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Singularity Research Initiative - dev thread


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My own process is usually as follows: Sketch > Rough model > Hi-poly model > Low-poly model > Unwrap UV's of low poly model > Bake maps > Texturing > use the model for whatever it was made for.

Disregard Efficiency; Acquire Part = my process right now.

In other news, I love this pack.

Edited by Legendary Emu
What? I didn't edit it, you must be hallucinating.
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What the magic levitating donkey is SteamOS?

It is an operating system made by Valve. It is supposed to run every game Windows runs (probably) and give nice additions to playing games... wel mainly a game system. It is also based on Linux. Strange is it requires to run 500 GB of space :P. (idk how it works)

Edited by cziken20
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This going to be getting any attention in the near future?

Give it time. Once there is a pre-release out (even if it's just to closed alpha testers), screenshots will start circulating of these in use and the masses will come chasing the smell of awesome photo goodness.

P.S. Daemoria, any chance of some of us getting our hands on that first lifter any time in the relatively near future? (cough cough hint hint very subtle)

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In the UK and Ireland we have a saying...

True that. The anticipation makes it all the sweeter when it comes out :)

Like a fine cigar- one does not just buy it and smoke it straight away; the longer one waits the better it is.

Within reason.

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True that. The anticipation makes it all the sweeter when it comes out :)

Like a fine cigar- one does not just buy it and smoke it straight away; the longer one waits the better it is.

Within reason.

My favorite whiskeys run from 12-18 years old. What's within reason? :wink:

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So in effort to break into game dev, and actually release a game sometime in my life time, I've decided to pick up modding KSP.

Hi. I'm the Technical Director for Hearthstone and an avid KSP player. Your parts are very cool in these screenshots. I will download whatever I can get my hands on from this thread once I get home from work, but wanted to post "Great Job" even before I have them because I suspect they'll look as good/better live as they do in these images. Good luck in your quest to be a game dev. Watch the Blizzard postings for job opportunities. We don't have an opening on my team for a modeler right now, but there are other teams.

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No No No you will not take these guys away from us yet! You guys are constantly poaching modders on here and awesome mods never get finished or die!! You cant have this one!!!!

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