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[WIP] CrossOver Packs (Release 0.2) - B9 all the things!


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I've become an almost expert at FS Texture Switching now after lots of practice, both adding new and integrating into existing texture switch packs.

For this release, we have about 50-60 retextures of Firespitter and Squad parts. This uses Firespitter and ModuleManager, so should be compatible with all other texture packs and reduction packs. ModularFuels is optional but extremely recommended to get some parts to work properly. Please check notes below for links to the needed mods.

B9 has also had the catalog revamped to reduce part spam by almost 50 parts.

I'd love to integrate the KW stuff, but this is also compatible if he goes the overwrite route. If anyone wants to contribute to any kind of crossover, just send me the texture and let me know what it is, and I can texture switch it in.


Here's a few shinies included in the pack:


Mk1 and Mk2 cockpit remixes.


Re-imagined Huey cockpit, now as a rover or mini-shuttle cockpit.


Re-imagined FS Bomber, now a B9 compatible SSTO/starship bridge piece with stats to match. Still a work in progress, next version will see functioning RCS and maybe new internals.



Props and wings and oblong fuselage parts. FS wings have also been redone on a first pass. Not pretty, but functional.


Bomber Fuselage in B9 style, as well as a cargo bay.

Lots more in the package!


What this is so far:



- Nearly all major FS parts have been given the B9 treatment and are included in this pack.

- Some squad wings have been included, as well as a B9 version of the station hub.

- Minor bug fixes as I've found them.

- The electric chopper rotor seems to be immune to FS texture switch integration, I'll work on that.

- All fixes and notes from previous version apply.



- Contains B9 fix file from the fix thread. You may remove Exsurgent Engineering and KinetechAnimation from your gamedata folder if you install these fixes.

- About 50 items removed from cluttering the parts catalog, these redundant models can now be texture switched.

- Contains B9 parts revamp (B9AntiWonk). Some parts have been consolidated with FS plugin, there are a few key resizes, wings have been thinned to be in-line with Squad standard thickness. Some redundant Squad parts have also been removed.

- Contains adds for ModularFuels mod to include KSPI things, as well as give more flexibility to the fuels for all packs.

- Contains parts mash-up for B9 style 1.25m Mk1 and Mk2 cockpits. I couldn't get anything that looked awesome by a simple texture switch, so here you go.

- There are still a few bugs related to interaction with ModularFuels. I'll be squishing these on next release.

- Yes I know its not very "X Over"-ish yet. I have a butt-ton of textures for both Squad parts and Firespitter parts that I need to figure out the exact mesh so I can start integrating with FS Texture switcher.


* IMPORTANT: This mod (so far) requires ModularFuels mod or some reasonable variation, B9 Pack (obviously), ModManager, the latest Firespitter, and some Squad parts to work. This list may grow in the future.

ModuleManager - http://www.sarbian.com/sarbian/ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll

ModularFuels - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64117

Firespitter - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/firespitter-propeller-plane-parts/

B9 R4.0c - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-20-2-b9-aerospace-pack-r3-1/

* All fixes in the XoverB9FixFile.cfg are compiled from various contributors in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66020-B9-0-23-fixes

Credit/blame for these should go to their respective contributors. This is compiled into a single fix file for convenience.

* This does NOT reduce your RAM load. I will make a seek and destroy over-writer for orphan textures and .cfgs later.



Do what you want with this with the following caveats:

Seeing as this is a modification for other original works, the original licenses apply for those works.

Do not package this with any of the original parts or plugins.

Non-commercial use only.


Still to come:

- Apache Black Pack

- Mk3 Pack

- Squad Engines in B9 style

- HL Fat Boy Parts (for moving your tanks from A to Z)

Edited by PolecatEZ
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  Cpt. Kipard said:
PolecatEZ I think you and blackheart612 should join up and create one big re-texture pack with texture switcher capability for everything.

That was my plan, but was too focused on learning PS to do much socializing. A cool grand plan would be total integration so that most parts from KW, B9, Squad, and FS could be texture switched between 1 or more of them. Doing it this way would also keep FStextureswitcher from tripping over itself.

The smaller Squad cockpits don't translate well to B9 either, especially with the normal maps. I think I'll take out the normals and remake them later with cleaner results. Most of the stuff shown here will be re-done when I make a second pass. The bomber, for example, will get a parts bash with RCS thrusters, the graphic will be shrunk and then paired with top/bottom thrusters.

I also have no modeling ability whatsoever (yet), so remaking internals for a few things will need to wait. One thing I would love to do is cram 6 kerbals into the bomber space capsule (one facing out the top window for vertical landings, one in a command chair behind the pilots, and one below that deck in a control room) for RemoteTech requirements.

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Finally got a cockpit I was happy with...for now. Wanted to work on oblongs tonight, but the cockpit and that darned cargo bay got most of my love. The cargo bay was a pain because its not symmetrical on the horizontal, only vertically, so I had to come up with a scheme that worked. Not perfect, but it does the job.




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I was actually planning the Plane Parts to be B9 style but you beat me to it, guess that's minus work for me and plus the results for the community. BTW, why not just recolor the internals? I mean they aren't made by B9 maufacturers in game, so they don't need to have th same internals and design. Let's just say KSP want to keep a uniform paint job for Planes :D

PS, I could help a little bit of PS if I know anything about what you need help about.

Edited by blackheart612
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I've got the internals recolored already, I just wanted to cram in moar kerbals! For that though you need to get into unity or something and add a game object for another kerbal spot. Once he's placed with a chair, its just a matter of tweaking his props in a config file.

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Mk 1? I was talking about the bomber conversion cockpit. 6 kerbals can easily fit in there.

Almost done with the oblong SSTO pack.

Anyone know where the bird-beak fighter nose-cone went for oblong FS parts? I can find the one with the pipey bits and the intake, but not the plain smooth one.

Edited by PolecatEZ
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You can have your own set of logos or none at all. I was going to try to get some mission flags there. If you've ever used the original FS parts, you'd know that was completely adjustable.

The nosecone will just need to be a resize from the tail piece. I've gone back to 0.21 version and I still can't find it. Curious why Snoj cut out such a basic (and necessary) part though.

SSTO oblongs are mostly done. I just need to make different color stripes for the different fuel types.




Edited by PolecatEZ
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Does the cockpit has to be black? I think painting it golden is much cooler, or just leave it blue. And for the stock cockpits why are there so many struts through the cockpit glass? Seems unnecessary.

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There's just no easy way to texture over the stock mk2 cockpit. If anyone wants to remodel it to be flat/straight it would be cool. For B9, any color you want so long as its white, black, or gray. Golden rails would be a KW thing :)

I am thinking about doing a second set of oblongs in their own style, something in "modern/future" aviation style without the heat shielding. As soon as I get the Apache cockpit completely figured out, I'll get the black stealth pack out for that also.

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  PolecatEZ said:
There's just no easy way to texture over the stock mk2 cockpit. If anyone wants to remodel it to be flat/straight it would be cool. For B9, any color you want so long as its white, black, or gray. Golden rails would be a KW thing :)

Why it cannot be other than white, black or gray?

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