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The Open Part Mod - Week of 4/11 project started


Vote for your best part. Ends Sat 1pmCST  

  1. 1. Vote for your best part. Ends Sat 1pmCST

    • Themorris
    • bahamutoD
    • Orionkermin
    • mordin86
    • Orionkermin
    • Snjo
    • Tiberion
    • Capt.Kipard
    • StarVision

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An awesome trick for getting rid of seams is to mirror the UV's instead of tiling them on round or symmetrical objects. You end up with a symmetry line but it is a lot less noticeable than a seam. This also works great for rocket nozzles.

Maybe the next part can be a new, smaller fuel line?

I plan to have who ever wins start a new thread for next week and pass on the torch so to speak. That way the contest is not dependent on my participation, and it can keep going forever...

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The only problem I have now is, that the part scales up infinite in the part selection. Does anyone know how to fix this?

The plugin posted earlier was flaky for me, so I made my own incredibly tiny dll which just adds a module which adds a meaningless part info, thereby solving the issue for that one part.


Just add this at the bottom of the part.cfg:

name = MultiResourceFix


using System;
using UnityEngine;

namespace MultiResourceFix
public class MultiResourceFix : PartModule
public override string GetInfo()
return "Can hold more than two resources!";

Edited by Snjo
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Until Squad fixes it, the only other option is to add some other feature to the tank, like SAS. If there is a module that truly has no impact, but still adds an info line to solve the problem, use that.

Just haven't looked at all the options myself, cause I don't want to relaunch the game a hundred times.

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Yeah, issue with the tooltip bug and the radial crossfeed unfortunate especially for a project meant for beginner modders to learn the ropes. I guess it goes to show that with modding there's always annoying problems that need workarounds or hacks.

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I'm wondering, is there a way to build an invisible fuel line into the tank itself? That may be one way to get around the need to use a plugin for fuel flow. Does anybody know a good tut. On making fuel lines/struts, I haven't been able to find one yet.

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Day 3 was Unwrapping and texturing. It was only a mdoerate success, I'll have to redo the unwrap of the cylinder's sides so I can better add labels/text. I always have trouble with setting things up for proper text application, though I usually get it after some trial and error.

I like Themorris' color scheme so I used it. Good work on that one, and I don't see any reason why you'd be disqualified.

Of course, everyone's is looking great, glad I am not entering the contest :)

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More tomorrow, and if anyone has suggestions or tips about the unwrap, hit me with them.

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More tomorrow, and if anyone has suggestions or tips about the unwrap, hit me with them.

Is there any reason not to leave all of the meshes combined as one object? I know that this isn't the case for animating, or for using multiple materials, but I assume that won't apply for most of these parts.

Also, if those colors really are solid, no shadows or gradients, you might be able to get away with blowing up only the labeled surfaces and shrinking everything else down to fit on a smaller texture.

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OK here's my entry for the time being. I may go back and refine it more, time permitting and I'll update if need be.


Download link:http://www./download/ucqbtl6w8kbrm1a/HGR_Open_Part_Mod.zip

So this includes both a working part file and a the unity file/contents.

I haven't gotten to check out or add NathenKell's plug-in yet. One thing I wanted to mention though is that I was able to fix the VAB bug by giving my tank a gimbal module. It's set to 0 and refers to a zeroed out transform.

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After a weekend away from this, doing real-world aerospacey things (Read as: "getting a weather balloon stuck at the top of a 120ft tall tree"), I got a chance to work on it again.

And I decided to throw out my old tank and start over. I wasn't happy with how it was coming along, and I came up with a new concept:


I don't want to rely on a plugin to fix the "expanding" bug, so I needed an extra module...and I thought of decouplers. You can't really attach an engine to these, so after it's empty, it's dead weight! Might as well make it a drop tank!

I feel totally outgunned bu some of the better modders on here, but I'm having fun and learning new things, which is the whole point, right? :P

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After a weekend away from this, doing real-world aerospacey things (Read as: "getting a weather balloon stuck at the top of a 120ft tall tree"), I got a chance to work on it again.

And I decided to throw out my old tank and start over. I wasn't happy with how it was coming along, and I came up with a new concept:


I don't want to rely on a plugin to fix the "expanding" bug, so I needed an extra module...and I thought of decouplers. You can't really attach an engine to these, so after it's empty, it's dead weight! Might as well make it a drop tank!

I feel totally outgunned bu some of the better modders on here, but I'm having fun and learning new things, which is the whole point, right? :P

Fun bug about attaching fuel lines to fuel tanks with built in decouplers, the fuel line doesn't really get the message:


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