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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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  On 12/19/2015 at 5:40 PM, ThatOneBritishGuy... said:

Pardon me for my ignorance, but can someone point me to some documentation on this mod. Looking over the changelog, there's been a lot of changes in th past two versions and I feel like I need to know what exactly this "fire damage" is (among other things). Thanks in advance for any help.


Sadly, documentation is lacking.

Fire damage starts happening when a part's external temperature reaches 85% of it's maxTemp. Several things happen:

  • Its temperature begins increasing at an accelerated rate. (OMGITSONFIRE)
  • It starts taking damage which ranges from 0-1. 0 being undamaged and 1 meaning destruction. (as far as scale 1 = 100%)
  • The consequence of the damage is that its structural integrity is weakened and it can break off of the vehicle easier. (breakingForce and breakingTorque are reduced)
  • Damage is also applied if a craft takes too much structural stress

The damage can be repaired by an engineer. The more badly damaged it is, the higher the skill rating required. (A message will pop up if the engineer attempting EVA repairs is not skilled enough)

That system was in DRE for a long time prior but had some issues with damage persistence and with the repair GUI. 

tl;dr is that it introduces a soft cap that causes parts to fail gradually rather than suddenly exploding when their maxTemp is reached. Because of this, a lot of the parts whose maxTemps is managed by DRE have had their maxSkinTemp increased by about 17.65% (so that their former maxTemp becomes the soft cap)

I strongly suspect that the repair system is probably always going to be underutilized because most craft that get damaged are either going to be destroyed outright or if they survive are being recovered at Kerbin. And thusly no longer in play. Only craft operating far from home for extended periods of time are likely to be in need of repairs.

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  On 12/19/2015 at 5:57 PM, Starwaster said:

Sadly, documentation is lacking.

Fire damage starts happening when a part's external temperature reaches 85% of it's maxTemp. Several things happen:

  • Its temperature begins increasing at an accelerated rate. (OMGITSONFIRE)
  • It starts taking damage which ranges from 0-1. 0 being undamaged and 1 meaning destruction. (as far as scale 1 = 100%)
  • The consequence of the damage is that its structural integrity is weakened and it can break off of the vehicle easier. (breakingForce and breakingTorque are reduced)
  • Damage is also applied if a craft takes too much structural stress

The damage can be repaired by an engineer. The more badly damaged it is, the higher the skill rating required. (A message will pop up if the engineer attempting EVA repairs is not skilled enough)

That system was in DRE for a long time prior but had some issues with damage persistence and with the repair GUI. 

tl;dr is that it introduces a soft cap that causes parts to fail gradually rather than suddenly exploding when their maxTemp is reached. Because of this, a lot of the parts whose maxTemps is managed by DRE have had their maxSkinTemp increased by about 17.65% (so that their former maxTemp becomes the soft cap)

I strongly suspect that the repair system is probably always going to be underutilized because most craft that get damaged are either going to be destroyed outright or if they survive are being recovered at Kerbin. And thusly no longer in play. Only craft operating far from home for extended periods of time are likely to be in need of repairs.


Ah. That explains it very well. Thank you very much for the speedy reply.

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I'm using DRE and the Kerbin 465 mod (3.2x planet size, 6.4x distances) - looking to lower the re-entry effects as everything is going bad quickly. Anyone know what to change and by how much? Don't want to make it too easy, but being able to return from LKO would be nice... Thanks in advance!

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  On 12/20/2015 at 10:18 PM, NathanKell said:

Thanks for this, but since this is from RSS, I think these are values for FAR? If there's anything for stock aero + DRE, that'd be great, if not I'll have a go at trying to match up the values with some trial and error.

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  On 12/20/2015 at 11:51 PM, MAV3RICK said:

Thanks for this, but since this is from RSS, I think these are values for FAR? If there's anything for stock aero + DRE, that'd be great, if not I'll have a go at trying to match up the values with some trial and error.


FAR isn't relevant to those settings at all. 

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  On 12/21/2015 at 2:14 AM, Starwaster said:

FAR isn't relevant to those settings at all. 


Ah, got it now! Slightly more awake means I can realise that these are the KSP physics settings it's changing - in my defence I've not used FAR or poked around in the physics settings much before, so didn't recognise it.

Anyway, re-entry seems to work better now, changed the DRE @fullConvectionAreaMin to 0.2 instead of -0.2. Thanks both for your help.

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Edit: Nevermind, while trying to fix the issue myself, I also removed and reinstalled everything heat related, and now everything works fine. Guess I just made a mistake while installing the current mods!

Guess I just played hardcore mode until now. Makes me wonder, maybe I could've actually gone to space and back with an X1 cockpit?



Help appreciated, apparently i've lost the ability to reentry:

RSS/RO/RP (also ofc FAR/Realheat/DRE), basically got a ~165km orbit and want to reenter a simple MK1 capsule. Parachute and activated decoupler above it, antenna on its side, nothing else, absolute standard. Somewhat heavy with almost 1.5t (inc. chute), but I don't think that should matter too much? Also lowered the Ablator to 125 (same as RO mercury capsule), but most of the times it doesn't even start to ablate any noteworthy ablating. As soon as the red flames appear, the capsule just heats the last hundred or twohundred kelvin and explodes.

Anyway, no matter what periapsis I choose, my craft is always blowing up. Tried burning retrograde to Periapsis +50km, 30, 0, -30, -70, -100, -200, -500, -750, -1250, down to 6600m/s orbital speed, everything the same. With the higher PE's my craft's 'exposed skin' is at 1000 kelvin when passing the 100km mark (internal temp is almost completely stable), and usually burns up at 85 to 69. Managed to reenter around -550km PE once, but couldn't reproduce that one.

Just what am I doing wrong?




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Got a strange error in the log, I opened a Github issue for it:

ArgumentException: You can only call GUI functions from inside OnGUI.
  at UnityEngine.GUIUtility.CheckOnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at UnityEngine.GUI.get_skin () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at DeadlyReentry.ReentryPhysics.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


This is on version 7.3.1

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  On 12/23/2015 at 1:02 PM, linuxgurugamer said:


Got a strange error in the log, I opened a Github issue for it:

ArgumentException: You can only call GUI functions from inside OnGUI.
  at UnityEngine.GUIUtility.CheckOnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at UnityEngine.GUI.get_skin () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at DeadlyReentry.ReentryPhysics.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


This is on version 7.3.1


Yes, it's because of the menu code that I need to update. The error hasn't been seen to be harmful and once I get around to fixing the menu (putting a real menu back in) then the error will go away.

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  On 12/23/2015 at 8:43 PM, dlrk said:

Not sure if this is related, but I'm not getting a DRE icon in the toolbar, log:



No not related. Everyone using the last few versions gets that error; it doesn't actually affect the button because other code ends up initializing it.

Delete your entire DeadlyReentry folder (from GameData) and redownload: https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/releases/latest

Install and try again.

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  On 12/23/2015 at 9:46 PM, dlrk said:

That didn't help


I don't know then. Something else must be interfering because it does work.

Doesn't matter though because you're not missing anything right now as the button only goes to a placeholder menu. Nothing there except a really cool picture.

Edit: Also, you're not looking at the Blizzy toolbar are you? That's never been supported.

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Nope, not looking at the Blizzy bar.  The ALT D R mentioned in the read me doesn't doing anything either, but I'm not sure if that was deprecated at some point. The log shows the toolbar button being destroyed. But if DRE still works normally, it's no problem

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  On 12/24/2015 at 3:40 AM, dlrk said:

Nope, not looking at the Blizzy bar.  The ALT D R mentioned in the read me doesn't doing anything either, but I'm not sure if that was deprecated at some point. The log shows the toolbar button being destroyed. But if DRE still works normally, it's no problem


Correct, Alt+DR was removed awhile back.

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My engines are overheating with DRE, and they never used to. After experimenting with removing and replacing DRE, it looks like DRE is lowering the heat tolerance dramatically. Is this supposed to happen? I'm using it with Real Fuels Stockalike and RealHeat.

Actually, pretty sure thats fire damage. How do you recommend engine heat be dealt with under that system?

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  On 12/30/2015 at 2:17 PM, i_like_kerbals said:

been away from Kerbal for a while. I used Deadly reentry before when the vanilla game didn't have reentry physics. Now that it does, is this still worth installing, are the physics this mod incorporates more realistic than the game?


It still brings more accurate heating simulation and add danger of killing Kerbals due to too high G forces.
Stock game only deals with heating. I think there is more info in OP about comparison between stock game vs deadly re-entry.

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  On 12/30/2015 at 2:17 PM, i_like_kerbals said:

been away from Kerbal for a while. I used Deadly reentry before when the vanilla game didn't have reentry physics. Now that it does, is this still worth installing, are the physics this mod incorporates more realistic than the game?



  On 12/30/2015 at 3:43 PM, kcs123 said:

It still brings more accurate heating simulation and add danger of killing Kerbals due to too high G forces.
Stock game only deals with heating. I think there is more info in OP about comparison between stock game vs deadly re-entry.


The only changes made thermally are changes to parts: conductivity, max_temp (both skin and internal) and radiative. Skin-skin is increased for some parts (space plane parts), max_temps are lowered where needed so that everything doesn't behave like it's made of tungsten. Space plane skins are designed to behave more like space shuttle tiles (very low heat capacity but very high radiative and low conductive) so that they insulate the internals and can survive shallow reentries but fail (YMMV) on steep reentries.

tl;dr, part temperature tolerances are re-balanced. (and rebalanced again when fire damage was re-introduced so that the max temps were bumped up a bit because fire starts at 85% of the max temp)

(and as kcs123 mentioned; g-force damage)

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  On 12/30/2015 at 5:44 PM, Starwaster said:

tl;dr, part temperature tolerances are re-balanced. (and rebalanced again when fire damage was re-introduced so that the max temps were bumped up a bit because fire starts at 85% of the max temp)


Heh, I came here with the same doubt, and find an answer from a few hours ago. Thanks, forum.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why does deadly reentry ship its own heat shields and decouplers? When Should I use the stock components and when the ones added by DRE?

Also the heat shields and decouplers only attach if I rotate them. This doesn't look correct but could be intentional of course.

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  On 1/10/2016 at 2:39 PM, rumtreiber said:

Why does deadly reentry ship its own heat shields and decouplers? When Should I use the stock components and when the ones added by DRE?


As I understand it, you can use either the stock parts or the DRE parts, both are affected by heat in the same way.

  On 1/10/2016 at 2:39 PM, rumtreiber said:

Also the heat shields and decouplers only attach if I rotate them. This doesn't look correct but could be intentional of course.


Are you speaking of a difficulty attaching thin parts to your stack? If so, that's a stock behavior exacerbated by your camera angle when the attachment nodes are close together. You can work around it easily by adjusting your camera angle so you are above or below the joint, and then dragging the part until it pops to the desired attachment node.

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