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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 3998: A terrace. If we estimate that the average floor height is 3-5 meters (there are some tall floors as well), then the floors after around 1000 should have been fully pressurised. Now we're at about 12000-20000 meters from the ground (lets say 16000), so you need a mask for this terrace

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Floor 3999: There is a man waiting for you on this floor. He calls you Douglas and tries to convince you that none of this is real, that you are actually strapped into a special chair in a business called Rekall. He says that you went in there to get memories of having a holiday on Mars, but something went wrong. Now you are at risk of going mad. You almost believe him, until you see a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead. You run for the next floor.

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Floor 4006: an emp device setting off an emp so powerful that it makes the merging of the universes 2 largest black holes (known or otherwise, even if unknown they still exist or did prior to this merger making a larger one yet) look as meek as a single one of these:


thus destroying that chip.


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