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[0.90] TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (v1.50 - 2014-12-24 10:40 UTC)


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Hello everyone,

I'd like to discuss a change to fix the wonky increments for free scaling, and allow free scaling of stack parts.

Github (includes the recompiled dll):

EDIT: see separate development thread

For stack scaling, the arrow buttons of the tweakable still lead to the standard stack sizes, but now the bar between them can be tweaked for intermediate sizes.

So far, I tested scaling and node sizes in the VAB with some basic stock parts. It also works for adapters containing nodes of different sizes (to check, you need to change their scaleType first).

Open questions:

* More testing. This is where you come in.

* Does this interfere with anything? (Like tech restrictions, or other mods changing default scaleTypes)

* Is the surface scaletype still necessary? In the past, I liked it only for its better usability.

* Are the adapter scaletypes still necessary? (were they made for the "a-to-b" names or to solve problems with node scaling?)

* Code quality (I'm not familiar with c#).

* Biotronic, do you still take pull requests?

The Changes in detail:

* Increments depend only on maxSize, instead of (max-min).

(because this is how the tweakable in KSPApiExtension works)

So now we can get nice round numbers in free scaling.

* 8 large Increments (hardcoded for now)

If maxSize is changed, this will result in wonky increment borders.

It might be better to make largeIncrement a config value.

* 2 small increments per large increment

Mainly to have an easy access to 0.625m scale.

* 25 slider positions per small increment

Because repeatable values seem more valuable to me than infinitesimal steps. The slider increments are 1% for free and 2.5cm for stack.

* proportional node sizing (size0 counting as 0.5, rounding down)

* Change the 'stack' scaletype to free scaling. So the scaleFactors/Names and ATTACHNODES list are no longer used.

Edited by pellinor
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Hi again,

I asked this some weeks ago, maybe now someone can help me.

Chain scaling isn't working for free-scale type parts, like the structural panels. It only works with stack-able parts like fuel tanks. The last time it worked was in the 1.47 version. After 1.48 the function was changed. I would like to have it back. :rolleyes:

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I think an old career should be fine, and old ships should load fine. Only thing is there are UI informations dumped in the craft files, so the tweakables might not work right on old crafts in the editor.

Ok that's good to know, I'll try on my old career and If I run into any weirdness I'll try a new career

thanks again :)

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@gilflo : I too sometimes run into this problem. What i do is select the opposite part in symmetry and then from there. Sometimes i save/load craft since my MFT menu randomly refuses to close (switching to action group editing helps too).

@Halaberiel: Look at TS config xml file in GameData. It is simple text file and values are self-explanatory.

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In initial testing pellinor's fork seems to fix the KSPI Intake bug. Thank you pellinor!! Not complaining, just a note, still seeing the revert to launch bug.

I'm pretty suspicious it only vanished because I broke something else (didn't even know about this bug). Setting the stack scaletype to free scaling means that we are running through different parts of the code now whenever treating a stack part.

Probably also broke auto/chain scaling by taking out too much from the stack scaletype. I'll look into that today.

Edited by pellinor
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In initial testing pellinor's fork seems to fix the KSPI Intake bug. Thank you pellinor!! Not complaining, just a note, still seeing the revert to launch bug.

what do you mean by "revert to launch bug"?

- - - Updated - - -

floopRate = 3
MyStructure {
!ambulation = 2

Just the same as with any other cfg. If there are specific problems you want addressed,

The opening post contains information on how a mod can be informed of TweakScale rescaling, in the 'Advanced Features' section. I was also toying with the idea of simply looking for functions called TweakScalePrescale and TweakScalePostScale, but no code has been written to support this idea.

Thank you very much!!

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New version is up!


Autoscaling of free scaletypes works now. If you ever wanted to build that 1.5m rocket that splits into multiple 0.75m stacks you can do that now. The 1:2 / 2:1 adapter types (stock 2/3/4way adapters) are also set to free scaling and seem to work fine. Scaling is propagated along (stack) attachment nodes, and the new part is scaled to make its node match the node it is connected to. In the process, the concept of 'node families' vanished, so any two stack nodes are considered compatible. Will this hurt anyone / any other mod?

I'm always thankful for feedback on mods or workflows that I don't use myself, so I don't accidentally break stuff.

In this update chain scaling might be broken, since I had to comment out an if statement there. This might make it get active too often. If there is any problem, it should go away when disabling chain scaling.

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New version is up!


In this update chain scaling might be broken, since I had to comment out an if statement there. This might make it get active too often. If there is any problem, it should go away when disabling chain scaling.

Nice to see someone working on this mod. :)

Can you help me with my request? It was one of the best features for me.

Hi again,

I asked this some weeks ago, maybe now someone can help me.

Chain scaling isn't working for free-scale type parts, like the structural panels. It only works with stack-able parts like fuel tanks. The last time it worked was in the 1.47 version. After 1.48 the function was changed. I would like to have it back. :rolleyes:

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New version is up!


Autoscaling of free scaletypes works now. If you ever wanted to build that 1.5m rocket that splits into multiple 0.75m stacks you can do that now. The 1:2 / 2:1 adapter types (stock 2/3/4way adapters) are also set to free scaling and seem to work fine. Scaling is propagated along (stack) attachment nodes, and the new part is scaled to make its node match the node it is connected to. In the process, the concept of 'node families' vanished, so any two stack nodes are considered compatible. Will this hurt anyone / any other mod?

I'm always thankful for feedback on mods or workflows that I don't use myself, so I don't accidentally break stuff.

In this update chain scaling might be broken, since I had to comment out an if statement there. This might make it get active too often. If there is any problem, it should go away when disabling chain scaling.

Is the "revert to launch bug" also fixes?

Also could you please host a downloadable version on KerbalStuff with changelog, it'is not hard to upload it.

Btw, How to configure a part to use free scaling with tweakScale?

Edited by FreeThinker
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How about a zip or rar?

I compressed the fix to a zip and rar. I also changed the MM.dll to 2.5.10.

NOTE: This "fix"is still a WIP and can still break stuff.



This download redistributes ModuleManager.

TweakScale is licensed under the WTFPL license.

All credits go to:

- Gaius Goodspeed for creating TweakScale.

- Biotronic for maintaining TweakScale.

- pellinor for making a fix.

Edited by Olympic1
Wrong license
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This really needs a separate thread (will come later today). For now, let me state that my fork is not a simple fix but rather a new experimental feature, and might break more things than it fixes! Please treat it as a WIP and don't consider it a stable version of TweakScale yet. This is also why I don't consider it a good idea to put this version on kerbalstuff.

PS: thanks for the zip. I remembered some 'download as zip' on the github page, obviously not the commit page that I linked...

Edited by pellinor
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This really needs a separate thread (will come later today). For now, let me state that my fork not a simple fix but rather a new experimental feature, and might break more things than it fixes! Please treat it as a WIP and don't consider it a stable version of TweakScale yet. This is also why I don't consider it a good idea to put this version on kerbalstuff.

PS: thanks for the zip. I remembered some 'download as zip' on the github page, obviously not the commit page that I linked...

I have had lots of problems in the 1.50 version with Infernal Robotics parts changing position during when changing vessel or restarting the game.

With the version you uploaded a couple of days ago (post #1576) and although I've only given it around 4 hours of play so far on my existing save no issues have arisen yet, I know it's hardly a comprehensive test but so far all is looking good :)

many thanks pellinor

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TweakScale is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

While you are certainly free to do that, the licence included in GameData\TweakScale\plugins is WTFPL, and this is the licence mentioned in the OP. I will agree there are statements elsewhere that do state CC BY-NS-SA, and it's not even been removed from the readme. Mea culpa.

The intended licence is WTFPL, since I was unable to find a less restrictive one.

Oh, and thank you very much for doing this, to both Olympic1 and pellinor.

Edited by Biotronic
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This really needs a separate thread (will come later today). For now, let me state that my fork is not a simple fix but rather a new experimental feature, and might break more things than it fixes! Please treat it as a WIP and don't consider it a stable version of TweakScale yet. This is also why I don't consider it a good idea to put this version on kerbalstuff.

PS: thanks for the zip. I remembered some 'download as zip' on the github page, obviously not the commit page that I linked...

Added a note that your fix is a WIP and that stuff still can be broken.

While you are certainly free to do that, the licence included in GameData\TweakScale\plugins is WTFPL, and this is the licence mentioned in the OP. I will agree there are statements elsewhere that do state CC BY-NS-SA, and it's not even been removed from the readme. Mea culpa.

The intended licence is WTFPL, since I was unable to find a less restrictive one.

Oh, and thank you very much for doing this, to both Olympic1 and pellinor.

Added the correct license into the download.

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