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The unofficially official 0.24-Kerbapalooza Thread - Now extra #HYPETRAIN!


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Will it at least improve stock loading times? As it is now, if the start loading screen alone doesn't give you enough time to go get a small snack, something is wrong.

No, it will not improve load times as that has more to do with your hard drive speed than the amount of RAM you have (SSD for the win!), the real problem here is that the mods and other files are not using very efficient file system. That's not the fault of the mods, it's more the fault of KSP (or possibly Unity). Text files are big and slow to parse compared to other more compressed/compiled methods, but text files is what we have. They do have the advantage of being user readable and editable.

Textures are also very large and the game loads all of them "up front" rather than on demand. It doesn't use thumbnail pictures in the VAB or SPH, the parts UI is actual renderings so all the parts have to be loaded up front rather then when they actually get put on a craft. This of course makes the loading slow because of all the work that needs to be done. It would be nice to have a more "load active parts" functionality, maybe someday Squad will work on that. You don't want to load completely on demand because that would cause lots of apparent "lag" but you could load only the parts in active flights when the game is loaded and then load on demand when new parts are put on crafts in VAB and SPH. That would be the ideal method, but again parts would have to have thumbnails added to them for that.

So back to the orignal question, no 64 bits will have nothing to do with the game load time.

Edited by Alshain
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Well, at least I'll be able to get those mods I've been to scared to get before. :)

No need to be scared of them, just don't go overboard on them, especially the larger parts packs. If you have a low end computer and you install LLL, Novapunch, B9, KW Rocketry, and Kosmos all at the same time, yeah you might have issues. But if you just install one or two of those it's probably fine. FWIW, GUI based addons (like Docking Port Alignment Indicator) or GUI + part addons (Like Engineer) cause very little impact at all. It's the part packs to be conservative on.

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Whats everyone's plans for .24 when it gets released? Personally I'm going to start a new career game (duh!) and then play with some new rules I never bothered with before.

NO revert once I reach orbit. Launch time should be enough time to discover any missing parts or stage issues.

NO loading quicksaves, I will make some in case of a crash or kraken attack.

NO leaving kerbals in space unless they have a snack pod. An empty Hitchhiker that isnt being used for living space. I will assume that if i can get the pod to them then some automated launches replenish them.

All my launches will require a contract before i send them up. Might have other goals but each one will need a contract.

Anyone else have some simple rules they plan to play by? Personally I play stock with no mods.

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I'd really like to know how much code is being changed for the 0.24 release. I'm curious because I'd like some heads up on how long we can expect it for mods to re-adjust to the new release and if the new version is going to break current saves.

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I think I heard somewhere that adding extra planets eats up RAM faster than adding extra parts, and I wondered if that was the reason why Squad didn't want to add Gas Planet 2 and its moons yet.

With KSP going to 64-bit, I wonder if we'll be getting more planets, either in this update or the next.

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No, it will not improve load times as that has more to do with your hard drive speed than the amount of RAM you have (SSD for the win!), the real problem here is that the mods and other files are not using very efficient file system. That's not the fault of the mods, it's more the fault of KSP (or possibly Unity). Text files are big and slow to parse compared to other more compressed/compiled methods, but text files is what we have. They do have the advantage of being user readable and editable.
I do recall people finding that faster drives (such as SSDs) don't help the KSP load time and that it seems to be CPU-limited. Inefficient parsing of the files would explain that. I expect there's considerable room for improvement if whoever's responsible for the applicable bit of coding works on it though.
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Whats everyone's plans for .24 when it gets released? Personally I'm going to start a new career game (duh!) and then play with some new rules I never bothered with before.

I'm going to start a new YouTube Series (duh) and this time I think I'm going to take user submissions for rockets and planes. I think the idea will be that I fly the contract missions in rockets/planes that I build myself, and take viewer submissions for the science vessels. So to fly your ship, I have to do contracts to make the money.

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Whats everyone's plans for .24 when it gets released? Personally I'm going to start a new career game (duh!) and then play with some new rules I never bothered with before.

I'll probably do one fresh mostly-stock career mode, then do another one with FAR, DR, TAC life support, and maybe even RT2 once I finish the stock one and the various mods get updated. I'll probably do it in 64 bit mode if it's stable enough, but I won't be going crazy with mods until I finish at least the stock career.

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Wow, this update started out as a so-so update. Then it became kinda lame when .23.5 stole over half of it's planned features. Suddenly, money and reputation became a thing, making .24 sound like the best update possible. But now.. 64-Bit?!!!

And the new parts... part revisions and (possibly) new models!

I haven't been this exited for a KSP update since .18!

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Regarding a 64-bit version for OSX: Has there been any progress on it in the past few months? Or is it just as unviable now as it was then?

With Windows getting 64-bit support, the rest of us as just sort of curious if we're looking at months or years before OSX gets it too.

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