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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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On 10/16/2017 at 1:23 AM, Aramid said:

Hi, got a little problem with contract actually. (KSP 1.3.1)

I got "Low Resolution Scan" contract for Mun and Minmus, but they keep appearing and disapearing in the blink of an eye, so impossible to decline or accept them.

Do you have any idea ?

I actually had the same problem the other day. I thought it was due to Strategia trying to filter mods for a certain body, so I ended up removing SCANsat.

I'd love to get this one figured out as it's really a pain to play without SCANsat.

I also noticed that MemGraph reported 10-20 megabytes of garbage being generated every frame when looking at the Mission board while it was going crazy. Not good :/

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14 hours ago, Brigadier said:

Ok, I'll try to give this a go tonight.

I've not thought to look for it before, but can you suggest a way to confirm which contracts are SCANSats from within Mission Control?  Do they appear as their own category or is there an agent I should be looking for?

Edit: Never mind, I discovered that on the Debug Console/Contracts, you can see the hidden contract details.

Edit 2: Working through the initial career (KSP 1.3.0, stock planetary system, 88 mods, fudging the science and funds for expediency) but, so far, everything seems reasonable except for my getting the Altimetry Radar in the tech tree but no contract is offered to scan Kerbin.  A Mun fly-by has been offered but no sats for Kerbin yet.

Edited by Brigadier
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@Warhorse @ErevanGaming Where did you download the file from? Someone reported this same thing happening earlier: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/issues/298, they said it went away when the redownloaded the file.

The source is available on GitHub if you want to check it out: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat and you can decompile the release .dll files to check if it matches if you want (decompiled code doesn't always match up exactly, coroutines in particular come out completely different).

@Brigadier CC organizes all contracts by type in the Mission Control Center, just go to the All tab and the SCANsat contracts will all be under the same group. If a particular contract doesn't generate when you think it should click on it in Mission Control and it should tell you which requirement is not being met.

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hi @DMagic

12 hours ago, DMagic said:

@Warhorse @ErevanGaming Where did you download the file from? Someone reported this same thing happening earlier: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/issues/298, they said it went away when the redownloaded the file.

The source is available on GitHub if you want to check it out: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat and you can decompile the release .dll files to check if it matches if you want (decompiled code doesn't always match up exactly, coroutines in particular come out completely different)

I think I downloaded it through Spacedock, will re-download it again from Github this time. =)



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11 hours ago, DMagic said:

Where did you download the file from? Someone reported this same thing happening earlier: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/issues/298, they said it went away when the redownloaded the file.

Getting the same thing here. Windows Defender on Windows 10. It doesn't like SCANsat.dll or SCANsat.Unity.dll. Tried to download the compiled version again from GitHub and Defender blocked that as well (warning in Chrome that says Failed - Virus detected). Downloaded source code from GitHub and recompiled on my machine. Seems to be happy now.

I'm part of Team USI, just fyi. Love SCANsat! Never play a save without it. :)

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14 hours ago, DMagic said:

@Warhorse @ErevanGaming Where did you download the file from? Someone reported this same thing happening earlier: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/issues/298, they said it went away when the redownloaded the file.

The source is available on GitHub if you want to check it out: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat and you can decompile the release .dll files to check if it matches if you want (decompiled code doesn't always match up exactly, coroutines in particular come out completely different).

I tried the download from every available source separately, with identical results for each.  :-(  Unfortunately, I have no idea how to decompile things, so while I do appreciate your making the option available, that is not really an option for me. Fortunately, I had an old copy of 18.0 around which appears to be okay.

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Which version is being blocked? I tried downloading version 18.1, 18.0, 17.9 (GitHub only), and 16.11 from all three sources and none of them were blocked. A Windows Defender scan didn't show anything, either. I did this from two separate computers and didn't see anything.

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At least version 18.1 was being blocked under the label Trojan:Azden/B!cl
but is no longer blocked by my Win10 system (which loads updates in the background).

Edit: ScanSat 18.1 was functioning on my Win10 system when I made this post, but now Windows Defender quarantines SCANsat.Unity.dll and SCANsat.dll again under the same label as before.   There is an option in Windows Defender Antivirus to exclude known-safe files from its attention.

Edited by OHara
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As with OHara, I was trying to d/l v18.1, and getting the same trojan warning. Also as with OHara, I am now able to get v18.1 from all 3 sources with no issues. I'm running Windows Defender under Windows 10, and Defender has been updated since my original report, so perhaps it was just a case of Defender screwing up.


DANG IT! Cancel that last, I am getting the virus warnings again. I unzipped and scanned the files, and everything was fine, but then I tried to move the downloads, and suddenly the warnings were back.

Edited by Warhorse
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Hi @DMagic

10 hours ago, DMagic said:

Which version is being blocked? I tried downloading version 18.1, 18.0, 17.9 (GitHub only), and 16.11 from all three sources and none of them were blocked. A Windows Defender scan didn't show anything, either. I did this from two separate computers and didn't see anything.

I downloaded version 18.1 from github, spacedock and curse. Am now thinking it must be one of those false-positives things. Will update my virus definitions and try again.

Am using version 18.0 at the moment which I downloaded without any windows defender notices from spacedock (I think =D ).



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12 hours ago, DMagic said:

Which version is being blocked? I tried downloading version 18.1, 18.0, 17.9 (GitHub only), and 16.11 from all three sources and none of them were blocked. A Windows Defender scan didn't show anything, either. I did this from two separate computers and didn't see anything.

I have one system with Windows Defender (latest definitions) on it, and am seeing this as well.  SCANsat.dll and SCANsat.Unity.dll are being quarantined, alert level "Severe", stating that a Trojan called Azden.B!cl was found.  Could this just be caused by a bad heuristic match?

Note:  I'm running Scansat 18.1 and it has happened twice (the last time was after replacing my Scansat directory with a fresh download).  Also, Malwarebytes has no problem with Scansat.

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3 hours ago, failurecascade said:

SCANsat.dll and SCANsat.Unity.dll are being quarantined, alert level "Severe", stating that a Trojan called Azden.B!cl was found.  Could this just be caused by a bad heuristic match?

FWIW: a Google search for "Azden.B!cl" doesn't seem to turn up any results for that specific name, but it finds pages that discuss similar-named things like "Spallowz.A!cl, "Fethar.B!d", and "Fuery.A!cl".  The pages on malwaretips.com, such as this one and this one, say that these names are "heuristic detection designed to generically detect a Trojan Horse".  So it could very well be a false positive from a heuristic.

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On 10/25/2017 at 7:20 AM, DMagic said:


@Brigadier CC organizes all contracts by type in the Mission Control Center, just go to the All tab and the SCANsat contracts will all be under the same group. If a particular contract doesn't generate when you think it should click on it in Mission Control and it should tell you which requirement is not being met.


Fly-by of Mun is done, and Radar Altimetry and RPWS experiments are obtained which makes a polar orbit of Kerbin contract available under the "Satellites" group.  Since they contain a requirement for RPWS, they must be SCANSat contracts, right?  No other SCANSat contracts appear, not even ones with unmet conditions so I can't determine what criteria might be missing.

I completed the two polar orbit missions and two more appeared but without any SCANSat experiments required onboard.

I then cheated the entire tech tree, just to see...still no SCANSat group of contracts despite possessing all of the experiments.  I may not be understanding you correctly on this.

I don't think this is related but I have the "Send Probe to Planet" contract visible under the Space Program HQ group.  All prerequisites are met but no contract is offered.  I don't believe it's a SCANSat contract.

Edited by Brigadier
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@Brigadier SCANsat contracts in Mission Control look like this:


Only the SCANsat Official contracts are related to SCANsat, anything else is from different mods. If it doesn't show up like that it means CC isn't installed, or isn't installed right, or that the SCANsat contracts aren't installed right. You have to delete everything in the SCANsat/Resources/Contracts folder and replace them with the files from the GitHub link above.


As for the trojan reports, I've been assuming that it's a false positive somehow, but I still have no idea why it's showing up that way and why it seems so inconsistent. 

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Hi @DMagic

21 hours ago, DMagic said:

As for the trojan reports, I've been assuming that it's a false positive somehow, but I still have no idea why it's showing up that way and why it seems so inconsistent. 

Just wanted to mention a weird thing about it, after downloading 18.1. After unzipping the files, windows defender didn't detect anything at first so I copied them to my gamedata subdirectory. After half an hour or so, windows defender detects the supposed "trojan" and quarantines the 2 dll files. I went back using version 18.0



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