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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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2328: you finally reach the top, you breath some fresh air, then decide to go down the stairs, but some non Euclidean stuff happens and by going down, you have gone up to balcony that was below you, and from here, it just looks like a normal floor, but you drop down, still on floor 2328, and get a view of the sky. Perplexed, you go down the stairs and end up on the balcony overlooking the floor, then realize the drop was two meters instead of the seeming 10 meter drop, and in the middle appears to be a spacetime rift (that is emitting a blueish smoke)  causing the floor to be 25m tall then going up, but at the same time, being 4m going down. And then the rift yeets you into the next floor.

(all this happened on floor 2328)

Edited by JcoolTheShipbuilder
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  • 4 months later...

2335: There are 6 rooms, each filled with Kenbak-1 personal computers, and then you can't find the stairs up, but then find a hole in the ceiling leading up to the next floor.

Edited by Kerb24
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(on the previous floor) A lift suddenly appears. Without hesitation, you enter it. Finally. Up! Without stairs! But you do decide to visit the next floor before bolting straight to the top.

Lift: Floor 2 3 3 8

There's another sign that says "There is not an elite section you missed 1001 floors ago, ignore that last sign. Also there's absolutely nothing else of interest on this floor, bugger off." behind

You reenter the lift. 

Lift: Going up...

(Now on floor 2340) The lift stops.  Alright, this is as far as I can take you. What? But I've only gone up two floors today in you! Yes, but the sheer amount of time it took me to get this high means that I'm now at the end of my first warranty period, and need to be completely rechecked and recertified. <opens doors> Goodbye, and see you in another two years!

Edited by OrdinaryKerman
The lift took two years to get this high, and being a multi-kilometer lift it is advised to be completely reinspected every two years
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2345: That soup you had is making you dizzy. The sign reads "SEAS" for a bit before snapping back to reality and reading '2345'. You look around. There's another sign saying "Altitude: 9380 metres / 30774 feet. Don't worry, the entire building is pressurized to 95 kPa."

There's a vending machine, and it accepts card payments. You take out your debit card and pay for some food. After grabbing a few days' worth of chocolate biscuits and apple juice supplies, you continue up.

Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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2346: A completely empty room with only a large red button on one wall. You don't know what it does, but your curiosity gets the better of you and you press it. Then every floor below you (2345-lobby excluding basement) collapses. For some strange reason, perhaps a construction error, the floor your on and every floor above it stay put.

Your thoughts: Are the floors above me attached to the ground a different way? Or are they levitating? Or what?

You try not to think about it as you climb a ladder to the next floor.

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2348: This floor is slightly damaged from the shock of the previous partial demolition. Another button red button is in the center of the room. Despite your previous experience with big red buttons, you press it.

A screen pops out of the wall and says "Express reconstruction in progress. ETA: 1 year. Move to a floor with a damage level of 10% or less. Any floors more damaged will be deconstructed within 7 days. Damage levels will be shown on wall monitors on each floor, just below the light switches. 

This floor's indicator reads "60%. Structural collapse possibly imminent". You run upstairs as quickly as you can.

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On 9/13/2021 at 7:37 PM, Kerb24 said:

2350: A farm house.

...with chickens!

2351: Damage level: 40%. The damage levels have been getting lower the more you climb. "That's good," you think.

This floor consists mostly of wooden chairs and tables from the 80's. Other than that, nothing. "What a boring room," you say. Then you notice something in the far corner, and go over to take a look. A large button on the floor. Fortunately, it is yellow rather than red. "Should I press this?" you ask yourself. Your opinion keeps shifting back and forth from "Press it," "Don't press it," and "Don't you dare press that button or else something worse will happen than when you pressed that first red button!!" In the end, after arguing and contradicting yourself for thirty minutes, your curiosity gets the better of you once again and you press the big yellow button. Suddenly, the small bit of floor below you lifts up and you find yourself on the next floor. "Phew," you say, "at least these buttons are making better and better things happen rather than worse and worse." Are you sure you want to make that assumption, climber?

Edited by KSP_linux0191
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