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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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  On 11/1/2017 at 6:55 PM, Gorby1 said:

1. Yes

2. No

3. I put mine in a folder I made called 'MyCustomPatches', for example: \GameData\MyCustomPatches\MyCustomPatchFile.cfg

I like to make a separate CFG file for each mod. Exmaples: NearFutureSpacecraft.cfg, KWRocketry.cfg, Squad.cfg, etc


Excellent, thank you!

So since I did this...  obviously there's a problem with my script then if I don't see the "patches applied" message increment by 1 after I put my .cfg out there.  Also fair to assume the .cfg file is of the typical .txt editor variety, correct?

Well, I s'pose that narrows it down to my little file as the issue then.

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  On 11/1/2017 at 7:12 PM, XLjedi said:

Excellent, thank you!

So since I did this...  obviously there's a problem with my script then if I don't see the "patches applied" message increment by 1 after I put my .cfg out there.  Also fair to assume the .cfg file is of the typical .txt editor variety, correct?

Well, I s'pose that narrows it down to my little file as the issue then.


I'm fairly certain that each CFG is not considered a patch, but rather every part modification is a patch. As in, one CFG file can contain many patches. For example the code below adds decouplers to the 3 different stock fairings and removes their fuel crossfeed - it counts as 3 patches.

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EDIT: And yes, just use any old plain text editor. Notepad in Windows is fine.

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  On 11/1/2017 at 12:55 AM, blowfish said:

Based on the filename this is OSX, and probably would have gone through TextEdit (OSX's appropriately named basic text editor).  But TextEdit does have limited rich text functionality including the ability to save as RTF, you just have to know to save as plain text.


Yup - that and, you know, get the darn part names right. :) Anyway - we have lift-off!



It's going to take a while to think up replacement text for all the tech tree nodes and part descriptions (not to mention a bit of experimentation to make it read nicely onscreen) - but getting the patches to work is a big step forward. Thanks @Nightside, @blowfish and @linuxgurugamer for the help!


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  On 11/1/2017 at 2:19 AM, blowfish said:

Some errors which were previously silent will now cause loud failures (error messages in the loading screen and cache will not be generated).  Most of them have to do with patches that have more than one pass specified (e.g. :FOR[xxx]:AFTER[yyy]).



  On 11/1/2017 at 6:54 PM, Poodmund said:

SO... for patches that need multiple passes, how should we get around this issue?



  On 11/1/2017 at 7:12 PM, blowfish said:

A patch can only be run once.  This should have been the case before as well.  I'm confused about what you're talking about here...


I don't know it this example is the situation that Poodmund is referring to, but this is my example.

I'm writing patches for mod X that can't be updated do to licensing. I'm also writing patches for mod X to add compatibility for mods A, B, & C. The initial patches for mod X have to load. Then the patches for mods A, B, & C needs to load after mod X because I'm overwriting some of the values for mod X to be more friendly for mods A, B, & C.

So the question becomes; How do you dictate the order in which the patches load? Especially when you need patches to load in a certain order without breaking MM? (eg, patching a patch)

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  On 11/2/2017 at 3:27 AM, shdwlrd said:

I don't know it this example is the situation that Poodmund is referring to, but this is my example.

I'm writing patches for mod X that can't be updated do to licensing. I'm also writing patches for mod X to add compatibility for mods A, B, & C. The initial patches for mod X have to load. Then the patches for mods A, B, & C needs to load after mod X because I'm overwriting some of the values for mod X to be more friendly for mods A, B, & C.

So the question becomes; How do you dictate the order in which the patches load? Especially when you need patches to load in a certain order without breaking MM? (eg, patching a patch)


I don't think it's related.  But here's the explanation of the order of all patches:

  1. All patches marked :FIRST are run
  2. All patches with no pass specified are run (this is called the legacy pass)
  3. For each installed mod*, in alphabetical order:
    • All patches marked :BEFORE[mod] are run
    • All patches marked :FOR[mod] are run
    • All patches marked :AFTER[mod] are run
  4. All patches marked :FINAL are run

* ModuleManager considers a mod to be installed if one of the following 3 conditions is met:

  • A DLL named mod.dll exists somewhere in GameData
  • A patch marked :FOR[mod] exists
  • A directory exists in GameData named mod/
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  On 11/2/2017 at 9:10 PM, blowfish said:

I don't think it's related.  But here's the explanation of the order of all patches:

  1. All patches marked :FIRST are run
  2. All patches with no pass specified are run (this is called the legacy pass)
  3. For each installed mod*, in alphabetical order:
    • All patches marked :BEFORE[mod] are run
    • All patches marked :FOR[mod] are run
    • All patches marked :AFTER[mod] are run
  4. All patches marked :FINAL are run

* ModuleManager considers a mod to be installed if one of the following 3 conditions is met:

  • A DLL named mod.dll exists somewhere in GameData
  • A patch marked :FOR[mod] exists
  • A directory exists in GameData named mod/

That isn't exactly what I was asking, but it does answer my question. I just needed to know how to format the patches to be able to patch a patched value. But knowing the exact order of how the patches are loaded kind of makes my question irrelevant. Thank you @blowfish for detailed response.

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  On 11/3/2017 at 2:23 PM, blowfish said:

Anything can have :NEEDS on it and MM will look at that


Alright, so something like this should work:

	abbreviation = AM
	name = Antimatter
	displayName = Antimatter
	density = 0.000000001
	transfer = PUMP
	isTweakable = false
	isVisible = true
	unitCost = 100


Edited by FreeThinker
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Is it possible to pull one value from a key as a variable?

I'd like to get the value of vacuum isp of an engine then do some math with that number.



        {   key = 0 210
            key = 1 175}


ispV = 210

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  On 11/6/2017 at 11:18 PM, Nightside said:

Is it possible to pull one value from a key as a variable?


From the original post on variables:

  On 9/14/2014 at 9:33 PM, sarbian said:

ratio[2, ] gets you the third space separated field



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I want to add the radome1snub.cfg capability from BDArmory 1.0.0 to stock avionicsNoseCone.cfg


    name = bdRadome1snub
    module = Part
    author = BahamutoD
    rescaleFactor = 1
    node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, -0.4816, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
    //node_attach = 0, 0, -0.313, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
    TechRequired = precisionEngineering
    entryCost = 6200
    cost = 320
    category = none
    subcategory = 0
    title = AN/APG-63V1 Radome
    manufacturer = Bahamuto Dynamics
    description = A forward facing, aerodynamically housed radar. It can scan and lock targets within a 120 degree field of view. This is a dedicated ground attack version with much better performance against ground targets, but reduced air-to-air capabilities.
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    stackSymmetry = 2
    mass = 0.375
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.1
    minimum_drag = 0.1
    angularDrag = .25
    crashTolerance = 40
    maxTemp = 2000
    fuelCrossFeed = True
    bulkheadProfiles = size1
    thermalMassModifier = 6.0
    emissiveConstant = 0.95
        model = BDArmory/Parts/radome125/radome1snub
      name = ModuleRadar
	          // -- Section: General Configuration --
          radarName = AN/APG-63V1 Radome        // if left empty part.title is used, but advised to set this to a nice printable text
          rwrThreatType = 1                // IMPORTANT, please set correctly:
                                  // 0 = SAM site radar
                                  // 1 = Fighter radar (airborne)
                                  // 2 = AWACS radar (airborne)
                                  // 3, 4 = ACTIVE MISSILE (DO NOT USE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!
                                  // 5 = Detection radar (ground/ship based)
                                  // 6 = SONAR (ship/submarine based)
          rotationTransformName = scanRotation
            //turretID = 0                    // if needed
          resourceDrain = 0.75                // change to higher values for more capable radars, e.g AESA
	          // -- Section: Capabilities --
          omnidirectional = false                // false: boresight scan radar
          directionalFieldOfView = 120            // for omni and boresight
          //boresightFOV = 10                // for boresight only
          //scanRotationSpeed = 240                // degress per second
          //lockRotationSpeed = 120                // only relevant if canLock
          lockRotationAngle = 4
          showDirectionWhileScan = true            // can show target direction on radar screen. False: radar echos displayed as block only (no direction)
          multiLockFOV = 40                // only relevant if canLock
          //lockAttemptFOV = 2                // only relevant if canLock
          maxLocks = 1                    //how many targets can be locked/tracked simultaneously. only relevant if canLock
	          canScan = true                    // scanning/detecting targets (volume search)
          canLock = true                    // locking/tracking targets (fire control)
          canTrackWhileScan = true            // continue scanning while tracking a locked target
          canRecieveRadarData = false            // can work as passive data receiver (NOTE THE SPELLING! [SIC])
	          minSignalThreshold = 80                // DEPRECATED, NO LONGER USED! use detection float curve!
          minLockedSignalThreshold = 100            // DEPRECATED, NO LONGER USED! use locktrack float curve!
	            radarGroundClutterFactor = 0.4            // how much is the radar efficiency reduced to by ground clutter/look-down?
                                    // 0.0 = reduced to 0% (=IMPOSSIBLE to detect ground targets)
                                    // 1.0 = fully efficient (no difference between air & ground targets)
                                    // default if unset: 0.25
                                    // Ground targets, especially ships, already have a massively larger RCS than fighters, hence
                                    // any ground clutter factor >0.25 is to be considered very good, making an efficient surface/horizon search radar.
                                    // values >1.0 are possible, meaning the radar is MORE efficient during look down than vs air targets.
            // floatcurve to define at what range (km) which minimum cross section (m^2) can be detected.
            // this defines both min/max range of the radar, and sensitivity/efficiency
            // it is recommended to define an "assured detection range", at which all craft are detected regardless
            //     of their rcs. This is achieved by using a minrcs value of zero, thus detecting everything.
            //        key = distance    rcs
                      key = 0.0    0
                      key = 5    0    //between 0 and 5 km the min cross section is 0, thus assured detection of everything
                      key = 10    5   //
                      key = 20 20    //
                      key = 30 30    //maxrange of 30km
              // same as detectionCurve, just for locking/tracking purpose
              // ATTENTION: DO NOT USE an "assured locking range" here, as this would render lock-breaking
              //   ECM-jammers & chaff completely ineffective!!
              //      key = distance    rcs
                      key = 0.0    0
                      key = 5    5    //
                      key = 10    7   //
                      key = 20 25    //
                      key = 30 35    //maxrange of 35km

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I need to use a value in a module node for some further calculation. I kept getting error some reason. Can anyone help?

For example:

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  On 11/8/2017 at 6:12 PM, Pulsar said:

I need to use a value in a module node for some further calculation. I kept getting error some reason. Can anyone help?


When I add a module to a part and then edit a value within the added module, I write it as two different nodes like below - I don't know for sure if that's what's wrong with your code but when I write patches this way it works.

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@Gorby1 Still doesn't work. I will give the code. I'm trying to retrieve key "DeployedCrewCapacity" value and using it to calculate extra habitation month for USI Life support. I use your solution but it still doesn't work.

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  On 11/8/2017 at 8:03 PM, Pulsar said:

Still doesn't work. I will give the code. I'm trying to retrieve key "DeployedCrewCapacity" value and using it to calculate extra habitation month for USI Life support. I use your solution but it still doesn't work.


Your reference to part1's mass is not correct, and I don't believe you can reference the 'BaseKerbalMonths' as a variable within the same node it was created; I would write it like this. I know it seems lengthy and there's probably a better/simpler way to write it, but like I said - when I write patches this way it works so I don't question it :D

Also, just noticed you're using the % symbol (edit or create) for the modules ModuleLifeSupport and USI_ModuleFieldRepair... the way you have it written it won't edit them at all if they exist, and if they don't exist then I don't believe that would create them properly. I would comment those out for now, like I've done.

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  On 11/11/2017 at 10:16 PM, KerbalPhysics said:

I am not a freakin computer nerd or whatever, I need help on where and how to install it because right now all I see is 83758tyyiy4t87y3tywrywieyioegwyoiwergi and no download button!


The download links are below the changelog in the OP.  Use your browser's search feature to look for the word "download" on the first page.

ModuleManager is typically bundled with mods that need it, though, so you shouldn't need to install it separately.

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Hello all,

I'm trying to create an MM patch that takes the value of a part's mass and multiplies it by .35  (or 35% of it's mass) to give me the value I need for the amount of the resource... let's call it "stuff" that the part can contain.

I have no clue how to do it, and I have been reading everything I can find here in the forums and the MM thread, and I am no further ahead than I was yesterday morning.

        name = addStuff
        stuff = mass*.35


I know this is totally wrong... but can you guys help me make it correct? Or let me know If it is even possible. 

Thank you

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  On 11/12/2017 at 2:09 PM, TheKurgan said:

I'm trying to create an MM patch that takes the value of a part's mass and multiplies it by .35  (or 35% of it's mass) to give me the value I need for the amount of the resource... let's call it "stuff" that the part can contain.


Check this out


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  On 11/12/2017 at 2:25 PM, Drew Kerman said:

Check this out


I tried to make sense of that, but it's beyond my current understanding and ability.

I'm not a guy that usually asks for things to be done for me, I try to figure it out , and I usually do... but this time I am stumped.

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  On 11/12/2017 at 2:59 PM, TheKurgan said:


I tried to make sense of that, but it's beyond my current understanding and ability.

I'm not a guy that usually asks for things to be done for me, I try to figure it out , and I usually do... but this time I am stumped.


For your specific example:

        name = addStuff
        // first create new variable stuff and initialise it to the value of "mass" in the part's root (/)
        stuff = #$/mass$ 

        // now multiply stuff by 0.35
        @stuff *= 0.35


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