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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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I've seen it turn blue once also, but I forget what the issue was. There doesn't seem to be any mention anywhere about it.

the documentation

- - - Updated - - -

I also have a question...

Is there any reason for leaving a satellite up in orbit with scanning active once the body orbited as been 100% scanned? Does the BTDT scanner need it, or does it read from your scanned maps?

There is no reason for keeping a satellite in orbit that scanned the body 100% (unless you want it to be a spy satellite :P).

I never used BTDT, but I think it doesn't need a satellite to use it.

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Hey, I started my modded 0.90 ksp a week ago and I've finally got to the point where I want to make a karbonite surface station, and to do that I added this mod so I can scan for the ideal places for karbonite. I am aware that karbonite compatibility needs scansatv9rc5 and I installed both, but when I sent my first scansat satellite over kerbin I can't deploy my scanners. Analyze data, the big/small maps, and orbital tracking work but when I click "Start Scanning" nothing happens? It even says "no target" on the screen as if i'm clicking through the menu so-to-say. My satellite is in an ideal orbit (224 KM for a multispectral sensor). All my other mods work fine and I couldn't find any answers on google. Any ideas? None of my other scanners work, including the karbonite scanner and the radar altimetry sensor.


EDIT: I forgot to add that I have a same copy of the satellite with a few changes around minmus and the scanners wont deploy there either...

Edited by LegyPlegy
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Hey, I started my modded 0.90 ksp a week ago and I've finally got to the point where I want to make a karbonite surface station, and to do that I added this mod so I can scan for the ideal places for karbonite. I am aware that karbonite compatibility needs scansatv9rc5 and I installed both, but when I sent my first scansat satellite over kerbin I can't deploy my scanners. Analyze data, the big/small maps, and orbital tracking work but when I click "Start Scanning" nothing happens? It even says "no target" on the screen as if i'm clicking through the menu so-to-say. My satellite is in an ideal orbit (224 KM for a multispectral sensor). All my other mods work fine and I couldn't find any answers on google. Any ideas? None of my other scanners work, including the karbonite scanner and the radar altimetry sensor.


EDIT: I forgot to add that I have a same copy of the satellite with a few changes around minmus and the scanners wont deploy there either...

What do you mean with I installed both?

Did you download v8.1 and v9r5?

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Can anyone help me out... I'm trying to add the scansat module to some stock parts but I just can't get it to work!

I've created a module manager file with...





name = SCANsat

sensorType = 2 //2^1

fov = 2

min_alt = 5000

max_alt = 800000

best_alt = 750000

power = 1

scanName = SAR Scan

animationName = Deploy



... but I have no option in the gui to start the scan. What am I missing? I can't see anything else in the part configs for the scansat parts.

That last { should be a }.

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What does regolith biome lock setting do?

It means that you get limited scanning data until you land and explore the biomes/planet you ware scanning. Before landing anywhere your scan will only show the presence/absence of the resource and its minimum concentration across the planet. After visiting a biome on the planet it will show average concentrations for all biomes and full data for the biome you visited. After that every biome you visit unlocks full data for that biome.

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can i make a recommendation for the next release?

THose labels that define the "anomaly" overlap to death when they are scanned and no longer anomalys. I cannot make heads or tails what air strips are what on Kerbin. Its just too congested . Maybe add a filter that can only display categories of anomolys?

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How does one get the resource overlay to show up? I have a resource scanner up and zipping around in orbit, but the "Resources" button is not showing up.

I have the latest update from CKAN. I also have the latest version of Regolith, Karbonite etc. installed.

Edited by SmarterThanMe
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How does one get the resource overlay to show up? I have a resource scanner up and zipping around in orbit, but the "Resources" button is not showing up.

I have the latest update from CKAN. I also have the latest version of Regolith, Karbonite etc. installed.

Yay CKAN. Actual version numbers would help, considering that most mods on CKAN were added by someone other than the actual mod developers so they would have no clue. If I had to guess, as all of those mods have had lots of updates recently, is that you are not actually on the latest of all of them.

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Yay CKAN. Actual version numbers would help, considering that most mods on CKAN were added by someone other than the actual mod developers so they would have no clue. If I had to guess, as all of those mods have had lots of updates recently, is that you are not actually on the latest of all of them.

@SmarterThanMe: You have in your KSP directory, in "CKAN", a file called "installed-default.ckan". That file holds all your mods with package name and version.

Could you upload that to somewhere we can access it to verify that you really have updated everything?

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Also no joy on getting the resource overlay to show up..... on both 32bit and x64.

I may be wrong on this .. but I believe CKAN is only showing the older version of Regolith / Kolonization / Karbonite. The fixes that DMagic and Rover have been working together on apply to the currently pre-release version of Karbonite / regolith. So if you have them installed via CKAN, you probably don't have the pre-release versions installed (sorry, don't have the version numbers handy - on my phone). I *believe* Rover mentioned working out the bees with the pre-releases and ScanSAT / USI would be fully compatible with each other as RELEASE this weekend. You can hit up Rover's USI mods on Dropbox ( just hit any of his threads and click the dropbox link in his signature ) to download the PRE-RELEASE versions. Caveat Emptor ... BACKUP your saves before installing pre-releases.


EDIT: Current version of PRE-RELEASE Karbonite is 0.5.5, Regolith is 0.1.5, MKS is 0.22.6 ... if CKAN is showing older/different ( I don't use it, couldn't tell you ) then this is a possible source of bees.

Edited by Mynar Moonshadow
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I may be wrong on this .. but I believe CKAN is only showing the older version of Regolith / Kolonization / Karbonite. The fixes that DMagic and Rover have been working together on apply to the currently pre-release version of Karbonite / regolith. So if you have them installed via CKAN, you probably don't have the pre-release versions installed (sorry, don't have the version numbers handy - on my phone). I *believe* Rover mentioned working out the bees with the pre-releases and ScanSAT / USI would be fully compatible with each other as RELEASE this weekend. You can hit up Rover's USI mods on Dropbox ( just hit any of his threads and click the dropbox link in his signature ) to download the PRE-RELEASE versions. Caveat Emptor ... BACKUP your saves before installing pre-releases.


EDIT: Current version of PRE-RELEASE Karbonite is 0.5.5, Regolith is 0.1.5, MKS is 0.22.6 ... if CKAN is showing older/different ( I don't use it, couldn't tell you ) then this is a possible source of bees.

Rover released all of those yesterday. They aren't pre-release anymore.

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I may be wrong on this .. but I believe CKAN is only showing the older version of Regolith / Kolonization / Karbonite. The fixes that DMagic and Rover have been working together on apply to the currently pre-release version of Karbonite / regolith. So if you have them installed via CKAN, you probably don't have the pre-release versions installed (sorry, don't have the version numbers handy - on my phone). I *believe* Rover mentioned working out the bees with the pre-releases and ScanSAT / USI would be fully compatible with each other as RELEASE this weekend. You can hit up Rover's USI mods on Dropbox ( just hit any of his threads and click the dropbox link in his signature ) to download the PRE-RELEASE versions. Caveat Emptor ... BACKUP your saves before installing pre-releases.


EDIT: Current version of PRE-RELEASE Karbonite is 0.5.5, Regolith is 0.1.5, MKS is 0.22.6 ... if CKAN is showing older/different ( I don't use it, couldn't tell you ) then this is a possible source of bees.

THanks for explaining all of that; on a phone no less!

I will give this a go.

- - - Updated - - -


The latest version of ScanSat and Karbonite do work together, the "resources" radio button finally shows up in the lower lefthand of the big map.


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request: percent completion for the currently-displayed map type in the SC/TS map window. Currently you have to go into flight mode to view this in the small map window. Settings window only shows % complete for all map types.

Yes, that's a good idea. The big map and KSC map will show scanning coverage (altimetry, both high and low, for the elevation and slope map, and biome & anomaly for the biome map) and if you have a resource overlay turned on it will take that into account too. The stock biome map thing is also simple to add, I'll probably add a global toggle to switch between that and the default style (which I want to improve a bit, too).


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