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[1.1.x] CoolRockets! Cryo and Launch Particle FX


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  1. 1. Do you like it?

    • No. It slows down my machine at launch. I need my CPU cycles elsewhere.
    • No. I don't like the engine effects.
    • No. I don't like the tank effects.
    • Yes. I especially like the engine effects.
    • Yes. I especially like the tank effects.
    • Yes. It even runs smoothly.
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7 hours ago, *MajorTom* said:

....And in 1-st page link to  "Get KW Rocketry configs for RSS here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68196-CoolRockets%21-Cryo-and-Launch-Particle-FX?p=1089185&viewfull=1#post1089185 " not work...

As far as I have seen, the configs are already included in the pack. There is a KW.cfg in the mod folder.

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Would it be possible to add the vapor effect( ignoring the ice for now)  to a smaller part, i.e. not an engine? That way we could place the part near the base of the engine and have the effect that way, or at the side of a tank or launchtower to get the Tank boiloff effect. I'm new to modifying ksp so i have no idea if this is possible or not. But in my opinion it would be the "most compatible" way of adding the effect without having to edit every engine and tank config.  

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2 hours ago, thedutchguy said:

Would it be possible to add the vapor effect( ignoring the ice for now)  to a smaller part, i.e. not an engine? That way we could place the part near the base of the engine and have the effect that way, or at the side of a tank or launchtower to get the Tank boiloff effect. I'm new to modifying ksp so i have no idea if this is possible or not. But in my opinion it would be the "most compatible" way of adding the effect without having to edit every engine and tank config.  

I've just done it as a matter of fact XD. Added the effect to a omnidirectional light mod (really small light) and it can be placed on all panels and produces a nice stream of vapour. Still WIP but it works. How can i post screenshots here? 

Edited by thedutchguy
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On 26.12.2016 at 3:15 PM, damonvv said:

Soooo, are you planning on updating this to 1.2.2? Just asking :)

Works just fine in 1.2, should have tested it before I asked.


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Then could please someone tell this the CKan team? ... or update the op here as well.

Though, it could use an update ... there are no cryo effects for parts smaller than 1m and bigger than 2m, if I interpret the files correctly.

And a whole lot of "recently" added parts are missing.

In short while it is still kinda working (not producing a crash) it still needs some love.
Please Sarbian give it some!


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  • 1 month later...

Hey! Your Mod is really cool, I love every effect and I have a question in 1.0.5 I had a mod (idk which one it was) that added a part that emitted spark at launch just like NASA did on the STS launches, could you pls add something like that? That would be great! Cheers! 

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  • 1 month later...

So I'm loving this mod, in principle anyway.  It is working in 1.2.2 with the really old parts - for instance the Rockomax 2.5m tanks (but not the orange tank, which must have come later?), Skipper, Mainsail.  Doesn't work with anything replaced by the Porkjet Part Overhaul assets, and all the other newer parts.

Looking at the config file - is it just a matter of extending the config file to cover all the current parts? Is there a more general way to make these effects generic to any parts?

edit: oh, this is in the dev forum.  Please keep in mind I am a complete nub at modding, go easy on me

Edited by fourfa
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  • 3 weeks later...

@/not/pol/: The mod functions as expected in 1.2.2, but effects for certain engine and tanks (e.g. SSME and the size 3 tanks in stock, and other engine mods that don't provide their own CoolRockets configs) do not exist. You will have to either search the interwebs for them, or whip up your own configs. For the latter, see several pages back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This crashes 1.3 (with only Smokescreen, Module Manager, Realplume). I assume it is just a recompiling issue, please let me know if logs would be helpful.

Thanks @sarbian!

On closer inspection I realize this is just MM configs and no dll, so nothing to recompile. Still getting the crash though.

Edited by Nightside
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