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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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20 minutes ago, Triop said:

Update: It's starting to look like a Mini. :cool:



Dude, when young I had a friend that had a Honda N360. These cars made some success on Manaus at that time (the only place on Brazil where you could have a imported car).


You do not board this car. You wear it. In my case, a 1.8M high, 1.2M round :sticktongue: dude, it was like wearing a tight latex pant - I GOT STUCK on the front passenger chair, my friend had to call for help to get me out of the thing! They had to dismantle the seat! :D :D 

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51 minutes ago, Lisias said:

I GOT STUCK on the front passenger chair, my friend had to call for help to get me out of the thing! They had to dismantle the seat!


I love how it sits next to a Lambo. :cool:


I closed the lid on this can, a chopped roof is out of the question with those big Kerbal heads but hey, I'm making cars for Kerbals so I will adapt. &)

I was thinking about scaling it a bit up, but nah, it's a Mini...




As you can see lots more has to be done, but I couldn't wait to try some paintjobs. ^_^




I like the rusted green version.

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More bodywork, it's getting into shape.

If I scale it up by 1 or 2 % and make it a bit longer, it would look more like a real Mini.

But I'm starting to like this caricature shape.



Working on the headlights, looks mean... :ph34r:


You may notice the battery sits sideways, just like the real engine on a classic Mini.

I just realized that mr Bean also had a Mini, I might just replicate that. :lol:

*reminder for myself: take out the fuel of those fueltanks...You don't want to drive around in a bomb . . .



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I've "finished" the Mini Cooper (my cars are never ready...).







I'm gonna park it for now, working on 1 car can get boring and that leads to sloppy work so I have to set my mind on something else.

Like the 240Z:


What do you think ? Can I do it ?

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Not too much done, but i did manage to get a organic styled hull to actually look decent (its extremely difficult to make any sort of curved surface in stock).  If i have extra parts im willing to burn at the end of this design, ill add a extra layer of structural panels atop this to help add some extra protection, but sofar hulls like this have proven to be fairly survivable against anything but very heavy torpedoes (and even those sometimes shatter against MK-2 bays).  Managed to get the main bridge to be half concealed and just stick out the main windows (really makes it look neat, and lets you peer inside the hull using the lower windows).  Observation deck/backup bridge is as in the older model, stuck up high making it very unlikely to get shot by anything that isnt specifically targeting teh crew (a big no-no for when i do ship battles, kerbals get killed only by accident).  hangar should be massive if i get it right, and i might be able to use the MK-2 bays to make doors which are better then both hacky airbrake/antenna doors, dont add any parts, and less wobbly then BG doors (although these are the coolest looks wise, they eat alot of parts).


Triple engine array on the rear will be, just like its predecessor, supplemented by 4 extra angled engines, 2 nose and 2 mid bay mounted to prevent any single weapon impact from destroying propulsion systems entirely (unless it happens to blow the ship apart or something of that sort).  That concept has worked wonders for me thusfar and negates the number 1 issue with nuke engines, their vulnurability and ease of being shot apart. 


This is what its based on (which you ca probably guess is also based on another ship, namely the Providence from Starwars EP3).  Its deviated alot from actually being a replica at all (although replicas are cool, few of my true close replicas are combat viable so i have to make alot of changes from the original design).  THis thing served me well (destroyed its share of enemy warships), but its time to overhaul it and try to both make it slightly larger physically (hangar bay isnt the smallest ive made on capital ships, but its actually impossible to fit anything larger then a micro scale interceptor in there or a tank of fuel) and cut the part count which is eaten by the structural panel armor scheme.  While panels are decent, most of my weapons cut right through em anyways, so i might as well switch it to primarily MK-2 armor which is both more likely to desintagrate rounds that hit it and doesnt eat close to 100 parts total for both rear and front hull. 


Now while the parts look good as is, i genuinely wish they would add some color variants to the MK-2 parts, as they make ships that are predominantly made of em look super bland.  I have nothing against the color white, but without adding some other crap to the vessel, they sorta look like they came out of a clean room or something, and they sure as hell dont look like military vessels out of sci-fi movies for sure.


Same issue with my Starlight class, too much white and no way to make it look genuinely decent without making the already bad part counts go through the roof...


Prolly my fav aspect of that thing is the engine array, 100% fully concealed inside the hull (does crap for survivability as the entire array is clustered super tightly, but looks cool).

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More progress on dis monstrosity:


Hangar bay is absolutely huge for a fully enclosed one, looks good, doors actually work without requiring BG actuators for function (although i plan to make a DLC variant of this with doors that slide in a much neater way then current door), and i can actually fit 2 full squadrons of micro-fighters in it (if i disable the 2 engines in front of the hangar as they sorta thrust right into the fighters and blow them up).  Defenetely got the whole organic feel right with this ship, plenty of curves with the MK-2 parts themselves, and added some curving in the other axis to make it sorta a big bulge.  Best part, hangar is almost no parts whatsoever, 20 to make the top/bottom in its entireity, plus another 20 or so for asthetics.  Engines are the biggest part count sink (and ofc weapons, but those aint on the ship yet), but in general considering the fact that this is the largest genuinely viable ship ive made thusfar, im not going to complain in the part count department.


Only thing left to do is overhaul the front bottom, add the guns, and this thing should be good to go...

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Finally finished the prototype 4th gen model...


Same deal with previous one's bridge, nice and high up in the back giving a very good view of the ship and any vessels nearby.


Engines are fairly basic, just the usual triple engine cluster i use with most of my ships, augmented by 4 more engines, 2 in the very front, and 2 in the middle beside the ship's core and main bridge.  There are very small slits provided fo eeach of these to thrust through, keeping some amount of plausibility behind the vessel design.


Hangar is absolutely massive considering the fact that said hangar was always an afterthough for this ship (it is technically a cruiser, which means it has to operate on its own with some extent, namely needs good range and offensive payload).  Nothing too fancy, but it came out really good looking sine it gets fatter near the middle and tapers down near the front/rear.


Torpedo bays open, more of asthetic thing then anything else, but it does provide limited protection to the torps when they arent being deployed against enemy targets.


Primary weapons payload, ship is armed with 6 SRM-4Ms, enough firepower to take down anything that somehow doesnt get neutered by the torpedoes.  It is a massive hit to part counts as 1 of those SRM-4Ms is 25 parts, not crazy alone, but when you add 6 of em, alongside 20 part torpedoes, and a random kinetic drone thrown it (i had 1 extra hardpoint on it which i couldnt think of what to do with so i threw it in), meaning that over 1/3 of the ship's parts are weapons, 380ish hull, ~200 for weapons.  manageable on my laptop, but far from lag free and you do notice it quickly when adding fighters (defenetely going to develop a much stronger unguided weapon out of the new .6m SRBs since 200 parts is not going to work for me when i still need to add 6 fighters, ammo for said fighters, and probably external droptanks.


And finally a nice shot of the thing at night.  Not fully 100% finished as there are still a few things i can do to cut parts down to a more manageable level, but is there and it looks really cool imo...





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I've been busy...


With the wings in a somewhat acceptable state (they're nowhere near as smooth as my Tornado's, so I want to improve that), I shifted my focus to the aesthetics of the craft. It came together fairly quickly all things considered, but the mechanisms are the sticky wicket here.


One version of this craft has an all-flying tail, a mechanism perfected by @HB Stratos. My version is a poor rendition, and has a bad habit of departing the aircraft during flight. The upper image includes a more conventional semi-flying tail, at the cost of cool factor, control authority, and the accuracy of the shape.


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All these Aardvarks remind me of my childhood, I used to get a dozen of these on my birthdays...


I really hate it. :lol:

I guess they didn't sell well, so my aunts and uncles picked it up... :unsure:

I mean I wanted Eagles, Falcons, Hornets, Tomcats, not a squadron of Aardvarks. :wacko:


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The Kelaz is finally making a triumphant return. This one is my most revolutionary full stock vehicle yet. It uses kraken drives to spin the axles. 

These axles are also mounted on fully independent front and rear suspensions with a strong and reliable hydraulic steering mechanism using control surfaces. 

No mods or dlc involved but you would think that they are! Top speed is only about 20 m/s but its also over 100 tons...

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Well, more progress with something less spacy...


I made a working 2 legged mech, with bare minimum for guns (2 SRM-4L), extremely inaccurate guns (the thing flops around so badly on those 2 legs it can at best aim within a 45 degree cone), but its there, it walks, and it looks epic from the inside of the thing!


As neat as this thing is, oi think im going to stick to 4+ leggers, just too damn unstable even if its insanely neat.  4 leggers have broken the 10m/s barrier for me thusfar, and best of all when done right do not require excessive amounts of reaction wheels like at all (bane of 2 eggers is the requirement to have like 10 of the largest reaction wheels minimum to stabilize the thing).

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