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The Grand 0.23.5 Discussion Thread


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Well, the Time War did wipe out the Time Lords and the Daleks, so it's not surprising that your craft explodes :P
The Doctors made it look like the Time Lords and Daleks had annihilated each other, while actually suspending Gallifrey in time
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You can switch it to Earth time in the configs if you want. I believe that utilities like launch window planners are likely to use Earth time, so you might need it until they're updated.

And yes, Kerbin's day always was 6 hours.

Ah cool, its nice to know you can toggle between the 2. so 6 hour is night and day? I remember watching Kerbin rotate once, it was 6 hours just in day, maybe i'm wrong...

Oh, and ladders now are retracted in the VAB and I assume SPH. Not sure how I like this one, I like them extended in the editor so I can see the spacing, but you can still right click them and extend them, but I assume that makes them extended for launch, which they weren't before.

Asteroids have interesting properties. Tried to land one on Kerbin that was set to crash anyway, first it sank, then it caused my parachute probe to bounce off at 20 kilometers per second into deep space, then it kept exploding it but causing the view to infinantly zoom out. Maybe I need more parachute probes? I want to keep one as a pet. And it was only a class C too...

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So today I decided enough of my favorite mods had been updated that I can finally start 0.23.5. I load it up, go to the tracking station, and no less than ten near-Kerbin-asteroids spawn. I examine them, noting their varying sizes and trajectories, and find one class-E that encounters Kerbin's SOI but has no periapsis. Horror sets in: "My god, it's going to hit us!"

I set a series of KAS alarms to keep me apprised of the planet killer's position and the time to impact. I race through the tech tree, desperately hoping I can unlock enough parts to pull off the redirect. I do, and then build a rugged (and quite beautiful) spaceship designed to intercept and shift the path of the asteroid. I christen her Freedom and launch her into orbit. All systems check out, she's ready to go. I go to the tracking station to check on the killer's position and ... it now shows a periapsis. 7,500,000 meters from Kerbin.

Well. I guess the situation wasn't quite as dire as I thought. Kind of disappointing, though. I had the whole "Armageddon" soundtrack loaded into my iPod and ready to go, and now that there's no real threat I don't think it'll have quite the same effect.

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Yep, just resized one from a google search. Here it is. :)

Thank you. :)

Sunday I will have finished my .23 storyline and try porting my save over to .23.5 - finally ... my addiction/dependency to quite a few mods slows my update process down every time. :P:wink:

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The update is broken for me..I capture an asteroid, bring it into a closed orbit, go to space center, come back to craft, time war, craft proceeds to go boom and asteroid no longer exists.. No matter what I do it always explodes. Terrific, it's freaking broken. I guess I'm going back to .23.0 until it's fixed..

I had that happen a few times-- switch back to a craft that's docked to an asteroid, and watch it vibrate more and more until it explodes. The fix for me, was to turn of SAS upon switching in (right after the physics load). I think it's SAS over-correcting that's causing the problem.

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well, bit off topic but I did an ssto docking with an asteroid...



Judging by the lag it made, I think either this is my first cpu limitation encounter or asteroids need optimisation.

it was still great :) and I'm terrible with ssto s so this was a big accomplishment. :D

it was a C-class asteroid that I had put in 145,000 m orbit.. Jeb became my first Kerbal to spacewalk on an asteroid

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I didn't want to make a whole thread for this, but I'm having a problem I wonder if anyone else has:

It used to be the case that when I landed a ship in water (yes, I DO land in water sometimes), as long as I entered the water slowly enough nothing exploded. But today in 0.23.5 I found that I can land nice and gently in water, and then as the ship sinks in, it accelerates and parts start exploding even if they were already in the water. Has anything similar started happening to people, and is there something I can do about it other than only land on land?

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Quick question. Is it easier to wait for the asteroid to get in Kerbin's SOI before launching and lining up? Or should you start before it gets there.

I start before it gets there, and aim to have my ship out near where the asteroid enters Kerbin's SOI when it enters. Makes rendezvous and capture a breeze.

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Quick question. Is it easier to wait for the asteroid to get in Kerbin's SOI before launching and lining up? Or should you start before it gets there.

I'm not sure if you want two shameless plugs, but I did a mission styled off of NASA's upcoming Asteroid Redirect Initiative. The link is in my signature, or you could just click here.

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I start before it gets there, and aim to have my ship out near where the asteroid enters Kerbin's SOI when it enters. Makes rendezvous and capture a breeze.

Thanks for the video. Really helped a lot.

I'm not sure if you want two shameless plugs, but I did a mission styled off of NASA's upcoming Asteroid Redirect Initiative. The link is in my signature, or you could just click here.

I'll check it out.


Edit: Heyo, I captured an asteroid [on my first try]. I have it in an circularized equatorial parking orbit of 125 kilometers, with about 3000 delta-v left in the capture vehicle. Thanks for the help guys.

Edited by AustralianFries
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How do i stop it from generating asteroids? I have about 20 on a colision course in the next 100 days and it keeps making more...

I really like t know it too.

It's good (?) to have add those potatoids but can they be disabled ?

What I can do if I don't want them ? (No, use 0.23 release is not a valid answer !)

A small little button 'asteroids enabled' in settings menu would have done it (+ all the logic behind of course, kind of "if spawning_potatoes = true {dospawn ()}" in the main loop).

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Disabling is easy - dont track them and they will go away?

Also, I use Planet Factory and altho it isnt the best, Serious is a SUN and all future asteroids go away and dont bother anything; I just park them in an orbit of my choosing to make challenges with hyperedit; not as the game is intended.

I fought with Serious in PF to get the patch to work; fails so I gave up as they just end up orbiting Serious; but now I will have a pool of roids to take from...

Cdr Zeta

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