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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 4340: It appears that this floor is some kind of space station. You venture to the bridge and find the telemetry computers showing a course to Saturn. More analyze shows that this ship will be exploring the Saturnian moons with its docked landing craft. The space station seems deserted, but after some time, a monolith-shaped robot appears, lumbering through the corridor as if doing a routine inspection. His name appears to be DONN, as evidenced by the text written on his 2nd rectangular segment.

He shows you to six cryogenic stasis pods. Each one is in use by an astronaut, deep in sleep as they await their arrival to Saturn.

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Floor 4347: you see a wall with 2 things. 1 is a door, its a 1 way door. The other? A sign saying: Welcome to Escape From Floor 4347. You have survived 4346 floors. You have passed rigorous tests and trials and the first of 2 one way doors. You are trapped. The only way out is through. Good luck!

You bravely press on and enter a floor wide escape room. As you enter you notice it is a themed room. It is a Little Mermaid (90s animated) theme. You begin to walk forward and you hear it. The door slams shut behind you and a voice echoes out: To move up a floor you must escape. The fastest so far was 72 hours 35 minutes 45.5 seconds. The voice suddenly cackles with evil intent. The next thing it says, the music will not stop until you escape. The music then starts. You hear Frozen’s Let It Go starting a nonstop loop.


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Floor 4350: This is one of the backup control rooms, you decide to move the entire building to Dres. After some wheezing and groaning sounds you arrive. You find the lighter gravity helps you get to the next floor more easily.

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