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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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Omega 7 Phase III

This project is Phasing into Phase III, the Station now has about 104,000 LF and Ox is about 57,000. This was accomplished with some help from fellow players joining in the fun. Mr. @Thor Wotansen with the Borr that can be seen here. Mr. PointySideUp @PointySideUp with the SSTO Tanker, see it here, and Mr. @Scarecrow with his Triumvirate Class LKO Refueler, see it here. Also I would like to thank them once again for joining in and helping. :)

The plan for Phase III of the Project will be to Dock a select few craft that will tag along for this journey, I first requested a Shuttle Craft from Thor Wotansen and once again he was able to deliver another wonderful craft named Baldr, The craft design was requested for fueling the Station with Ore while in Orbit at a Mun or Planet,  see it here This was the first craft chosen to go on the Mission, second will my craft named OS Recovery see it below.

Not sure where or how far we will get when it comes to space travel, and as we know things don't always go as planned, let's keep that in mind :/ After all craft are chosen we will began our interplanetary journey giving updates when there is enough to announce.


Omega 7 Fueled ......enough?


Refueling Craft


The Borr
ByThor Wotansen



SSTO Tanker
By PointySideUp


Triumvirate Class LKO Refueler
By Scarecrow

Craft going on the Mission
(More to be a



The Baldr
By Thor Wotansen


OS Recovery
By Sector 7 Space Laboratories

Omega Transit One
By Sector 7 Space Laboratories




Edited by Castille7
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Did some work on the Saturn V for the 1.3 update. All that was done was rebuilding the command module and the LES cover, along with reshaping the service module's engine using a fairing. Part count is now just over 1,000. 



With LES cover, it does separate cleanly.


Thoughts? CM looks too dark, or just right?

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I've finished my first draft of my rebuild of my F-14. Part two will commence once I fly this enough to realize whatever problems I have with it. But for now, enjoy.


The goal (as of the first F-14 build) was to build a fully functional stock 1:1 F-14 Tomcat in as much detail as I could.


My major gripe with version 1 was the tail section (or rather lack therof). This version is much better at generating body lift, and sports a tailhoook and spoilers.


This was a fluke (and something that I will want to fix somehow), but it neatly demonstrates the full range of the wings. They dock in both positions, so the ailerons are functional, and it's time warp resistant.


I also did full landing gear bays + supports for all the gear. I think it looks really cool.


Also, the profile wasn't really right on V1. I think I fixed that here (particularly the transition between square and round cross-sections on the engine nacelles).

Any comments or tricks to get it even closer would be much appreciated! I want this to be as accurate as possible.

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8 hours ago, Servo said:

Any comments or tricks to get it even closer would be much appreciated! I want this to be as accurate as possible.


I like it, really I do, and I feel your frustration with the stock parts trying to fit them in places where they just don't. It looks like it needs a smoothness pass, just a little tweak here or there to smooth it out. It may not even be possible.

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Made some minor modifications to that WIP I posted the other day and got this slightly more high tech-looking (and even faster) variant:





Comes close to SSTO-ing on brute force alone, but will need more proper flight path tuning and possibly more oxidizer in the mix to really make it to orbit- for now, it's a very fast and quite fun atmospheric fighter. I even considered putting an ejection seat in the service bay 'cockpit' but as is it works quite well with minimal heating reaching into the pilot's area.

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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Additionally, once I tune it a bit more...



I'm getting close to having an ITS-based colonial transportation system ready for release soonTM. (Still need to tune the boostback flight plan for the booster, and build the tanker, a surface hab with ISRU, and a cargo-dedicated variant of the ship.)

In the meantime, I'm still working on that RAPIER/Panther hybrid fighter and some other stuff (including my well-known stock space warship fleet), as well as a potential attempt to replicate (loosely) the Arsenal Bird UCAV carrier plane that all those AC7 trailers keep showing off...

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20 hours ago, selfish_meme said:

Yes, because you are not staging the fairing, it remains complete

Sorry, you misunderstood. I meant, does it snag when releasing @Munbro Kerman?

 I'm well aware you can release a faring whole with a separator. :rolleyes::wink:

Edited by Majorjim!
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4 hours ago, selfish_meme said:

No, I didn't :cool: his looks exactly the same as mine and it releases cleanly

????? Yup, you did. You said it releases clean as it stays in one piece. This I knew. My point was that when I was making my apollo craft the CSM fairing would snag on the pod on release (one piece).

 Perhaps they have changed the internal fairing geometry as when I tired to get it close to the pod edges and online with the width of the pod it would snag. Even if the base was a tiny bit wider. 

 I hope that was clear enough matey. 

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9 hours ago, Majorjim! said:

????? Yup, you did. You said it releases clean as it stays in one piece. This I knew. My point was that when I was making my apollo craft the CSM fairing would snag on the pod on release (one piece).

 Perhaps they have changed the internal fairing geometry as when I tired to get it close to the pod edges and online with the width of the pod it would snag. Even if the base was a tiny bit wider. 

 I hope that was clear enough matey. 

Nope, I didn't misunderstand, it doesn't snag anymore :D

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I am preparing a launch of what I hope to be the final version of my 2000 ton lifter, It's got a low part count compared to any of my <1500 ton lifters.

Pics of early test flights: (no explosions, the game just crashed mid flight.)


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11 hours ago, selfish_meme said:

Nope, I didn't misunderstand, it doesn't snag anymore :D

LOL, How I dislike textual communication.. We just have 'crossed wires' so to speak.

 When I made mine I did try over and over again to stop it snagging but I was also no willing to sacrifice the proper shape of it for a clean release.


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Kerbal Submarine
Update 06.20.17

Learning something new everyday! :D I have some projects sitting on the back burner and do a little work on them from time to time, for some craft this is okay no matter if you drag it into the next version, aaaaaannnd for some this is not okay :huh:. Now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place with this one. I am returning to this project that I started in a previous version of KSP to find this, an explodie craft that's not an easy fix. Some of us use Auto Strut but I am an all stock all default kinda guy, reason being I think most players that are downloading my craft are most likely new to KSP and won't consider the settings to keep a craft from destruction.

Back to the rock and a hard place, do I want to rebuild this Sub for this version and all the hours of work involved :confused: or spend a few hours fixing this one? :/








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