more then doubled the original ore capacity, and added a modest increase of the liquid fuel capacity by 20%.  Then I striped out the lab, removed the aerospikes and cut down on the oxidizer by half, and added 4 extra LV-N in their place, so that all engines can be used at all maneuvers.

(The original model)


Take-Off of the new Ore Freighter.  I had to add 4 extra SRB to the original design, though I'm not sure if it was the result of the patch's changes to the atmosphere, or because of any added weight.







The launch configuration just get's more and more complicated with time...


Profile of the New Freighter


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Chelonean 3 arrived in the vicinity of Duna without having to avoid splatting into Ike. For once. With ample Dv on hand they decided to set up for a flyby of Duna before orbiting Ike.



A quick lap of Ike later they burned again to go into a wide orbit of Duna.  This brought the crew up to 4 star level, although they would have to wait for their spiffy new shoulder pips.

Curious as to the welfare of their compatriots on the ground powerful cameras scoured the area they landed. Nearly 30 km away they finally spotted them. It appears they were expecting company.....


Rumours that the message was spelt out with potatoes have been denied by mission control.

The groundpounders new spirit of independence may have been caused by the arrival of another Deliverance carrying a mobile fuel store. They weren't told that the mission almost took a nasty turn when just before de-orbit control noticed a severe lack of Dv in the final stage. Turns out some helpful soul back on Kerbin prefilled the cargo with fuel... plus points to the design team that the craft still performed flawlessly up to that point but minus several million to the payload dept . Luckily the transfer stage hadn't staged so control was able to pump the excess fuel into that and use it for initial the de-orbit burn.

Unaware of this the ground team were gratified to pick up the Deliverances transponder signal only 6km away. Ribbas took the Ickle Miner out to the site and performed the now traditional ceremony of the swapping of the solar panels.





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I set in on Project Bring'em Home.  Over the versions I've left various missions out in space, ready for their next manoeuvres, largely planned ahead and preserved with KAC.  An o'erview of the project:

More as the mission progresses.  Also, this is my first time using Imgur, so do let me know if I'm doing something dumb.

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today i continue my tekto exploration,getting all the biomes was fun :D and i had time left to return jeb bill and bob from duna back home.

2gxldg1.png212tqc9.pngvoak8z.pngizmgpz.png finally the three green musketeers going back home after more than a year in the orbit-returning from duna 148jhvr.png2w5w18m.png

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Just clicked a Mk. II SSTO spaceplane together, after having the picture in my head the whole night... i did not expect it to fly well, but actually its performance and stability is remarkable. It reached an 85 km circular Orbit with more than 1.000 m/s of DeltaV left, carrying 4 Kerbals on its maiden flight. During the second testflight, it made it to 85 km orbit with 3.4 tons of extra cargo, besides 4 Kerbals and still had 660 m/s left... As it has a very low TWR of 0.6 it takes a while to get it to speed, but it is very efficient and easy to fly.

Skyray Delta I on the runway.


All solar arrays and the antenna deployed. Here it can be seen with a 3.4 ton test payload in the cargo bay.


85 km circular orbit, with lots of ooomph to spare...


Some minor tweaking here and there and it will be ready for production (craftfile for download coming up soon).

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