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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 2667:

A break from the last three floors, this is the 2600-2699 CCTV Control Room. There is a very large armored-looking door saying



less rusty version:

From the looks of it, this door hasn't been opened in quite a while. You wonder how the CCTV watchmen leave, and then hear some faint sounds:
PA - Shift 1 is over. Shift 2 personnel please go to your work stations.
Room - <Star Trek transporter noises>
Far wall(?) - <leaving aircraft noises>

So that's how everybody else gets around the building. You wonder why you weren't allowed to take the transporters. Then you remember that you started climbing this building in 2013...

Did you pass through a time warp or something?

You knock on the door, but fail to make any substantial noise. There is no response.

You climb further up, hoping that this ...whatever this is would end when you reach Floor 2700.

Edited by OrdinaryKerman
Added more wear to the sign
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