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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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4 hours ago, Azimech said:

What do you guys think of my newest design? First flight, not yet finished.


 To me, radiators always look awesomely like riveted panels.  Their curve is just a bonus.  Good choice.

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I've got a couple craft in the chute (some more finished than others)


I knocked out this XB-52 this morning for XotD. It's a really sleek cockpit, and I like it a lot.


The Bell X-5. This is my smallest swing-wing design ever (it's entirely contained in the middle section, with room to spare. I still need to smooth the motion by adding guide rails, though.


This is an unnamed craft (currently designated the XF-11). It's designed for @MiffedStarfish's aircraft design competition. This week, the craft need to have a single engine plus STOL (50 meters) capability, and a minimum speed of 150m/s. I adapted my F-35 hinge to fit on a light VTOL frame (Twin booms, because they're cool and shift CoM backwards. It can VTOL easily without afterburner, but with heavier weapons loads, burner is needed to take off.

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The Cantilever Bridge Project
(Land Based)
Update 06.12.17


The last attempts at Bridge building have been much the same VERY CHALLENGING! All the complications are all in the fun, I will explain what's been going on lately in the captions.

This is the most accomplishment we've gotten so far, although these are not connected
(We..... as in help from my construction partner Klond)



While building Bridges on the water I was using Thud Engines on watercraft for control and noticed if I got close to an object it was heating it up fairly quick and destroying the item. This gave me an idea, after placing the center of the Bridge on the Building I was planning to connect each end leaving and leave the legs but it would look so cool if the Center Section of the Bridge were suspended. So now we have legs without a way to decouple them and I really did not want to make this change because the Bridge placement was so difficult. This is where my idea comes in play, I asked Klond if he could make something that we could use to burn the legs off using Thud Engines and I had no doubt he could come up with something to make this happen. With directions on how to use this suffocated machine I was able to test it and burn off one leg. 

This Animation shows his Plasma Torch in action, at first I wasn't positioned correctly but after adjusting the Boom it worked swiftly.
(Bam! works beautifully)


See more update here


Sometimes things happen that you didn't plan for, like I was coming in too fast with the Plasma Torch and hit the Building :cool:
Klond said it looked like something on the 10 O'Clock News.....lol



Now we have a cool Plasma Torch that needed to look a little better so Klond requested a Truck Body and now we have the first idea for a Plasma Torch Truck




Now that we have some nice equipment to work with we now need a better way to connect the Bridge Sections, I was having a difficult time with the previous double couplers because only one side would connect leaving the Bridge Decking twisted. The better idea is to place a single coupler in the center laying flat. This has not yet been proven because a first connection has not been accomplished yet. I know after looking at these pictures it seems like this could be done within 30 minutes or so, believe me this is not the case, many of hours have gone into these projects and very little headway is made. Often I have to get away from it because of burn outs.

Here you can see the new coupler idea with a leg pad that was broken during the landing


The next game plan we talked about is building the Bridge and sliding it over the Building, this could be the best way to accomplish this task. More to come at a later date.

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28 minutes ago, Castille7 said:

The Cantilever Bridge Project

*cough* vessel mover *cough*

Sarcasm aside, it looks very impressive. I can't really tell, but have you considered a stock elevator system or something to jack up the bridge then lower it onto docking ports?

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32 minutes ago, qzgy said:

*cough* vessel mover *cough*

Sarcasm aside, it looks very impressive. I can't really tell, but have you considered a stock elevator system or something to jack up the bridge then lower it onto docking ports?

Jack up and lower it sounds like a good idea, this could be an idea to try, thank you I will consider it. *cough mods makes things easy, I do things because they are hard, fun and challenging cough* 

John F. Kennedy  'We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.

Sarcasm can be funny too :D

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Early pictures of the all-new Super Lynx Main Battle Tank. Kerbin has invested in renovating it's surface military.

Although this project is mostly classified at this time engineers have said this new machine features a full 360 rotating turret armed with 6 high velocity i-beam perpetrators. 

(All stock of course)

More of you guys need to make stock tanks... I have felt so lonely. 





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4 hours ago, Jon144 said:

Early pictures of the all-new Super Lynx Main Battle Tank. Kerbin has invested in renovating it's surface military.

Although this project is mostly classified at this time engineers have said this new machine features a full 360 rotating turret armed with 6 high velocity i-beam perpetrators. 

(All stock of course)

More of you guys need to make stock tanks... I have felt so lonely. 





Your MBT is useless to my new squadrons of SF-01 Falcon air-and-space fighters. Not only you won't easily detect them, they can also escape when they want.

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6 hours ago, selfish_meme said:

Cause they perpetrate havoc on the enemy?

I originally typed penetrators but the autocorrect there was too good. 

They are absolutely deadly though. The Lynx II similar to its predecessor is going to rely on it's firepower and mobility to get the first strike. Although it has an amazing front slope of armor the rest of it is pretty light. But it is an MBT and not a heavy tank. The armor of the relentless tank series is much more effective. But also much larger and heavier. 

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I've been messing around with lifting bodies recently, and it's going okay, I guess.


Despite the fact that I haven't been able to land it without exploding, it looks good and handles well enough to be considered controllable. My main issue is that it needs to be going at about 30m/s to have pitch authority, which makes landing fun. 


I realize now why lifting bodies were such good simulators for the space shuttle.


This one is a replica of the M2F2 lifting body, so M2F1, M2F3, and HL10 are coming.

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Did some more work on the Saturn V, now the skirts seperate properly and the rover now seperates without breaking wheels, but I need to put a reaction wheel on it to recover from spills. While pondering the overturned rover (and sans Kerbal) Kerbinrise.


Oh and I made a neat LES shroud, that I only recently noticed was a part of all the Apollo vehicles.

See on launch, top is white



In space top is silver1444163516148150419.jpg

Even uncle @Majorjim! missed that :wink:

Apparently it's officially called the Aft Boost Protective Cover

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Everyone's got a white whale of some sort. A project that they keep returning to, and are never satisfied with it entirely. For me, that project is my F-14 Tomcat. 


I got pretty close on my first iteration, but there were so many little things (and one big thing) that really bugged me. The main one is this big failure of a tail here. 


A real F-14 for comparison. The fuselage is almost completely flat, and the nacelles are farther apart and round, not angular. After noting all the problems, and that my build logic (everything was attached to parts that needed to go) was screwed up, I decided to completely rebuild the F-14 from scratch.


I started with the cockpit and worked my way back along the centerline next. I'll work on the engines and swing wings tomorrow.



I've also wanted to remake my AV-8B Harrier II for a while (well, since as soon as I released it). It's another flawed model, but its problems are only fixable by scaling the entire thing up. So, double scale Harrier is coming as well.

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12 hours ago, selfish_meme said:

Even uncle @Majorjim! missed that :wink:

Oh I felt that in me ribs! :D

 Nah, I knew of its existence. The reason I didn't add one is the radiators didn't look right to me, and at the time (could have changed) you could not create a faring that close to the three kerbal pod and have it release cleanly. It would always snag and explode. :mad:

5 hours ago, Servo said:

Everyone's got a white whale of some sort.

Indeed we do Ahab.

 If I where making your aircraft I would keep the cockpit open. No solar panels.

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26 minutes ago, Majorjim! said:

Oh I felt that in me ribs! :D

 Nah, I knew of its existence. The reason I didn't add one is the radiators didn't look right to me, and at the time (could have changed) you could not create a faring that close to the three kerbal pod and have it release cleanly. It would always snag and explode. :mad:


Seems to be OK in this version, I had it snag once when offsetting it, just rebuilt it and it was OK

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I'm getting really good at going to the mun! Actually since I am starting to film some of this my autopilots are getting a lot of practice flying to the moon! Don't trust mechjeb to land anything, just saying, I can land it with half a tank, mechjeb run out of fuel at 20m, lucky the LM can take a hit. Got some nice shots, the rover has changed a bit to fix some aesthetic issues.



I love that you can climb on rocks with SVE Textures and Kopernicus, you do have to remember not to run into stuff though



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