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[1.1] SXT - Lack's Stock Extension [SXT-25-10APR16] - Basic 1.1 compatibilty


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  On 4/5/2016 at 4:29 AM, Gristle said:

somewhat.  Textures seem to be mostly OK.  Prop animations and sounds are not working (Firespitter is broken in this regard).


actually, your animations seem to be working fine, at least for the guthrie turbo prop, the animation works fine for that. just no sound.

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just messing about with the MEM...  and I was wondering if I am missing something or if the rest of the parts are just not there.  Or do I need to use parts form some other pack to finish it off?  there are no lander legs, etc. to finish off the lander. also, why is the descent stage so lopsided?  is this a replica of the real thing, and it was this asymmetrical?

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  On 4/5/2016 at 12:00 AM, run1235 said:

anyone know if this works in the 1.1 pre release?


In general, pure parts are OK except for landing gear (legs and wheels).  There's a chance that Squad's part folder structure changed, which may break some of the texture and model references.  Also, anything that depends on an external mod (e.g. Firespitter) as at risk.  I only use the inline goo canister and old Mk3 cargo ramp, so I'm not sure if any other parts are in trouble.

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  On 4/3/2016 at 10:04 AM, Jelle_Panda said:


when opening the ready-built Osual Payload and Mini-Airliner they bring along the previous craft, and they appear incomplete. does anyone know why this is? + with both craft as engines (although they arent there) I get a diverterless supersonic intake combined with something that is called a "XM-G50 Circular Intake, which I take as the circular form of the stock qadial one. thing is, I cannot find it anywhere in the paret list. does anyone else have this? (P.S. I have these issues both in 1.0.5 and in the 1.1 beta)




Alright for some reason it has loaded an older version of the plane, the intake is an older part that can be found in the part menu if you look in the right place (filter by resource and go to intake air), what I recommend is build your own version as it is not very difficult and you can improve the current design that isnt particularly good tbh.


This is the one I made and you can see i was able to improve the design by giving it a more authentic looking tail and added airbrakes on the wing.

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okay I found part of why I was having difficulty with this pack: Now that I got a properly 1.1 compatible FireSpitter DLL file (it's in RoverDude's MKS Lite parts-pack), the aircraft engines in SXT seem to work mostly fine again.

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Glad to hear you're enjoying the parts. I've got RPM support for some of the cockpits, but I don't plan on adding it to some of the older (generally early tech-tree) plane cockpits with analogue dashboards.


Honest answer: Because I only really play sandbox mode and don't notice these things. I'll have a look into it at some point, but I always appreciate support from others when it comes to suggesting tech-tree placement.

@BT Industries

I'd never really intended KSC++ for release (there's a reason the folder is lackmisc(ellaneous)), but people asked about it when it turned up in a few screenshots, so I put it out there. So the trees are just very simple meshes with a transparent texture (the white outline seems to be a shader thing though). I've tried remaking it with much better trees with a 3D mesh, but I've really struggled with getting KK to place them (it kept crashing and throwing null errors). There's probably something wrong with the meshes somewhere, but I haven't figured it out.

Re: It only showing when inflight and not space-centre view, that's something on KK's end.


Thanks, I've corrected the price and re-done the propeller spin texture so there's a faint outline of the props. I've made them more transparent as well. I've never been able to actually see that sort of prop-blade rotation IRL, only as an artefact on video, but rule of cool I guess. I'll increase electricity usage on the eFan a bit, but it's still <1kN thrust for an engine that weighs 100kg.


They're still there, but you'll need to remove the entries under ---pipes--- in part disabler and double check all of the .cfg files in Utilities/smallPipes/ have 'category = Structural' rather than 'category = -1' (The 6way hub has that).

@Goat Master

That's a tad vague, I'd need more details. Check you've installed it correctly first, go back a few pages in the thread and there's a guide.


I'm not planning to do so, it'd mean introducing another form factor for just a few parts. Though you could probably chop it up in Blender yourself (use taniwha's .mu importer) if you really want them.


Yeah, I can consider it. There's a few interesting Russian style craft, that while covered elsewhere, may be useful to have in the pack.


It's a very old craft-file and uses parts that are long depreciated. I wouldn't use it, it's long been deleted from newer SXT builds.


Have you tried the 'Mk2 Centrifuge Habitat'? You can scroll down the first post of the thread. Here's a gif of it. There's possibly some niche for a heavier vacuum engine, but I'd have to have a look at the current engine stats.



Have a look at my last post :sticktongue: The short answer is yes, they're getting broken down into 'expansion packs' that'll be on CKAN. There's some more discussion earlier in the thread.That's easier for me to maintain, once I figure out how to tell CKAN to grab which folder, and saves spamming CKAN with 2 dozen different SXT minipacks.

You can see the breakdown here:



@run1235 @Bit Fiddler

Re: 1.1 compatibility, it needs an updated Firespitter and MM - I've bundled those into the dev build and started fixing what's broken.

I've tried correcting the MEM on the dev build, but I've found a far bigger problem with seemingly all of my hatches/ladders. They all seem to be recognised as collision meshes in game now, so you can stand on top of them, but getting back in is pretty much impossible and you often get fired off away. Anyone know how to fix this? I've tried the Unity's defined colliders and my own, might try with no collider too.

Yes, the asymmetry is because it's pretty much a replica of the real thing, which was asymmetrical (at least in total shape, the mass was balanced).

The wheels will be broken, spannermonkey(smce) was kind enough to make them for me, so I'm not certain I'll be able to fix them on my own anytime soon.


Also, if anyone figures out what's needed for the 'visibility panels' for the IVA's do let me know. I've had a look around but couldn't find anything, even when I imported some of the IVAs into blender. Okay, just found the 1.1 Pre-release Modding Discussions subforum.

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  On 4/10/2016 at 12:20 PM, Lack said:

I'd never really intended KSC++ for release (there's a reason the folder is lackmisc(ellaneous)), but people asked about it when it turned up in a few screenshots, so I put it out there. So the trees are just very simple meshes with a transparent texture (the white outline seems to be a shader thing though). I've tried remaking it with much better trees with a 3D mesh, but I've really struggled with getting KK to place them (it kept crashing and throwing null errors). There's probably something wrong with the meshes somewhere, but I haven't figured it out.

Re: It only showing when inflight and not space-centre view, that's something on KK's end.


Because of the way group caching actually works properly in KK now, any static you want to appear in the Space Centre scene needs to be in a group called KSCUpgrades.

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  On 4/10/2016 at 1:22 PM, AlphaAsh said:

Because of the way group caching actually works properly in KK now, any static you want to appear in the Space Centre scene needs to be in a group called KSCUpgrades.


Heh, well that's me told. I'll have a look at it, I'd been playing around with buildings again recently anyway.

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  On 4/10/2016 at 1:30 PM, Lack said:

Heh, well that's me told. I'll have a look at it, I'd been playing around with buildings again recently anyway.


Nah chap. I haven't forgotten who helped make KerbinSide happen. I'm just a rubbish doccer of these things, so consider me told ;)

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I'd still like to give KSC+ a proper going over really (though I've said that before in the hope the free time to do so would magically appear, it hasn't yet). I've got some of the stuff I'd made at various points when I'd been playing around here (including the new palm-trees) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/LackKSCmessingaround.zip


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I've been messing around with the Kn-225, and I've noticed two issues. The first is that plane will break up to a collider issue with the main landing gear when the gear is raised, and the second is the FAT-500 wings seem really unbalanced, the amount of manoeuvrability that the plane can get is far too high (its pulling 6g turns at 250m/s!)

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Does KSC++ work in 1.1? I installed it using the link in the OP ( https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/KSCPlusPlusv3.zip ) and the latest 1.1 version of Kerbal Konstrukts (http://spacedock.info/mod/124/Kerbal%20Konstructs). When I launch KSP the extra buildings don't show up when I'm flying something, so I'm not sure whether I did something wrong or whether the mod doesn't work (yet).

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  On 4/12/2016 at 1:51 PM, kidolvski said:

Does KSC++ work in 1.1? I installed it using the link in the OP ( https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/KSCPlusPlusv3.zip ) and the latest 1.1 version of Kerbal Konstrukts (http://spacedock.info/mod/124/Kerbal%20Konstructs). When I launch KSP the extra buildings don't show up when I'm flying something, so I'm not sure whether I did something wrong or whether the mod doesn't work (yet).


The cfgs probably just need some updating. KK's had a lot of updates since the last release of KSC++ and I've not bothered to check the impact on every statics pack.

I'll have a look at KSC++ today and see if I can save Lack some work.

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I've seen an odd thing with the "Bonny" cockpit with the 1.1 release. The cockpit has a hatch and kerbals can EVA, but they cannot get back in! I'm not really sure why, but its causing an issue with my science surveys.

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  On 4/13/2016 at 9:20 AM, AlphaAsh said:

Here we go. KSC++ cfgs updated for the latest Kerbal Konstructs. Just over-write the existing configs in LackMisc with what's in here: http://www.alphastrikegames.com/FileDepot/KSCPlusPlusCFGFixes.zip


Thanks! That's great, I've put the link in the OP and I'll update the pack later on.


The landing gear is a 1.1 issue, so I'm waiting to see if that'll get fixed first. I'm not sure it's the wing itself that is so unbalanced (though it being one part means it'll either break off at the root or not at all, I guess). If I remember correctly the plane in the craft file is lighter than a real An225 (being on a far smaller scale), and I think the engines might be more powerful as well (the kerbal way). To me craft files are just a bit of fun and for inspiration, they're never something I've taken terribly seriously.

That's a problem I've seen with a lot of my hatches, I wrote about it farther up the page. I'm hoping it'll be fixed in one of the coming builds, if not I can apparently switch to a box collider in Unity rather than using a cube mesh. I had still had some problems with the MEM when I tried it, so it'll require a lot of tweaking for each part.

@Goat Master

Have a look at these posts (and then subsequent discussion), should help: Only dependencies are firespitter and module manager. Both are included in the download.


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