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Squad-NASA cooperation needed ASAP!


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Don't understand me wrong but what is offensive in this statement? People have different set of values and preferences after all.

Nothing's wrong with it, I get it. I shouldn't have said it.

Also, I see your Location says Poland. Just gonna point out that's neat since I'm 50% Polish (Grandfather and Grandmother are both Polish). :)

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Nothing's wrong with it, I get it. I shouldn't have said it.

Also, I see your Location says Poland. Just gonna point out that's neat since I'm 50% Polish (Grandfather and Grandmother are both Polish). :)

Really? That's pretty cool :)

it's funny how it said that 45%-ish didn't know people evolved,

it's not that we don't know, it's that we don't think so, because after all, it's just a theory

Just like gravity, huh?

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Yes, but it's a theory in the scientific sense, not in the "wild ass guessing" sense.

And the "Theory of Evolution" is simply a model that explains the observed fact of evolution.

Funny, I just told a guy my thoughts about this IRL. People Never forget that Evolution is a Theory. But they forget that all they can come up with is a Hypothesis. They always forget that there is such a thing as a Hypothesis and that they are distinct from Theories and vastly less accepted, let alone proven or even researched.

But yes, Evolution is just a Theory. Just like Gravity, all known Elements, Nuclear Fission(and Fusion), Gunpowder weaponry, and DNA. Oh, and Bacon.

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Bear in mind that this only means that 25% of people willing to complete a survey think that Sol orbits the Earth.

It also doesn't mean that they really think that. They may have misunderstood the question. I'm more inclined to believe that, than believe that a quarter of the population of the US believe that a celestial model from the dark ages is correct, young-Earth creationists notwithstanding.

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Test sounds fishy. One fourth of the populations saying that the Earth doesn't revolve around the sun sounds almost impossible. I mean most American schools teach you this by second grade. I lived in one of the worst, in terms of grades, counties in the state of Virginia, and I have not heard anyone say the earth revolved around something else. Possible ideas for why this is occurring.

-People thought it was a trick question

-They didn't take the test seriously

-or, they did their test on 25% of under Second Graders.

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Regarding the OP, I consider the notion that any significant percentage of Americans (I suppose what's really meant here is U. S. citizens) really doesn't know that the Earth "revolves" around the sun to be absurd. I've lived in a few states and visited more. I've never met anyone who expressed the opinion that, say, the sun revolves around the Earth. True, I never thought to quiz anyone about it, but the very nature of our educational system and of science fiction entertainment would tend to cause most "Americans" to understand the fundamental idea that is embodied in heliocentrism. Perhaps the people interviewed were just visiting the U. S. from some island where geocentrism might prevail? :) Really though, I think its more likely that the so-called poll was either flawed or fiction.

Edited by Dispatcher
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... I'm more inclined to believe that, than believe that a quarter of the population of the US believe that a celestial model from the dark ages is correct, young-Earth creationists notwithstanding.

While I'm not a "young-Earth" creationist, I'd imagine that most of them believe in a heliocentric solar system.

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Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if those 25% didn't take the question seriously at all and instead answered "the Earth revolves around me" or something dumb like that. I'll admit that when I get a random survey that I don't feel like actually doing, I write in a couple stupid answers :P

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Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if those 25% didn't take the question seriously at all and instead answered "the Earth revolves around me" or something dumb like that. I'll admit that when I get a random survey that I don't feel like actually doing, I write in a couple stupid answers :P

According to some survey companies....

My first name is You

My last name is Suck

My email is "lolfake@gmail.com"

My favorite food is "LOLOLOLOL"


And I have plans for world domination.

Quite understandable.

I'm guessing I can identify with that 25%

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Wow this is sad!

I'm not surprised though. Before moving to the UK I lived in California and NYC...but also got to experience the "Middle" due to travelling. The lack of education was often stunning. I heard people say stuff like "evolution is just a theory" or "the globe isn't warming" or "monkeys don't turn into humans" over and over and over again. I'm originally from Switzerland and even a goat herder living up in the mountains would laugh at these statements.

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As has been said. This isnt 25% of all americans dont know the earth revolves around the sun. Its 25% of 2000 people in a small area. A slightly more insightfull survey wouls have been to ask what education each person had recieved. This 25% might know that the earth revolves around the sun but may have thought it to be a trick queation as they may have been taught that the earth ORBITS the sun. Although as a person who has recieved his basic level of uk education, it does baffle me that 500 americans got that question wrong

Almost half that group didnt know humans evolved ffro lesser beings. This doesnt mean they believe that a heavenly diety put us here 4k years ago. All u can tell from that survay is that 49% Didnt know that. Was this a multiple choice survey?

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After about 5 minutes of research, I found the questions that were asked on that survey, and the results not only from the U.S., but from other countries as well. While it is somewhat embarrassing that so many Americans got question #3 wrong, some of you are going to be even more amazed at how poorly your country did. Congrats to South Korea for taking education seriously. Although even they show weakness in some areas.

Source : http://www.sfgate.com/technology/businessinsider/article/Here-s-The-Basic-Science-Question-That-1-in-4-5248649.php


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