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Is KSP your most played game?


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over the last few months of playing KSP i have also played Minecraft, Skyrim, Railroad tycoon, X Com APoc, Tropico 4, Faster Than Light and Universe sandbox. But over those months of switching games over and over again at a whim, KSP has been one i have consistently played. KSP rocks. (139 hours according to steam)

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KSP is defiantly my most played game currently, and pretty much has since I got it last September. However it is not my most played game ever. It is difficult to pin down exactly what game is but I used to play Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis religiously when I was a Kid. I still have it and play it occasionally. I am sure I have put hundreds of hours into Pokemon games, as well as Star wars: Empire At War. I am reasonably confident I have played those games more than KSP.

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1. Portal 2 (194 hours)

2. Just Cause 2 (174 hours)

3. Kerbal Space Program (121 hours played)

Though I only switched over to steam KSP about a month ago so I would estimate about 500 hours total

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Nowhere near it, though I only discovered this game a month ago. It'll probably be up in the top 5 by the time I get bored of it....and that's a lot of hours for someone who has children and has been playing games for 20 odd years.

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As I posted elsewhere, my previous record holder was Morrowind, which I played just about every day for 10 months. In a few days, I will have been playing KSP just about every day for a full year. As a rough estimate, that would be somewhere around 1200 hours. And I'm not tired of it yet.

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How are we determining "played", anyway?

In one sense, Kerbal is my "most played" game today. I've had it running for about 23 hours straight now.

In another, it's not the "most played", as I've been playing other games, and haven't touched that computer in almost 23 hours.

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How are we determining "played", anyway?

In one sense, Kerbal is my "most played" game today. I've had it running for about 23 hours straight now.

In another, it's not the "most played", as I've been playing other games, and haven't touched that computer in almost 23 hours.

How many hours you actually played it compared to other games. Could be recently or w/e, doesn't matter.

Edited by Stealth2668
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I can't even begin to guess how many hours I've put into KSP now... Far more than I ever put into any other indie game (and that's saying something, given how much I used to love Dwarf Fortress). I'm certain it's surpassed any of my Steam library's playtime, even Skyrim's intimidating 245 hour clocking. Probably has a ways to go before it can best my all-time most-played game, Star Ocean 2 (which currently is sitting pretty at around 560 hours across 19(!) play-throughs). But I have a feeling it will, in the end.

EDIT: I may well stand corrected. I got KSP first 576 days ago, and I'm fairly certain I've averaged at least an hour a day playing KSP since. Jeez, was 0.11.1 really that long ago?

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