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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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7 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

@gamerscircle Cross-posting from the RO thread:


Hey there @Phineas Freak - thank you for the reply , I haven't clicked on that link yet, but in my current mod list, I only have SSRSS, Kopernicus & Sigma - no Realism Overhaul.. Is this something that I should still read?


Edit - okay.. my bad.. I see that this speaks to a MM Patch.  Since I am not a KSP modder and just a player, I can take that text and create a .cfg file and drop into the GameData folder, correct?


Edit again - After blindly just cuting and pasting and trying this out, I see now that this is an RO patch and didn't help my little issue.  Any other suggestions?

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Hello when I launch my game, there is an infinite loading I hear the music of the ksp menu but I do not see the menu. I knew it came from kopernicus but when I talked about my problem they told me to go here for help

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7 hours ago, gamerscircle said:

Any other suggestions?

Yes, just delete the :NEEDS[RealismOverhaul] MM check...or replace it with :NEEDS[RealSolarSystem].

You did not mention anything about your setup so i assumed that you are also using RO (also considering the fact that RSS will probably never include a patch for the part pressures since the part configs are not a responsibility of RSS itself).

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@Julien_kerman If by that you mean you have nothing but a black screen visible, I had the same problem when I forgot to install the textures.  Did you install one of the three (3) available Real Solar System Texture packs?  (2048x1024, 4096x2048, or 8192x4096)

If not then head back to the first post of this thread and scroll down to TEXTURE INSTALLATION where you will see the texture repository link.  If I recall correctly, your GameData folder should have a folder in it called "RSS-Textures" if you have them installed.

Edited by Skystorm
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5 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

Yes, just delete the :NEEDS[RealismOverhaul] MM check...or replace it with :NEEDS[RealSolarSystem].

You did not mention anything about your setup so i assumed that you are also using RO (also considering the fact that RSS will probably never include a patch for the part pressures since the part configs are not a responsibility of RSS itself).

Using the SSRSS and thank you for the help on this again..

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On 8/2/2017 at 3:52 AM, Galileo said:

I have updated my 1.3 patch for RSS.

 Names should now appear correct throughout the game, and with other mods.

Get it here

note: you no longer need the RSSVE patch. Just be sure to use scatterer v0.0300 for 1.2.2 as RSSVE is not updated for 1.3 yet.

It still doesn't seem tow work with Sigma Dimensions... IDK why but Deimos and Callisto are still all wonky and filling up the solar system when SD is installed with RSS.

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Just now, VonFrank said:

It still doesn't seem tow work with Sigma Dimensions... IDK why but Deimos and Callisto are still all wonky and filling up the solar system when SD is installed with RSS.

What size are you trying to use?

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this particular issue is caused by weird values in one (or more) PQSMod


the bug in question will appear only when the cache files are generated in 1.3

RSS comes with pre-exported cache files but SD forces KSP to re-build all cache files, and this is why people are experiencing it only with SD


if you delete the cache files from a standard RSS install you will find that this bug will appear even without SD

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12 hours ago, VonFrank said:

It still doesn't seem tow work with Sigma Dimensions... IDK why but Deimos and Callisto are still all wonky and filling up the solar system when SD is installed with RSS.

OK try this again. I'm fairly certain i have fixed it again. I actually got to test it.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/0fz5u60e2x2yuhc/RSS 1.3 Fix.zip?dl=0

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5 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

@Bornholio RSSVE requires Scatterer v0.0320b under KSP 1.3. The 0.0320 release is meant for KSP 1.2.2 and will not work.

Generally, a green band around the planet means that the Scatterer assembly is loaded but it is not compatible with either the Scatterer body configs and/or the KSP version used.

 * scatterer 2:v0.0320b(cached) installed via CKAN  so thats not my issue but definitely part of the cause.

Running dx11 and dx9

CKAN seems like it didn't load the config folder, so manual install it is. Which fixes it.


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hello fellow kerbonauts,

I think i've found a bug or issue with the rcs thrusters. In the filles they are listed to have a weight of 28kg while when i place them (in a radial 4 configuration) they ad a weight of 900 kg. Is anyone having the same issue or is it just a corupted file? This bug makes my lunar lander nearly imposible. If you guys have any advice what the problem is i'm open for suggestions.

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8 hours ago, kerboman25 said:

hello fellow kerbonauts,

I think i've found a bug or issue with the rcs thrusters. In the filles they are listed to have a weight of 28kg while when i place them (in a radial 4 configuration) they ad a weight of 900 kg. Is anyone having the same issue or is it just a corupted file? This bug makes my lunar lander nearly imposible. If you guys have any advice what the problem is i'm open for suggestions.

Actually the RCS thrusters are not to blame. There's a bug where the weight of all crew members (100kg each) is added to every part on your ship. It only affects the VAB scene and when you actually launch the ship, it has the correct weight. If you want to see your correct weight or dV in VAB, you can just temporarily remove any crew members from your vessel.

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Quick question:

I've got rss installed via CKAN and it works great!!! However, I want to try medium textures, which I believe are 4096...ive got low currently and it works quite easily on my system. Dell xps 15 i5-7300HQ with a gtx 1050 overclocked. I'm wonder if I can just download and replace the textures with the 4096? Is this going to ruin my system? Lol thanks guys!

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On 13-9-2017 at 11:39 PM, siimav said:

Actually the RCS thrusters are not to blame. There's a bug where the weight of all crew members (100kg each) is added to every part on your ship. It only affects the VAB scene and when you actually launch the ship, it has the correct weight. If you want to see your correct weight or dV in VAB, you can just temporarily remove any crew members from your vessel.

Thank you for your answer i took my lander out for a testrun and you were right the mass of the craft came down from 19 to 14 tonnes quite a difference. Now i can make my lunar mission a reality :)

8 hours ago, Philaphlous said:

Quick question:

I've got rss installed via CKAN and it works great!!! However, I want to try medium textures, which I believe are 4096...ive got low currently and it works quite easily on my system. Dell xps 15 i5-7300HQ with a gtx 1050 overclocked. I'm wonder if I can just download and replace the textures with the 4096? Is this going to ruin my system? Lol thanks guys!

You probably even run 8k i use it on my gtx 650 but i don't know if you can just replace it.

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Some of my probes disassemble themselves on the way to the outer planets (2 to saturn and 1 to neptunis So far)  By the time I need to do a correction burn and load the craft there is either just a probe core left or it explodes on load and the debris exits the solar system at light speed.

I checked my logs and there is no mention of any exceptions or errors. 

Using RSS with RO and RP0 in 1.2.2. No orbit changing mods added outside the dependancies for ro and rp0.

If anyone has any ideas?

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