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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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On 8/23/2021 at 8:26 AM, Hohmannson said:


Building is successful with both stakes and pads(and modded ones), my heavy MM patches(recipes and so on) work as intended too. If you don't see your stakes in pads list, don't worry, they now have their own list to the right. Vessels from stock and other saves do load, and no krakens yet. Great!

Which mod does the cockpit of your biplane come from? I had it, or something like it, long ago and I lost it.

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On 8/24/2021 at 11:05 AM, rmaine said:

I noticed that, but figured that Taniwha's specific statement on this thread was a more reliable indication. So I just told CKAN to consider mods for KSP 1.9 to be compatible. Yes, that means it will allow me to install mods that aren't actually good for 1.12.2, but I do tend to take special note when I have CKAN install a mod not claiming current compatibility.


You can also just individually select the ELP version in the "versions" tab in the lower right after selecting ELP in the mod list.  This will create an override just for the specific mod.  So just check the checkbox next to topmost '1.9.1' in the versions tab for ELP.  After being told about this CKAN feature (thanks Heburusan) I have not had to alter the overall "compatibility" settings at all, which is nice.

Edited by darthgently
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12 minutes ago, darthgently said:

You can also just individually select the ELP version in the "versions" tab in the lower right after selecting ELP in the mod list.  This will create an override just for the specific mod.  So just check the checkbox next to topmost '1.9.1' in the versions tab for ELP.  After being told about this CKAN feature (thanks Heburusan) I have not had to alter the overall "compatibility" settings at all, which is nice.

Ah, nice. I hadn't known about that feature. Sounds like one I'll make use of. Thanks for the info.

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Does on-site production of RocketParts still require Kethane as described in the first post?  I vaguely remember asking this same question months ago and the answer was "no", but it may have been for another mod in another forum.  I trimmed a lot of mods trying to narrow some issues down and only recently reinstalled EL 

Nvrmnd.  Sorted out

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First, thank you for the new release.  I have stayed on KSP 1.10 due to issues with this mod and the new inventory and attachement system.  Frankly, I was so use to KAS / KIS and EPL that I wasn't really fond of the new system introduced in KSP 1.11 .

Let's see what you new menu looks like.  (I haven't been playing KSP much lately.)

Now it is time to figure out how many of my personal tweaks the new version of ELP broke and if I need them anymore or have to modify them.  

Thanks for all the effort!

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On 9/12/2021 at 1:42 AM, pmoffitt said:

Now it is time to figure out how many of my personal tweaks the new version of ELP broke and if I need them anymore or have to modify them.  

Nothing should have been broken. If so, I'd count that as a bug.

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23 hours ago, Hohmannson said:

Change https to http in link

Um, wow.  By using non SSL connections one's browser becomes open to any machine between your machine and the server to a man-in-middle attack.  Which happen all the time.  In fact, scammers target sites with http only connection as becoming their bait.  They clone the site, hack into an internet server that routes traffic, wait for someone looking for the real site, then divert them to the fake site instead.  The fake site isn't identical to the cloned site.  It looks like the real site, but additionally injects payloads into the content looking for numerous exploits and they wouldn't do it if it didn't work.  The result can be password file theft, ransomware, or even complete, but covert, takeover of your computer.  It is 2021 and warnings about really, really needing to use SSL have been out there since the 1990s.  At least use a free self-signed certificate so the traffic is encryped, but that doesn't really solve the problem as the fake site can use a self-signed cert also.  The real solution is a valid certificate.  There are some places you can get a valid SSL certificate for free.  Here is a blog about where to get some from a quick search: https://www.techradar.com/news/best-ssl-certificate-provider

(pasted wrong link...srry)  here is the most popular source for free certs

Also, be aware, it isn't just random hackers doing this.  There are entire departments in foreign governments and various crime cartels devoted to this kind of activity with payrolls the size of major corporations

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On 9/15/2021 at 2:39 PM, darthgently said:

That is great.  It doesn't explain why it was offered under http, but ok

The OP has both https and http links. It's pretty rare now, but not long ago there were still a fair number of people not using https or using browsers which didn't fully support the protocol.  The OP is 8 years old.

If you want someone to explain why they're not using the SSL link, well that's another story and a good question. :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/24/2021 at 2:35 PM, taniwha said:

I do not. However, I believe CKAN uses the .version file when available, which is known to be wrong (I keep forgetting to fix it).

Friendly reminder, someone just pointed the outdated version file out to me again, maybe you could take a look when you have some free time. Thanks!

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I'm having an issue with the Workshop: while the Construction Drone works just fine, the Workshop (with Kerbals) gives 0 productivity, and building a craft with any pad goes nowhere (since the vessel productivity is 0 if it only has a Workshop). Crafts can be selected from the menu and production started, but the progress bar stays at 0%.

This is for both new vessels, and vessels from old savegames (KSP 1.7 I think) where it worked just fine.

Am I the only one with this issue?

Edit: Dependencies are installed, so that's probably not the problem.


Edit: A complete reinstall of KSP, along with all mods, seems to have resolved the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Question: when a disposable pad is placed on a vertical surface what is the proper orientation?  In my first use, I went with the yellow arrow up and everything worked out fine.  The part built on that pad was oriented just as it was in the VAB.  So I did the same thing with the next section but now the new build wants to be upside down from what it is in the VAB.  I must be missing something.  What other factors other than disposable pad orientation and VAB craft orientation apply?  The root part is connecting where the pad was, but the launch clamps are pointing up.  Thanks for any suggestions


I did find the following in the PDF manual in ELDisposablePad section, but can't grok how this might apply to purely in-game operations in the VAB and use of the disposable pad, or if it only applies to mucking about in model files directly:

The only requirement is the model provides a transform with the up axis (positive Y-axis in KSP/Unity, Z-axis in Blender) pointing away from where the spawned vessel will be as it will be used to align the selected attach node of the vessel’s root part. This is the opposite direction of the transform used by ELLaunchpad.

Workaround performed, but still very much interested in any suggestions:

I used KIS to rotate the pad around, which is a trial and error process as the there in no real way to completely know which way the arrows are pointing on the pad while placing in KIS,  but only after it has been attached.  And I have several other pads in place for future building and while I suppose I could turn the craft upside down in the VAB, I'd rather know what is going on and how not to do it the hard way.

Here is the new addition:


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/26/2021 at 8:02 PM, DasSkelett said:

Friendly reminder, someone just pointed the outdated version file out to me again, maybe you could take a look when you have some free time. Thanks!

This has been fixed in git, but I don't know when I'll be able to get out a release.

On 10/10/2021 at 12:17 AM, darthgently said:

I used KIS to rotate the pad around, which is a trial and error process as the there in no real way to completely know which way the arrows are pointing on the pad while placing in KIS,  but only after it has been attached.  And I have several other pads in place for future building and while I suppose I could turn the craft upside down in the VAB, I'd rather know what is going on and how not to do it the hard way.

You'll find the info you want in section 2.5.3 Micro Pad. But in brief, the colored arrows follow the RGB standard of XYZ, with inverted colors for negative axes.  and +X on a part with default placement points to the VAB door.

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4 minutes ago, taniwha said:

This has been fixed in git, but I don't know when I'll be able to get out a release.

If it helps, for CKAN you don't have to create a new release, it would suffice if you update the compatibility data in the remote version file at https://taniwha.org/~bill/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.version

CKAN would pick that up and update the compatibility data of the existing release.

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3 minutes ago, DasSkelett said:

If it helps, for CKAN you don't have to create a new release, it would suffice if you update the compatibility data in the remote version file at https://taniwha.org/~bill/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.version

CKAN would pick that up and update the compatibility data of the existing release.

I sort of thought I had (or thought of it then forgot). Done now, though. Good for 1.8 through 1.12.99.

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